Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)
>.< doh...
Great, here I had gone and decided to reassemble the front end assembly to do some suspension & caliper mount tinkerin' and did I remember to take pics of the wheel lean? NOOooo - ofc not, I was way too preoccupied & playing around with my new toy,
Planet Bike ShockMate Hi/Low Pressure Shock Pump.
I'll get to it lol, sorry 'bout that.
As it turns out the fab shop has been right-out crazy, the sales manager runnin' around in circles & heckling the flunkies, grabbin' everything not bolted down to go off to some trade show. Meanwhile we've gotten huge shipments of jus' about everythin' including SAE DOM roll cage tubing in various sizes - somethin' we've not had before & decidedly interestin' fer me... for
some reason lol, if a lil late for this project. NONE of this helped my poor friend finish up the stuff he's got to weld & while I
could have snuck off with the MIG... I needed his workbench too & that currently has quite a few hunnert pounds of scrap steel in various stages of zot all over it...
So, being the helpful type - I hid in the corner and played around with my taddy's suspension geometry & started fabbin' up the front caliper mounts heh
I was a bit concerned when I first got the Rock Shox 'Monarchs' mounted up - the fronts seemed ok, but the rear one was awful easy to compress. Worrying that I'd overlooked something in the leverage & travel estimates, I hoped that it was jus' low on pressure - and it was lol, having only 60psi of the maximum 275psi possible:
Monarch User Manual. While this itself is some small cause for concern as the Monarchs had suffered a brief recall when they first came out for leaky schrader valves, not only are the rebuild kits for the entire shock inexpensive - we're all familiar with how easy schrader valves are to deal with. Turns out it's a moot point in any case as it's holding pressure fine *shrug*
Technically... I prolly outa not have done this as the front A arms are still only jus' tacked together & it coulda ended up badly with me on the floor w/busted up bits o'trike pokin' outa awkward places... but I couldn't help meself and decided to sit
very carefully on the taddy to check suspension sag, travel and overall moments. I didn't have the seat w/me naturally and it's... a bit uncomfortable heh, but I learned to my great relief that all of my shock mount locations save one are jus' where they need to be - and that one that isn't is the only one still jus' tack welded, the rearmost mount on the stays. w/a 3:1 ratio I've a 3/4" drop for 1/4" shock compression & it drops jus' that much w/a squishy 175psi (25psi less than reco for my body weight [not inc engine/batts], 100psi less than max)
Leverage Ratio Reference Chart - sooo, by lowering the rearmost mount by 1/4" I'll "perk" up the rear of the trike, allowing it to settle in "perfectly" parallel with the ground under loaded conditions.... prolly lol... tho it outa be fine as I've given myself quite a bit of "wiggle room" w/low air pressure, doubtlessly I'll run it quite a bit firmer than that.
Makin' the front caliper mounts wasn't so easy as they're both "lefts" - they make right and left calipers ofc, but it's seems they're roughly four times the cost for the same capabilities - so I decided to do what other DIYers have done & used two lefties, which ofc makes the mounting... downright odd. Ah well, all DIY projects are a compromise between time and money & I've a heck of a lot more the former then the latter lol, and as I'm downright stubborn about havin' all of the calipers be the same (replacement parts/pads) - to "upgrade" to a model that offers a rightie, yet only has the
same braking ability AND getting no less than three of them @ 4x the price jus' wasn't gonna happen.
So now I've got some weird, asymmetrical elephant ear lookin' caliper mounts fabbed up & ready to zot... I can't for the life of me decide ifn' some lighting holes will help them look better or worse, or if it's somethin' anyone other'n me will even ever notice heh, I s'pose the important thing is that they line up & work right *crosses fingers*