what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dan I don't wanna let it set still long enough - promise good pics on very next day I ride .
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Messed with my chain tensioner and think I finally have it right. Took my bottom bracket apart and replaced the one piece to three piece conversion kit with a cartridge. It feels a lot more secure now. Test ride tomorrow!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Oh gosh Happy, I'm not hardly serious abt anything.

and I certainly don't have a grand to drop on a bicycle!!!

It does occur to me that there's most likely affluent members here, at motorbicycling.com who might enjoy a carbon fiber/string timmer racing machine.

It would probably take a bit of study, as you point out, but it could be done...
back when I was messin' with flying aircraft models, there was a guy building CL racers... he built his own engines from scratch and carbon fiber airframes... showed everyone exactly how he did it... they used a little clown head for the pilot in them things! lol

got boxes of them little engines and stuff... I should sell it off and maybe buy one a them kestrel bikes! and a tanaka 37r. then I could run it on 40% and head for the salt flats and race Auggie!

Fun stuff!

Well I tore my motorized bicycle apart today.
No mas.

It's a pedal bike with a gas tank left on it, now.

Used the rag joint wheel and the 48 on the bike I got for #2.
(Not really little more than guesses what might be wrong with the slant motor, so I'll deal with it later, and the rear wheel had a busted spoke from a tensioner encounter and the rag joint was made up poorly.)

I'll have him running tomorrow, or the day after.
Then I gotta get my own running!
I'll probably finish the Giant Butte with the Red Bat engine.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rusty them peppers are gonna be smokin hot! I made many a grown man cry with those darn things. I have to admit I looked for victims sometimes. I would wait for somebody really ornery to nonchalantly give it to. I built up quite a tolerance for them over the years. lol. Trick is I can eat one or two and make it look like its a totally casual thing. Then hand a stranger one and look out!laff

Ok verdict is up on the spoons and my new tire adapted Large Marge rim approach. This should be good lol but will mebbe make sense?

First off I took my friends his set of spoons over last night and had to work on my truck. We dropped one of the spoons accidentally from the work bench and it did bend slightly. Was a bit bummed there, yet it did not hurt it at all. Still these spoons have a thin , way wider profile that proved to me so far to be very forgiving and make the job a breeze!

Tonight at home I just did my problem child. What I learned was a little more finesse. I had a few nights sleep since the front tire blow out and just now got my Maxis Hookworms in. I went to mock up the tire and put it on granted this is a different brand make of tire. So bear with me..

The first bead slipped right on but I thought for a second and pulled the tire off to make good and well there were no burs on the rim.. When I went to put the tire back on the first bead fought me a little. Thought that was strange. No there is absolutely no hop in this wheel.

So I lubed it up and prepared to talk dirty to it lol. The second bead fought me a tiny bit fiercely , yet not like the previous tire... So i said to myself there is no hurry here.. I began to do something different.

I would get it to where it was binding up and just could not do that final flip. . Then simply popped the second bead partially off and traveled to a different spot on the rim systematically. I did this 4 or 5 times and walla it squirmed to a magic spot to where it finally relaxed and flipped over the final spot of the rim peacefully! This might help somebody else dunno?

Normally on a skinny rim I can practically man handle it with just my bear hands. The large Marge rim is really hella wide! Substantially and evidently to me this is my newer approach. Also trying to keep the tire scrunched together to mimic a skinny wheel I still thinks helps. I have to confess tho the last few times moving to a new final flip spot I stopped checking that as the tire seamed to be staying scrunched together mimicking a skinny wheel with out any fight..

Oh yeah the 8 inch long forged steel spoons are still totally worth it it in my book!

I checked over that thick brick cruiser tire and the bead was still on the rim. The tire side wall itself ripped clean off a section of the bead.

My Hook Worms are rated for 15 more psi than that cruiser blow out. It was rated for 40 psi the H.W 65 psi. Last the H.W has better grip and a wire bead. Mebbe I had a fluke of a bad tire? A bad batch? Dunno? I feel extremely lucky!!!!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Looked like an unusually beautiful day for March in Hartford, CT, so I made my first commute to work for 2012. Honda GX35 FD ran flawlessly - hopefully it will also run flawlessly going home!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Why?? lol. I knew someone who had a home garden full of cayenne peppers and other vegetables. Over the years, the bell peppers were quite hot to eat, and the hot peppers were tasty but scorching! He used to walk out there and yank one of the hottest ones off and just pop it in his mouth like a Cheetos chip. haha

re: Rusty them peppers are gonna be smokin hot! I made many a grown man cry with those darn things. I have to admit I looked for victims sometimes. I would wait for somebody really ornery to nonchalantly give it to. I built up quite a tolerance for them over the years. lol. Trick is I can eat one or two and make it look like its a totally casual thing. Then hand a stranger one and look out!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Put gas in my latest bike today for the 1st time and ran it around the neighborhood. Its that mcdonalds fixie bike from walmart. Drive chain seemed to loosen up very quickly. Made some adjustments and rode around some more. I think I'm gonna buy a micargi stretch next. They look cool.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What chain did you use? Everyone seems to experience rapid stretching on the kit chains. KMC dirt jump chains are popular, and hardware store industrial chain.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went for a fang on the ktm 50 rep. Omfg this thing is so much fun.... It should be illegal. Oh yeah it is :)
Nothing like whole shotting the cars and beating them to 80km/hr.
I wouldn't have thought it would make that much difference with this power plant but leaning ride down with ur chin near the hangers keeps ya in a strong band from 25 to 80.
2 words, absolutely wicked .wee.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Murphy's Law would dictate that, at the far end of my evening ride - not nearby home but at the other end, the bulb in my headlight would burn out. My younger self would have been left cursing the darkness all the way home.
But HO! Murphy is defeated! The older, wiser me keeps a spare bulb in my trunk and carries a mini-flashlight on his keychain. Without the need to utter a single curse word, I merely open my trunk which contains tools & spares of all necessary kinds. In somewhere under five minutes I have light. "Be prepared" was my motto in the Scouts (whether I liked it or not) and I admit: it's finally sinking in how well that works for me.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sold my brand new Kawasaki 66 CC MB yesterday.. 2 M/B's bikes in the living room, was too much for wife to handle. So I sold hers.
Cant build a garage town wont let me, tool shed too small , cant even fit a lawn motor in it.

Pulled the head off my 1995 100th Anniversary Edition Schwinn 66 CC pulled off the head cleaned/ lubed it all up changed out the BP7HS NGK . Took clutch pucks out cleaned them put it all back together.. !!! Runs better
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Murphy's Law would dictate that, at the far end of my evening ride - not nearby home but at the other end, the bulb in my headlight would burn out. My younger self would have been left cursing the darkness all the way home.
But HO! Murphy is defeated! The older, wiser me keeps a spare bulb in my trunk and carries a mini-flashlight on his keychain. Without the need to utter a single curse word, I merely open my trunk which contains tools & spares of all necessary kinds. In somewhere under five minutes I have light. "Be prepared" was my motto in the Scouts (whether I liked it or not) and I admit: it's finally sinking in how well that works for me.

Bravo M8
I even keep a spare chunk of fuel line in my "Possibles Bag" Now just remember to replace the replaced bulb!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


re: 2 M/B's bikes in the living room, was too much for wife to handle. So I sold hers.

That sucks that you got zoned out of building a shed. See if you can have a pre-built one like the Home Depot types,that can be moved on a truck and aren't permanent. Or even an enclosed pickup trailer.

Sold my brand new Kawasaki 66 CC MB yesterday.. 2 M/B's bikes in the living room, was too much for wife to handle. So I sold hers.
Cant build a garage town wont let me, tool shed too small , cant even fit a lawn motor in it.

Pulled the head off my 1995 100th Anniversary Edition Schwinn 66 CC pulled off the head cleaned/ lubed it all up changed out the BP7HS NGK . Took clutch pucks out cleaned them put it all back together.. !!! Runs better
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today i....had to to tighten my sprcket mount..it wore and the chain keep coming off onto the hub it ate away a lot of my kings 27 tooth sprocket..pissed me off luckily it wasnt the alignment of the motor tho =) than i un bent my ape hangers. it sucks when your bike falls over with ape hangers. had to redo the chain...now im about to see how it runs shoudl be good as new... thinking about porting my exhaust....well i tried it and my chain broke...I guess it is the engine alignment. i re aligned it. (damn stingray mount) hopefully this fixes it. i wish the wind would quit blowing so i could test it out
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The NOS Diamondback multi-speed cruiser frame arrived yesterday. It took 23 days via Parcel Post to reach me, but no probs with that.

The BIG problem is that the 6hp Robin/Subaru engine will NOT fit in there, even without the motor mount.:-||

Soooo, I trial-fitted a Tanaka 47R engine in there, again without a motor mount. There's a LOT of room for this 2-stroker to fit in there w/a 4-stroke shift kit, so I'll try that.

Harbor Freight is selling Predator 212cc engines for $99. Shipping fees usually kills the deal (up to $100 more). However, UPS-Ground is charging $6.99 freight for two 212cc engines, so I bought a pair of them. dance1

Looking for a frame big enuff to fit the Robin or the Predator.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

went test riding my crapbrook, pk 80, this morn. sprocket adapter bolt came out, munched my brake arm locked up rear wheel, walked it 1/4 mile back home. inspected damage, toasted mm sprocket adapter. so this afternoon got ol scruffy out, painted it military style, added ammo style saddle bags. rode it till i ran out of gas. what a great day.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What a great day. Really made up for last time. The weather being fantastic as it was, I got out all the bikes. Sophie wanted to race again. And in general the girls and I had a grand time puttering and pedaling around the mobile home park. My bike, Tempus, was running like a top.
And in order to make utmost use of a sunny day, I fired up the charcoal grill and laid on some bratwürst. And inside I was cooking saurkraut and seasoned potatoes. A marvelous Sunday all around.