what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got a new air leak perhaps?

my local freinds gonna take a look at it im on some real crazy hours and hes bored hopefully he gets i know its somehting simple that i just overlooked it always is .

realy eyeing those predators though hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Kind of a weekend update. I purchased myself a toy for it being the weekend (thats an excuse right?). Got the bike running this week. My shock is en route and should be hear Tuesday so hopefully I can get some videos up. I still need brakes for the bike though. Chainreactioncycles.com kind of messed me over so I need to reorder from elsewhere. After I ordered they put the brakes I bought on backorder until June haha. So right now I only have a BB7 up front which just isn't going to cut it. Probably just needs new pads though.


my mock shock just didn't cut it dnut
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode my Tanaka bike at the park with my daughter today. She loves riding in her kid trailer. We pedaled around the park and motored around the neighborhood. I got 2 flat tires though and got annoyed, so we spent the rest of the time letting her ride her tricycle and play in the playground.

Some people asked nicely about the bike, and I think I have a new MB fan. Only one guy was negative, saying "That's cheating!" with all the solemnity of a preacher condemning someone to ****. rotfl. I told him I worked to buy it, worked to build it, work to drive it and drive it to work. He just pouted and went inside.

The boost bottle system I made worked nicely. The engine warmed up fast and pulled hard. The high idle was cured by turning the idle stop screw out 1/2 turn.

The flat tire problem should be cured by a new heavy duty tire and super-tubes this week.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Road my Boxer to a friends house with a tube and rim around my neck and shoulder hanging. Spokes and tools in a back pack. Made a bet i could re-lace my rear hub to a large Marge rim with no truing stand and have a straight as a whistle wheel in under an hour.

My first two wheels I ever built from scratch are still sitting here. About to finish my next bike. When I ever get a day off again. lol.

This wheel building stuff is getting to be very easy for me. I can't believe I hadn't done it sooner. I just step it in when tightening it up using the spokes heads as a reference. I get the idea that is how the machines in factories do it? The heavy duty double wall construction of these rim are very forgiving too!

This Bike feels way different and better to me I think with the extra wide rim. Gotta ride it a few more times and report back. Looks hella kewl!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Check out the Problem Solvers Holy Driver if that is your approach. You are supposed to be able to do that with a small drill, to speed up wheel building. I just use a cheap screwdriver ground to fit in the spoke holes, and basically do that. http://www.amazon.com/Problem-Solvers-Holy-Driver-Nipple/dp/B001CJXH1M

It will give you a starting point, but since spokes come in lengths several mm different between sizes, and you have to remember to correct for dish, I wouldn't raise a high tension with the initial few rounds of spoke tightening.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I like using a drill to remove spokes/rims I would like to save. To assemble I go all by hand. So many years of wrenching working with my hands. A wheel to me is a touch feel type thing.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


Skarrd... Well HOW did u do it????
Gotta be some reason!
All the chinagirls are sensitive...
Mebbe they are just not ur style and u should go Morini or 4 strokin???

Happy, that's a nice looking derailieur!

GH, Gosh...
Your boxer must be an awesome bike to ride!
Gotta be way outta my league!

and 22big numbers guy... Ur alright!
the punk/hack people are gonna LOVE U ! lol
if u could just encase it in lucite and preserve it forever :-)


who ran out of gas, had 'barely' enough in a jug, dumped it in, sloshed a tad of mix oil at it, then made ONE MORE SHORT TRIP to check on drip irrigation parts at the hardware...
Gosh I hate it when I gotta buy gas for this thing! :-)

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Temperature went above 50 degrees so it was "Bike Day" at our house. I had out my wrenches and made adjustments to all the kids bikes if they needed it, lube if they needed it, checked and/or added inflation to tires, checked batteries in lights, etc.

And I got to watch Sophie, my eldest, hunker down and spew gravel 'till the rear tire gripped and off she went. I think it's the way she distributes her weight, but I was never able to do that on a pedal bike. I just moved forward.

It was such a quiet, lazy day in the mobile home park that I decided to join the fun. I brought out Tempus and puttered about with the kiddos. Then Sophie proposed a race.
Well, of course at WOT there was no way she could win. (But at WOT I would run out of road quick.) So it went this way: Sophie would accelerate much faster than me; I'd pop the clutch, catch up, and finish just a little ahead. She would get furious if she thought I'd just let her win - so I have to play it real. But she loved knowing that she came close to beating me a couple times.

And the neighbors actually seemed to be getting into it too. We had spectators.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Just joined this site. Have used it very often to gain knowledge, and have picked up quite a bit. I enjoy this thread, because I am always looking for new things to do to my bike. Today: parted out an older engine for clutch pads and piston, and picked up a new exhaust from pro circuit for my new build- an 11.4 hp liquid cooled morini. Have to take the bike to a weld shop though in order to fabricate a better fit. Once the build is finished ill be pulling a little over 13 hp with a 50cc engine. Yes, im crazy.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Snapped two new cains this week, thats five on the one bike since new year.
Hard to find a quality 410 chain anywhere.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Just needs another cloths pin:D

I had good use of a small piece of electrical stretch type tape I had brought extra to use to put an extra quart of gas under my banana seat on an old motor bike years ago. When I got a flat for some reason I had a bike pump but not patch kit. I use the tape with the tube inflated some so the tape would be in the right place when in the tire and it work great.

The tube with electrical tape never had a flat again and outlasted the motor bike after about two year of hard woods riding.

Jury rig!

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Snapped two new cains this week, thats five on the one bike since new year.
Hard to find a quality 410 chain anywhere.


You must have quite a bit of HP to go through chains that quickly!
Did you post pics of your bike?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

(pitbike engine Powerwheels! Dad beats kid on battery powered Powerwheels. hahaha)

Temperature went above 50 degrees so it was "Bike Day" at our house. I had out my wrenches and made adjustments to all the kids bikes if they needed it, lube if they needed it, checked and/or added inflation to tires, checked batteries in lights, etc.

And I got to watch Sophie, my eldest, hunker down and spew gravel 'till the rear tire gripped and off she went. I think it's the way she distributes her weight, but I was never able to do that on a pedal bike. I just moved forward.

It was such a quiet, lazy day in the mobile home park that I decided to join the fun. I brought out Tempus and puttered about with the kiddos. Then Sophie proposed a race.
Well, of course at WOT there was no way she could win. (But at WOT I would run out of road quick.) So it went this way: Sophie would accelerate much faster than me; I'd pop the clutch, catch up, and finish just a little ahead. She would get furious if she thought I'd just let her win - so I have to play it real. But she loved knowing that she came close to beating me a couple times.

And the neighbors actually seemed to be getting into it too. We had spectators.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Didn't do my preride check, tensioner came loose and I snapped the chain yesterday. Geez had to bike home with my own power :)

Added a link to the chain and put the tensioner back in place.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I drilled my rims' shrader holes out to 3/8" so I could use truck valve extenders with my Super Tubes. It is about 1/16" difference from the original hole. I have done it before, but it is sort of risky. It is best to use a rat tail file if you have one, instead. If the bit doesn't cut well (too slow/too much pressure/too dull), it can flake a big chunk out of your rim or crack it. This is not hard to do on fat cruiser rims, but might not be possible on road rims.

Hopefully this and a fatter tire will end the plague of thorn flats.

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You must have quite a bit of HP to go through chains that quickly!
Did you post pics of your bike?

The bike I’m having chain trouble with has a bit low end power but not chain snapping power. I think all the chains that I’ve tried are just very poor quality.
