Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?
I just have extentions made from pieces of 3/4'' Alum. angle material, it works great, but I haven't rounded the corners off and shaped them yet so it doesn't look so rigged, last summer when I did it, I wasn't sure what I was going to do, so I just took the pieces of angle, did some quick measuring, and drilled a couple hole in each extention, one hole to hold the angle secure on the caliper and another for the brake pad, although rough looking right now, this set up has proven to be pretty bullet proof so far.
Tomorrow I will take a close up pic. and post it here, it's a very simple mod, just a drill and a hacksaw is all I used for them, I do plan to add one more mod though.
The extra length of the caliper arms puts a bit more torque on the main caliper pivot/mounting bolt, so I plan to make two stops that will not allow the caliper arms to torque forward more than they should, this will also be a simple mod. but I'm just now getting geared up to do some work on my bikes again and I just haven't taken the time to finish what I started with this mod. last year.
I probably have about 200 miles on this set up without a hitch so I know it will work just fine for the long term once I get the stops in place to prevent long term over torquing against the caliper bolt.
Another way I started to do this was to just weld a piece of 1/2'' plate steel between the tubes so I could bring the entire caliper down to align correctly for the 24'' wheel, the only reason I didn't do that on this bike is because I didn't want make it for a 24'' rear wheel only, I still have my original 26'' USA made wheel that came on this bike, and by doing it the way I have the bike becomes more versatile.
If I was going to be riding on some dirt trails or some extremely hilly areas I can just pop my 26'' wheel back on with a 41t or 44T spocket on it and put my extra chain on that is already the correct length, I can then remove 2bolts which will remove the caliper extentions and then I'd put a spare set of brake pads on and I'm good to go for better low end power and I still have my rear brakes for the 26'' wheel, my idea for this was to keep this old mountain bike multi purpose.
I 'll get a pic up asap.
Peace, map
mapbike, how did you reconfigure your brakes for the 24" wheel? Did you just use a bracket to move the caliper down, or did you move it and add a cross brace?