what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Could just be a defect. See if you can get a discount or your money back. With brand new tread they shouldn't take it for JRA, like if you wore them out and then said you wanted a new one.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I am weary of using the tire spoons for the last bit of putting the tire on. I use it to get as much as 1 foot of bead left. Then I just use the palms of my hands.

I'm not saying you damaged it using tools at all, just this is what I have always done to avoid pinching the tube, but maybe it also may be better for the tire bead too?

I also have a big container of pure talc that I got from Tap Plastics and it I use liberally on the tube and inside the tire. I then spread it with a rag and use compressed air to blast off most of it leaving a fine coating everywhere. The spoke protector band I also use it on.

When I pump the tire up first I go about enough to press the bead in but not enough to ride on. I then deflate fully and do that again. I used my hand to with it at a very low pressure to use my cupped hands to push the tire into the rim and seating the bead. Alas another time and up to full pressure. Extra work but I do it.

Many of the tires how I see many of them in the stores I don't like the slightest deformation in the bead. Maybe I pick through them and find one or just go elsewhere. I may hear them say the folded tires do not damage the bead. I won’t buy one that is sold in a package folded and they sell them that way.

If I took a long trip and had to take an extra tire, I would find a way of leaving it uncompressed or bended in any way.

You should see if there is any warranty or if the store will do a good will gesture, can’t hurt to try.

Glad to hear you’re OK!

Oh yea forgot to say I just use real spoons from the kitchen that have a nice rounded edge and are wide enough to spread pressure out. The ones I saw sold have not so much rounded edges I think that’s not right.



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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

OK, I got a bunch of tire work looming on the horizon...
Beavis got my two decent irons, which probably would scratch rims.
I'm a hack,though, and use whatever screwdrivers are in the area. NOT good!

If someone is doing composite layup, the world really does need some good CF tire levers!

Here's what I have just found:


Sette ST-3123

Topeak TTL 002 Shuttle Lever 1.2

Pedros DH Yellow Tire Lever

and THIS last one is REALLY neato looking!

Kool-Stop Tire Bead Jack

I think if i had the bucks, I'd buy 'em all, all at one time!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finished putting my 66cc china girl back on my bike that already has my staton 33.5cc friction drive. Due to having the extra weight of another engine, theres alot more vibration when i run the china girl but I'm lookin' into that. Im using the sbp universal front motor mount and it doesn't make much of a difference due to all the extra weight of the other motor but its a wip(work in progress). I got a 1 gallon tank from thatsdax...and its huge!...and dirty. Had to clean it out as usual. :) It takes up nearly every bit of room between my handlebar post and the front of my seat. I may upgrade my pedal crank arms to a wide crank. My knees slightly brush the sides of the tank. She runs once more though! I've got good ol' permatex gasket sealer in between the gaskets and mating surfaces. Gonna work on gettin' her to idle. I used the damp pro stuff, and after i noticed it was interfering a bit with the flower nut, i cut a little bit out of the center and now its good. It doesn't stop the rubbin' noise of the flower nut on the cover. I've got a few ideas(duct tape, electrical tape, maybe a few cotton balls, or foam underneath the tape). Next step, work on the idle. Probably need to solder the jet and drill it a bit smaller. Also i'm lookin' at trailers. I may buy a kid carrier and modify it or just buy a cargo trailer. Gonna go campin' in a lil' under two months. Can't wait for the trip.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I haven't actually even hopped a single leg over the motor bike in like 5 months. well the other day I unlock it( its been uncovered to the elements) and withing 7 pedals it cranks right up.

woo hoodance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thats one of the beauties of a 2 smoker, just not a whole lot to go wrong, hard to keep a 2 smoker down.


I haven't actually even hopped a single leg over the motor bike in like 5 months. well the other day I unlock it( its been uncovered to the elements) and withing 7 pedals it cranks right up.

woo hoodance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had a good day today. I fooled around with my grubee bike, and replaced the boost bottle hose. It has been sitting in storage, so I dusted it off and went over things.

The spark boot is toast. I think I figured out why so many of these bikes have ignition problems. I never really noticed till now, but I think the stock boot is made to clip on the threads of the spark plug, not to "pop" on there and use the ball tip. Mine had arc burns and the boot rubber was all crusted up. At least I have the CDI that lets the wire just screw right off. I'll pick up a new proper wire and boot tomorrow from the motorcycle shop.

I've heard bikers say "It is what it is." Is that like "Cies't la vie" (Such is life), or more like "s* happens"? I think the MAB motto should be "It is what it does." ;-)
I was thinking I didn't really like this bike anymore, but I pedaled it around the block, and it felt good, bouncing on big fat tires, and I like the looks of it.
Still not as fun as my Tanaka bike!



I saw someone use a penny soldered to the plug wire before. I tried it, and it didn't hold up. I guess they used a real copper penny and cleaned it really well.
A proper boot and wire will be loads better though, and I might be able to use my $10 computer again without it going haywire. ahhaha. I lost track of the miles on this thing because it was always resetting.

The china kits are fun, but a PITA. It's so worth it though when I'm chugging along, grinning like a kid.
I think I'll keep an eye out for an old mtn bike to swap all these parts too, then it will be like a new bike! (3 speed front, dual v's, maybe a shock). Something to dream about tonight.

My food tastes better when I think about bikes, when I ride somewhere I can still see the stars at night, and when it only costs a couple bucks to fill up. .bld.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Those blue ones are the ones I broke.:( They were fine for others tires, yet with those tires I could almost use my bare hands. Thanks for the links guy's! Gonna do some studying. That kool stop looks interesting Happy.. When I come up with the approach and technique that makes sense enough to share. I will definitely share it! I don't give up easy ever. Too many years as a auto tech etc.

In hind sight what I should have done was simply put motorcycle rims and get super duper tires. They don't seam to offer much in a 24X3.0..
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Please don't take this as mockery at all, but this link might help you with the tight tires (park tool instruction pages). I used to do a lot of road biking and some road tires seem terribly tight, but this almost always worked.

These ($5 shipped) will get any tire off, one way or another! You might need to grind them a little to prevent scratching your rims, but they do not bend! http://www.google.com/products/cata...&sa=X&ei=ezNMT-TzH4eusAKY0YwF&ved=0CF8Q8wIwAg
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

BMX pro tires might work well for you. They are made to jump and bang on steep corners and metal ramps. $38

24x2.0 wheelchair (offroad) tires $17

They might be kind of soft (so they don't scratch floors), but they probably have good quality beads and molding. Might be worth a try.

24" tires have a 507mm bead seat diameter, if that helps you search.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey those TL5's look pretty kewl I think I will get a couple of sets one for my compadre as well. 8 inch long is decent leverage. I wounder if they will bend? There directions there is pretty much how I do it. Except for my ho-made levers were a little too thick.

Just notice after googling...They say Heavy Duty ''''Forged Steel'''' !!! Not like a cheap tool where the only thing forged on it is the namelaff

Me like !!! Ideally I want to prolly have three tho.. Thanks!:)(^)

: Park Tool Heavy Duty Steel Tire Levers Tl-5C Heavy duty forged steel tire levers 8" (20.3cm) length for superior leverage Ideal for DH and Freestyle tires. Sold as pair Item Specifications: Package: Pair

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Oh yeah my craze is for the larger tires! 3.0 or bust .I busted already for the Hook Worms ..Their smaller. That was what I had my heart set on. Hince forth a darn near 3 inch wide rim!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Actually, I think it might be best, all around, to really get ALL those spiffy tire levers, and have the assortment out in front of you when changing a difficult tire.

It would bring the option to select best one for the moment, avoiding scratched rims and busted knuckles. :-)

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It was 38deg in Maine today.... So I fired it up for the first time since October.
Blew tons of white smoke because I had a bunch of cylinder fogger in the engine to keep it nice and free. Turned over nice and easy, started on the 2nd try.
Let it warm up for a few minutes then took it for a ride.
It was cold, but DAMN! I miss riding the thing. Summer needs to be here faster :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hooray for friction drives. Which did you buy?

I went the cheap route and got the $190 4 stroke kit from 80cc Motorboys in Canada. http://www.80ccmotorboys.com/

I did have some problems with it though:

The kit is pretty good for the price, considering that it is a 4 stroke, but the DAX kit is probably much better. You get what you pay for, and if all someone can afford is $190, then it's a start!

I haven't given up on 2 strokes yet. I just wanted something a bit more simple and reliable right now.
