what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Decided to go for a ride today on the 50cc and the damn nut that holds the cent. 3 shoe clutch came loose. Took the kick start cover off n cleaned up the the tapered shaft with brake cleaner put the shoes back in and locktited the nut on. Got about half a block away and the freakin but came loose again... Jumped on the modded ht and went for a thrash instead.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Didn't do nuthin' to the bike today.
It started right up, and got me up the street to the tire store to retrieve my pickup truck, tossed it in the back, and pulled it out when I got home.
Just a dependable little short hop better than walkin' kinda machine. :-)
$35 for a used tire... ain't like the old days... :-(
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took the 50 out for coffee again- an exhillarating ride slightly more than 5 miles roundtrip- a little windy here, and pushed a headwind on the way back- it slowed the little motor down a bit.

Took delivery on a new jug for it, and I can put a normal carb and billet intake on instead of the "sleeve carb" with the wide spacing-

I did it once before- immediately got better revs and power before something got inside and scoured that jug with only a few miles on it- so I've had the original on for quite some time now again-

I'll be doing that switch sometime soon- and thought about going to a smaller alloy sprock than even the custom alloy 39 GT I have bolted to the large flange-

Now after the headwind, I'm wait and see before ordering another sprock- will it be viable? One thing at a time I guess.....

The 34 works surprisingly well on my 66.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cleaned up the crank taper and refitted the clutch shoes after abit of a clean up.
Lightly tapped the shoes onto the taper and tightened the heck out of it.
Went for a spin today and faark me this thing is better than..you know what.

The clutch adjustment I had done to the stack washers is now puuurfect so lucky I dont have to take the clutch apart and mess with it again.

Cant wait to go hunting for some MB's..lol

heres some piccys of the beast.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Breno, is that the Dax kickstart engine? Looks good. I think I'd be annoyed by that big pipe near my legs though. How do you not burn your leg?

I got a chain roller in the mail today from Ian Hawker. It looks like a machined down skateboard wheel but its hard rubber, not the usual plastic/p.u. type wheel. It has some really nice bearings in it! It is supposed to go on the lollipop idler or other device.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Breno, is that the Dax kickstart engine? Looks good. I think I'd be annoyed by that big pipe near my legs though. How do you not burn your leg?
In my experience. A lot of times you can pretty much get away with wearing shorts around these pipes as they just don't get that hot.. Its only a 50cc motor.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

GH is right they dont really get that hot. I have the pipe just under my leg so it just out of the way. This motor isn't from Dax but it measures up the same and I'm pretty sure goes the same. Would easily have 2.5 to 3 times the pull of my modded 70cc. Cheers GH I haven't finished yet but the new stickies I chucked on today make cornering wicked.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm truing a wheel on my wife's bike and re-spacing the u-bracket on my dax drive, installing a killswitch on mine, too.



I figured the one with the lid would look cool, plus it is hard to restart the engine while riding fast so I don't want anything to bump the switch.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode it around the neighborhood for the first time ever.
I stopped by my friend's house to say hi. His mom was visiting from out of state. She loved it, said it reminded her of her JC Higgins she had years ago.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Found that the sweet spot for cruisin is dead on 37mph no clutch rattle just right :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

finished wiring lights and charging system on crappy cranny,an took the scruffy huffy out for short ride,charged up battery on the honda shadow,forgot to turn radio off on honda better go get it now before i drain battery again ,lol chili in crock pot sure smellen good.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The safety switch worked out great. I superglued it to a plastic handlebar bracket that used to have a reflector. It looks like a NOS switch. ;-)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well got my forks put in. Had to dish my front wheel a bit were it was meant to be . Missed that part when I put the rim on. No biggie. My fork rake caster was perfect! Got everything dialed in wheel perfectly straight etc. I thought I would go with a felt thick Brick tire 24X3.0. So that is what I used.

Ran the tire a little low around the block like I always do to help seat the bead. Then aired it up to my usual preferred pressure about 40 psi. Did about 15 miles of errands grocery store etc. Was pulling into the hardware store parking lot when I got a rubbing noise in the front. I was going 10 mph or so slow at the time and quickly hit the rear brake to a immediate stop!

To my amazement the bead blew out of the tire and the tube popped out to the tune of a basket ball size on the very next pass of the front wheel. First thing I did was just stood there shocked staring at potential causes then looked for the valve core to let some pressure out. That's when I hesitated for a moment. Boom!! nice loud gun shot noise. I know this rim inside out by now. So gotta blame the tire. It was this type design and does not have a wire bead..


I ordered up some Maxis Hook Worms they are rated for more tire pressure and have a wire bead . Can't say as I am impressed with that Thick Brick tire. I could have lost my life or been crippled at a faster speed. Honestly I did not use a pressure gauge on it. I aired it up at home in my usual way I have done fore years I give the tire a squeeze e and I am always shy of 40 psi when I get a gauge out.

Mebbe there is a different rule set with these larger tires? like a hand squeeze don't feel the same as before? Yet i was running this size tire aired up hard on the rear for up to 5000 miles before. Although these rims are pretty wide and I do use a much larger tube now as a result.

I shore liked the way they felt an handled. This whole ditty God Must've been looking out for me. All I can say is I feel very lucky. Any speed over the bars onto the pavement is just crippling been there done it before. I don't want to think about that ever again.

So now I am counting my blessings and rethinking things. I think the Hook Worms are a wise choice.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's odd. What kind of bead does it have?

A blowout like that can be caused by a faulty tire, or by a tube becoming lodged between the rim and bead, but usually you won't get far before it balloons out and explodes.

What kind of rim strips did you use? If they interfere with the bead/wheel interface (like those stretched rubber bands when they move or age), it can cause blow-offs. I have been using Gorilla Tape for a year and it is awesome.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I am rethinking the equitation. I had to make tire spoons for these rims out of an old forged steel s shaped box wrench. I could use a cleaner approach to putting these tires on! These are the hardest tire rim combo I have ever come across.

I gotta find better spoons and the cheesy plastic spoons from the bike shop go to crumbs at these no matter how much finesse. Good forged steel spoons or something. My spoon combo needs more inventing. I will prolly have to invent them in the garage at the bench grinder.. Man I hate narfing a pretty rim too. I sure can't see buying another set of frail ones from the bike shop. I am too tired to even look at it tonight. I am thinking mebbe I hurt the bead putting the tire on? I did soap up this pig good and slippery and talk dirty to it! I tried to be kind to it and really take my time lol.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


Glad ur OK, GH ...

I suppose it's possible u did a goof when you assembled the tire & tube, and aired it up...
But gosh, I bet you would at least have a suspicion if something were wrong in assembly.

Maybe the soap didn't allow the bead to grip the rim well??? or properly???

I've blown out tires before, sidewalls and tread, both... but I'm a tightwad, and at the speed I travel on a pedal-bike, it's not too much to worry about when one gives up.
I run used tires on my mab, but I definitely pay a bit more attention to my selection!

I'd like to try those hookworms... everyone seems to like 'em a lot.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Maybe dirt bike style rim clamps or even a couple c-clamps would do it, but that is just wierd how they would be that hard to get on. Did you use Super Tubes? (surely) Did you take the valve cores out, and press the bead up into the center of the rim when seating the last bit?

You should be able to get all but maybe 1/4 or less of the bead seated, and do without tire levers. If you need them, though, 2 plastic ones should do it, working from about 10 and 2 o clock, leaving one in place and inching the other up to it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's just it there is something I am missing here? Because I have had way better luck with skinny rims. I am going to mebbe try laying a hose or something in of sorts to simulate a skinny rim? Keeping the tire scrunched closer together. But that is pretty much what I did without putting something to hold it there. The bead sat tight enough once on . ''the first one'' it sat where I wanted it to. As for tube? I could have thrown that over my shoulder and tried putting these tires on with out them in the equitation that ain't it. My tube did not blow out . It was the tire bead that gave away!

I have had tires that I did not need any pry tools at all and I have had tires that needed them. I had a buddy help me with my rear tire. The same model I ran all summer. It has a wire bead. It took two sets of hands. He broke his plastic china tire spoons as well. I told him not to use them but he insisted his are gone as well. The only ones that worked were my steel ones that I constructed..