what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Just got my 4 stroker kit (I'm a NEWB) opened the box & started salavating.

Woo! Nothing like that first kit at the door, eh guys? Be sure to read the instructions 3 times before you get to it. And, as always, we're here to help too.

Best of luck on your first kit! dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's a great lookin' motorized bicycle, Map!
Looks like ur havin' loads of fun on it!!!

have u considered a MTB front suspension fork?
I bet it would really help you out a lot.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Just got my 4 stroker kit (I'm a NEWB) opened the box & started salavating.

OK , before you read the intructions 3 times please wipe the drool off of the motor an your chin .
ya gotta love a "FRESH" motor ... dosent matter if its the first or fortyeth.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I went to ChinaMart to get some Krylon clear coat spray paint since I used Krylon white on the misc. parts.
They were out of stock.
I went to Lowes and all they had was Valspar brand in clear. I asked the guy at the paint counter if it would be compatible with the Krylon I used. He said yes, no problems with them.
Sprayed it on my battery holder and instant wrinkle city! Ruined the paint on it immediately.
After inventing a few new words for the English language I decided to forgo clear coating any of the parts and installed the handlebars. I will wax the parts later for protection from the elements.

Damm guy at the counter.... Appears to know very little about paint and he is the one that sells the paint.....
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

managed to get the predator engine mounted. just need to get bolts to mount the cvt, some set screws to install in the cvt parts (don't trust what little amount of a key way makes it into the shaft from the 5/8" to 3/4" adapter)

gonna need the bike now that my car got totaled.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

man, I haven't posted in forever. Bike's been down. My chain stretched to the point where I just don't trust it anymore, so i started looking for a new one. Finally ordered it online. Should be here next week.
In the meantime, I've been turning the basement into a stop-motion animation studio. Satisfying work, but it's no match for the motorbike.

y'alright skarred?
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Fawk Skarrd! Brutal man, hope you're in one piece and they all still work. Gotta be more careful dude, "ride like your invisible" and watch out for slacker(women) drivers
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dammm... Another left turn incident, but reversed a bit.
Was a cel phone involved on the suv's part?
Anyways I am glad that you seem to be in good spirits about it all and are not in a hospital.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Made a new exhaust for my race bike...this motor sounds nasty...


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Kickass ccc!

Had the beater out with the trailer. Stopped at a light, cop pulls up beside me, she gave me a thumbs up! woo!

Got back, too nice out to not fire up the 29er. Gotta love the sound of a hopped up HT on a straight pipe. (only temp till SBP pipe) hour later, my ears are still ringing :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Fawk Skarrd! Brutal man, hope you're in one piece and they all still work. Gotta be more careful dude, "ride like your invisible" and watch out for slacker(women) drivers

Dammm... Another left turn incident, but reversed a bit.
Was a cel phone involved on the suv's part?
Anyways I am glad that you seem to be in good spirits about it all and are not in a hospital.

not sure, but assuming from how it played out i imagine so. SUV had plenty enough time to stop, and even if they simply hit the brakes i would have gotten through ok.

i have a feeling what happened was she glanced at the light, saw it was yellow, speed up and didn't see i was turning.

I mean come on, i had a bright red car, kinda hard NOT to see it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

rode sgt scruffy 5 mi. to work and back,longest non stop ride to date.worked on huffy cranbrook, took link off chain put smaller chain adjuster with bearing on it.took on test drive runs good but still having trouble with idle.thinking got air leak.work on it later in between working on honda shadow, battery issues, and off roading ol sgt scruffy.too funny got police scanner on, crazy people out there tonite.must be all the green beer.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I mean come on, i had a bright red car, kinda hard NOT to see it.

I have a "fire engine bright" red pickup truck. People miss seeing me all the time.
I even drive with the headlights on during the day now. I figure all the more ammunition against them in court if the day ever comes. Bright red and lit up. (no jokes about that, ok?)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Good thing you weren't motorized bicycling

soooo thankful man! i would be dead if it was the motor bike!

speaking of which, i got a handful of M6 x1.00 x 12 set screws for the drive pullies on the cvt. going to drill and tap both parts so it will hold it on the shaft stronger, than what little of the key way mates to the shaft.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had a good ride on my friction bike. I haven't gotten the grubee out in a while, waiting on that Howard Sprocket Mount. Plus, it's not as fun as the Tanaka bike.

I rode the friction drive with my kid, to the park, and did a little light off-roading with it. We pulled up some steep hills in the rich neighborhood with the bike and trailer. The little 33cc was working hard, but didn't shake or stall. Bet the clutch got hot though.

A very nice time though. I really like the Diamondback Softee gray BMX v-brake pads. No squealing, and lots of fine control of the brakes, great stopping power.

I have been working on tidying up my cables (getting rid of the bird's nest) as I have replaced them in routine maintenance. I got a new brake cable and thicker housing, way better than the walmart stock cables on the Schwinns.