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  • C
    curtisfox reacted to Oldbiscuit's post in the thread Number 5 with Like Like.
    I also got the engine all degreased and cleaned, so I gave it a paint job as well.
  • Sidewinder Jerry
    Sidewinder Jerry reacted to wrenching4fun's post in the thread Way Back Machine with Like Like.
    Wrapping up the wiring harness. One more connection, a double feed from two brake switches into one line for stop light, then wrap in...
  • F
    fasteddy reacted to Oldbiscuit's post in the thread My conversation with AI. with Like Like.
    I was in the army in 86 when my grandmother passed away. I reflected back then on all my visits and conversations I had with her on...
  • F
    fasteddy reacted to wrenching4fun's post in the thread Way Back Machine with Like Like.
    Wrapping up the wiring harness. One more connection, a double feed from two brake switches into one line for stop light, then wrap in...
  • F
    fasteddy reacted to curtisfox's post in the thread Way Back Machine with Like Like.
    Not sure other that the kick stand mount? Here is another shot. What has been done before is find a old girls bike and cut the upper...
  • F
    fasteddy reacted to wrenching4fun's post in the thread Way Back Machine with Like Like.
    You've got another perfect candidate for motorizing, Curt. Your rims and spokes are nearly as rusty as mine! One thing about these bikes...
  • F
    fasteddy reacted to curtisfox's post in the thread Way Back Machine with Like Like.
    Mine has the peaked fenders also. I have so many going on now, I was just going toclean it up, press the dents out and ride it for now...
  • F
    fasteddy reacted to Oldbiscuit's post in the thread Number 5 with Like Like.
    I also got the engine all degreased and cleaned, so I gave it a paint job as well.
  • Venice Motor Bikes
    Venice Motor Bikes reacted to Oldbiscuit's post in the thread Number 5 with Like Like.
    I also got the engine all degreased and cleaned, so I gave it a paint job as well.
  • Sidewinder Jerry
    Sidewinder Jerry reacted to fasteddy's post in the thread My conversation with AI. with Like Like.
    My maternal grandmother was born in the mid 1880's and I used to visit her as she was battling cancer in the late 1960's and she spent...
  • Sidewinder Jerry
    Sidewinder Jerry reacted to Oldbiscuit's post in the thread My conversation with AI. with Like Like.
    Just to put this all into perspective, I look back at my grandmother who passed away in 1986 at 96 years of age. In her life time the...
  • Sidewinder Jerry
    Sidewinder Jerry reacted to Oldbiscuit's post in the thread My conversation with AI. with Like Like.
    Jerry, at the speed at which technology is moving and expanding, I’m afraid that won’t be to far into the future!
  • Oldbiscuit
    Oldbiscuit replied to the thread Number 5.
    I also got the engine all degreased and cleaned, so I gave it a paint job as well.
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  • W
    wrenching4fun replied to the thread Way Back Machine.
    Wrapping up the wiring harness. One more connection, a double feed from two brake switches into one line for stop light, then wrap in...
  • Oldbiscuit
    Oldbiscuit replied to the thread Number 5.
    Well I completely disassembled the bike, stripped, sanded and cleaned all the pieces. Sent everything out for powder coating and just...
    • IMG_3438.jpeg
    • IMG_3437.jpeg