what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's great, Allen W. I like to pull my kid with the motorized bicycle. She loves it. The neighbors thought it was weird, but have quit asking me about it now.

Today I saw a neighbor riding his sport-bike around the park, with his kid riding with him on the bike. I thought it was awesome. I waved hello to them.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode to walgreens to drop off some perscriptions. I locked it up to a drain pipe that was bolted to a support pillar. When i came back, i took the lock off, secured it and moved my bike away from the pillar, Started it up on the first pull, and as i got on the people at the redbox on the on the other side of the pillar looked at me and one said, Hey theres one of them motorcycle bikes! I floored it before i got off the sidewalk and chuckled as i drove away. lol Motorcycle bikes. Peoples descriptions can be sooo funny! My bike currently has 2 engines. They only saw the friction drive. They didn't see my china girl in frame. It is a beast. I have yet to come up with a name except "The Beast". lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

How about the Siamese Twin? Post it in thread: Clever Bike Names, and surely readers will contribute.

PS Walgreens has good cheap beer called Big Flatts, usually by cases of 16 or 32 cans.
If its really cold, it's good chug beer, and I didn't get any headaches, except the time I tried to drink 12 in a row (headache next day lol) .
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Were you using the rag joint or one of the new metal adapters? That is awful your bike malfunctioned.

was using new manic adapter,not total wreck,was able to retap threads reinstalled then sold bike today to friend for 75 less then what i wanted but hey its a friend.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

took ol sargent scrhuffy out for a lil off roading,man what a blast,love the looks i get from passerbys.ran it slap out of gas riding in the grass.great weather for march,wish i didnt have to work in morn.oh well.need lights on it now so i can ride all nite.installed battery and charger on the cranbrook i sold.plan on doing the same on sarg. only use 12v setup instead of 6v.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My friend made a new air filter cap for me and I installed it on my race bike.


Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, I got a surprise today: I learned I had three broken rear spokes! I spent a little time in careful thought, but I don't know if it was the stick I failed to dodge (which turned out to be hickory) or a pothole I hit to avoid a distracted motorist, or what happened or how long ago. But anyway, during a routine going-over today, I chanced upon a spoke that didn't look right so, being rather anal, I checked all my spokes. No ride today.
This evening was spent with the rear wheel off, and mounted in a spare fork as I laced in some spare spokes. Then I trued the wheel all over again, re-mounted my hub adapter & drive sprocket, adjusted rear coaster brake, etc. etc.
She'll be in top form when I'm done. And I'm glad I caught 'em before they created a far worse problem. But I still would rather have been riding. Oh well, she was way past-due for some shop time anyway.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yep that could have gotten a bit ugly A_Wrench.... glad you caught that when you did.

Makes me want to go over all of my spokes real good before the next ride, and I will..!

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Spokes are the inherent weakness of spoked wheels, but mag wheels of all types have a similar weakness: any damage to them may make them unsafe to ride. But if parts are irreplaceable on a mag wheel, the whole thing is a goner. I think the best thing for mabs is 32 or 36hole double wall rim wheels with big flange hubs.

I installed a Sunlite $10 front cargo rack. It looks nice, sort of really finishes the "moped" look, for me. I installed it so I can carry a 1gal can for long rides. It was simpler than replacing the fuel tank and lines.

I put Diamondback Softee BMX v-brake shoes on the bike. I like them. They seem to grip really hard, and have thick pads. They were $2.50 a set!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks happy. It's a Briggs with a stock carb and moped tank.

Nice filter chrome top!

I thought that unless you were joshing me the carb was to go without an airfilter on this bike.

The pleated paper filters are I think less restrictive than the foam so I know it should be a powerful bike with the big engine.

I got my Ebay used housing parts for a thin foam pre-filter and pleated paper filter for my Briggs carb that has no needle valve adjustments and was bogging down at full throttle. Now it runs perfect at idle and all range to full. I was toying with point gap but it seems that mixture and point gap can interact and I was getting it to run somewhat better by tinkering with point gap, but the less restrictive filter was the answer I found.

I might be guessing here, but I think some carbs without adjustment are meant to match with a specific filter and the foam type was actually for a Tecumseh carb which might have been leaner or had needle valve you could adjust. I skimped for the type without adjustment, but anyway with the right filter I am happy as I got this thing solved.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

changed tires,bald eagles to off road knobby's. then put them to the test in rough terrain. gave ol sgt. scruffy good ol work out in field full of ruts and mud.had a blast,cant wait till tommoro to do it again.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Been wondering what ole blacky would do at top speed since I put the 32T sprocket on the 24'' wheel & tire, this evening my brother was over on his Yamaha V Star so I ask him to ride beside me at WOT so I could know what the bike was topping out at before I bump the compression up, cleaner the ports up, change the exhaust and put a billet intake on it which I have planned for it soon.

Had a bit of a head wind but not bad, I could tell it was doing all it could on the rough dirt road and when it had hit the top he siad his speedo was straight up on 40mph, that was nice to know, I figured I was somewhere in that range but since I dont have a speedo on that bike I wasn't sure, this is my oldest engine that has had nothing at all done to it accept new mounting studs and a better intake gasket behind the stock alum. intake, it's an older BGF kit, I had a speedo on it once before and could only get 38mph with the 26'' rear tire and a 36T sprocket so it seems I picked up 2 mph by going with the 32T on a 24'' wheel, this engine has around 1500 miles on it now by my approx. figures since it had 1300+ on it when I took speedo off.

Hope this one last a very long time, it sure is a sweet running booger and it really likes the Opti2, it's all I use in all my 2 smokers.


Peace, Map
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Here's my dax bike, towing the kid trailer. The softee brake pads are great! I wish I had found these years ago! I'm upgrading all my bikes (even road) to them in the future. They are 1/2" shorter than standard v-brake pads and just a little softer, with thick blocks. They should fit on most caliper brakes, and if they hit your fork on a road bike, you can saw them short on one end or put a nut on the brake stud.
http://www.amazon.com/Diamondback-Softee-Brake-Pads-Regular/dp/B002K2OHP0/ref=pd_bxgy_sg_text_b short version

Long version http://www.amazon.com/Diamondback-S...dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I just had my magneto out today, crimped the rivet on it tight-also had the cylinder out today and clean the carbon out of the cumbustion chamber-I hate cutting the shim gaskets out for that-the first one I cut I had to throw it out-the holes did not line up and man was I ever mad. -Almost broke one of the rings while puttin the piston back in.
Also had the carb off today and had to cut gasket for that one too. I end up throwing on a new carb so another gasket yet I had to cut.
Today, I also had my exhaust pipe and baffle off and I cleaned it out-and soaked it in gass . And had to cut yet another gasket for that out of shim material.
And then I threw in a new Champion plug.
It is now running real good!!!!.......once again. I'm putting this motor away for the summer soon anyway. Also cleaned out the exhaust port in my cylinder and cleaned the piston.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

We'll be watching for results of the 'strongarm' test, GH !

Yah, this poor little cobbled together motorized bicycle really needs a bunch of everything, KC.
I had just recently heard abt spacing the motor forward to resolve chain slack, and I think I'm gonna try that method.
...but still gonna be running a rag joint... really need to spring for a hub adapter, but can't do the sensible things when bargain deals keep popping up!
...at least I hope this new motorized bicycle turns out to be a bargain! lol

wOW THAT MOTOR LOOKS BRAND NEW UNLESS HE PAINTED IT & i DON'T THINK SO, IT LOOKS AS IF IT NEVER REALLY GOT THAT HOT dON'T THEY TEND TO CHANGE COLOR A BIT WHEN THEY GET REAL HOT ? Freaking caps Caps I hat that I didn't look up soon enough they need a "uncap button " in Windows So if your an id10T like me you can just highlight like copy / paste then click "Uncap" & it fixes it . Id use that option often!!
I'm not retyping all that either so deal with it LOL ..

It sure looks like a 66to me the 49's tend to have a shorter head/ bore stroke it seems to me don't they IDK ?