what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I did some pre-fab work on a short chunk of handlebar (left over from my crossover exhaust) that will get welded onto the cross brace of the old school BMX bars I am going to use so I have a good place to mount my speedo.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Saturday, i put my new rear quick release axle on. Made sure i put some grease on 'em before i inserted them. Now My wheels runs silent once again. I also replaced my front tire and tube with a hybrid tire(street/mountainbike). I tried to loosen the hex bolt holding my handlebar in place to pull it up a bit and its frozen(not as in cold). It hasn't been moved in so long i'm gonna have to get some penetrating oil. I tried using a hammer just on the head and a very gentle tap on the sides of the handlebar stem in an attempt to jolt it loose. No avail... Both engines run good. Tonite, i'll solder the main jet shut on my china girl and drill it smaller...if i have a drill that small. The throttle on my staton doesn't want to release once i squeeze the trigger, it just stays where i let it go i have to manually pull it back out...Gotta figure that out as well. The cable may be dry in the sleave....
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If the stem is stuck (1" threaded quill stem, right?), hang your bike by the wheels, and spray PB Blaster penetrating lubricant down the steerer tube from the bottom. Wait an hour. Then put a wooden dowel down the steerer tube against the quill stem, and knock that sucker loose (after of course loosening the quill stem bolt). Then you have a free hand to hold the handlebar for when the stem and bar come free.


Saturday, i put my new rear quick release axle on. Made sure i put some grease on 'em before i inserted them. Now My wheels runs silent once again. I also replaced my front tire and tube with a hybrid tire(street/mountainbike). I tried to loosen the hex bolt holding my handlebar in place to pull it up a bit and its frozen(not as in cold). It hasn't been moved in so long i'm gonna have to get some penetrating oil. I tried using a hammer just on the head and a very gentle tap on the sides of the handlebar stem in an attempt to jolt it loose. No avail... Both engines run good. Tonite, i'll solder the main jet shut on my china girl and drill it smaller...if i have a drill that small. The throttle on my staton doesn't want to release once i squeeze the trigger, it just stays where i let it go i have to manually pull it back out...Gotta figure that out as well. The cable may be dry in the sleave....
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Even though the weather here in central Florida is F-Ing awsome!, I only looked at mine, although I was doing it very carefully. Had to look it over for the make over Im about to give it engine wise. The 2 smoker is going away to be replaced with a phenominal 4 stroke. Been planning this for the past 2 months and today am wondering if I can fit a CVT tranny to the Predator I plan to put on it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've been riding mine around because both my cars are broken. I have two cars, and they're both broken at the same time... Really typical.

Anyway, it's been just around freezing out. Bike runs really great when it's cold out, cooler air going in the carb, engine stays cooler. It really rips!
Unfortunately, it's so cold I can't do over about 20.
Too bad I can't use it to transport a car engine... I'l have to borrow a buddy's truck this weekend.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I gathered up a companion for mine today.
Gonna give it to #2.
He needs transport around town.
Got it from a college kid, and it's bollixed, bigtime! lol
Is the pic big enough to see the combination wrench stuffed inside the chain tensioner so it will tighten well enough??? LOL
Any number of other probs that will need to be fixed...
Will not run.
The seller said there was a problem with the mag rotor floating around.
He mentioned there was no key present.
This is my first slant-head, so I'll need plenty of advice!
Tnx for looking

I hope it's a 66 !

I would like to buy a 48t sprocket from someone. Pls PM me, if you would!


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey those TL5's look pretty kewl

These levers came UPS today ordered 3 sets of two. Shipping weight said 3 pounds. Worth every penny ! Got them at somewhere around 13 dollars a set. They come two a set. So had to get three.. some for me and somebody else. Ideally I like to play with three levers at once at times.

I highly recommend these they are perfect! A mandatory addition to my tool set. These are forged steel and have a nice ring to them when ya cling them together to liston to the metallurgy. The sort of tone you hear from good wrenches. These are steel baby! With perfect totally effort less leverage.

There is more forged on these puppies than just the name lol.

In the late words of Al Bundy ''Lets Rock'' Problemy solved.dnut
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

niice goat, those are beasts!

Nice find rusty, lol $1.50 key and away you go. Slant are no different, little higher compression. Drill that tensioner, or space to run without one and your good to go. Nice.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I have been to darn busy to try them out yet. Just got'em today. lol... Tomorrow I will throw a tire together with them and report. Still gotta prove they will not bend. I will tackle my biggest problem child and report their integrity.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

We'll be watching for results of the 'strongarm' test, GH !

Yah, this poor little cobbled together motorized bicycles really needs a bunch of everything, KC.
I had just recently heard abt spacing the motor forward to resolve chain slack, and I think I'm gonna try that method.
...but still gonna be running a rag joint... really need to spring for a hub adapter, but can't do the sensible things when bargain deals keep popping up!
...at least I hope this new motorized bicycles turns out to be a bargain! lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sensible thing ha ha:D The money and jambalaya of stuff I have accumulated since my first motorized borders on true out of hand madness mayhem rotfl

Sounds like another great project! Rusty.. Sharp clean bike

Got yur tobacco seeds here I got friends all over the place trying them this year. Gonna be interesting. Looking forward to hearing how those exotic chili pepper seeds turn out!?;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today should be a big day with mabs... gonna strip down two of them and begin the engine swap.
...going with the swap because my 48 has been so reliable, and #2 is just not so big on the mechanical stuff.
KISS will be the order of the day in it's re-construction.

...I saw Kestrel closeout models down to $1k posted...
seeing how they don't have much for spokes, a FD has got to be the best drive method. was it adam who mounted a trimmer right up behind the seatpost???
keeping friction against the skinny tire IS gonna be difficult, but the right tire and roller should do it.

glad u got the baccy seed. I got plenty of it!
It makes a nice ornamental plant... I'll track down a pic of where someone used them as a border along their driveway... lol they look nice!

We are running low on hotsauce, here.
Gotta get some in production!
...I've got one jar that's been setting aside for almost 2 years, fermenting. might pop the lid on it soon...

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

re: Kestrel. Was it $1000 for a frame and fork, maybe?

If you are serious about motorizing one, get a used one from the mid to late 90s, that will probably take a 700x28 or 32 tire. You will probably have to use metal plates drilled in the center for axle mounting, and prevented from rotating by strapping to the chain stays with conduit straps. (to hold the adjuster straps).

Go with something like That's Dax and a 2 stroke engine, keep it light, because the frame is flexy and not made for racks or cargo or motors. You might have to shorten the Dax drive channel and use a short u-bracket, to lower torque against the chain-stay yoke and seatpost area of the frame. It is carbon fiber, so you might need to mount the u-bracket to the seatpost instead, and put a plug in the seatpost to prevent crushing it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

BEAUTIFUL DAY ,took a ride , took an hour an a half lunch break just me an my bike started out with 20 sum miles parked with 36 I call that a nice day !
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put 15+ miles on ole Blacky Roadmaster today, have to ride to a neighboring small town to pay my water bill, wind blowing like the dickens here out of the south so the ride there was a bit rough at times but on the way back it was really nice, wind to my tail the entire way.

Rode the Karaoke up the road today, first time it's been out in about 6 months, fired right up on the Opti2 and ran like a champ, Fired up the Moon Dawg Kaluna ran like a champ also, but I noticed I have lost a front mount screw so I shut her down until I get that replaced, may be tapping this one out for a 1/4 20, threads where a bit sloppy from the get go on this older case.

today is my only day off work this week so I didn't feel like and repairs today so that fix will have to wait until next week.

Really like the way that Dax RT Carb. is running on the Karaoke though, really nice.

Peace, Map