Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)
Well... in case anyone has been wondering "whatever happened w/the progress reports?" & my bit of a prolonged silence...
Ummm... I've been fighting with meself TBH, I got a chance to weigh the "complete" taddy minus engines & batteries and somewhat to my surprise it was only a hair over 49lbs... not bad considering the materials used and the far more complex front end. Yet still, I began to worry a bit...
The critical point being "minus engines and batteries" lol, there's roughly 60lbs worth of engines being bolted to the thing so even without batteries I'm already at the 100lb mark & one of my goals is ofc that it needs to weigh
less than a factory moped (usually about 150lbs dry). Interesting challenge given the "extras" incorporated into his experiment, without the electrics I've got 'em licked easy - 49cc
four stroke engine vs their two smoker yet still just a bit over 1/2 the total weight... but
with the electrics...
Yeah... gettin' a touch hefty erg... I'm getting awful close to weighing the
same as a factory moped... (2011 Tomos Streetmate used for comparison:
2011 Tomos Streetmate 45 specifications and pictures)
What to do? Where can I shave off a few more pounds? There's really not much short of starting over from scratch and building the chassis from aluminum or chromoly... but to be honest, not only do I have little to no desire to start over
again lol - the weight savings would be comparatively marginal given the chassis itself isn't all that heavy & worse yet, both aluminum and chromoly are far less forgiving for the novice frame builder, let alone flex and fatigue considerations:
Tubing Selection for Recumbents: Practical
Where else could I lighten the load? Puzzled, I stared at the thing and realized I'd really covered the bases,
everything was already as light as I felt comfortable with & short of drastic changes like swapping the four stroke for a two and/or bailing out on the electrics entirely all I was left with was piddling details like the electric starter for the ICE, which was not only just a pound or so - but actually needed as the drive train is freewheeled so no "bump starting" would be possible... sure, it's got an axillary kick start, but I hafta get off the taddy to use it. Great for an "emergency", not so great for normal use. While "every ounce counts"
that isn't even close to being worth the trade off...
What to do? The whole point of this project is maximum efficiency & although I'm sure as a tribrid four stroke/electric/pedal that weighs even as much as a two stroke moped I'll get great mileage... but dangit I want
insane mileage lol & the only thing left is the pesky batteries. Four
12 Ah 12 Volt AGM batteries totaling a whopping 33.5lbs - just by themselves only 16lbs shy of the
entire rolling chassis weight w/wheels, brakes, seat, full suspension - all of it save the engines themselves
but... not only do I obviously need the batteries or else I'll hafta bail out on the electric aspect entirely, the only other options are... well... either reducing the size of the batteries and thus their AH (making it more likely I'll be hauling dead weight, thus pointless) or going another route entirely and scrapping the SLAs for LiFePO4s, an "option" that's a touch cost prohibitive to say the least... Beset by indecision I took a break from the taddy to mull over the idea for a while.
Eventually & with some help, I came to the conclusion that even
if I bailed out on the electric aspect - I'd still have the hub motor and my "excuse" was that I could simply stick it on another bike... catch being? Almost 34lbs of batteries was hardly gonna be any better on two wheels than three...
Ah, ta heck w/it I figured and after discussing a customized (split into two)
48V 15AH V2.5 LiFePO4 Battery Pack with Li Ping I went ahead and ordered 'em *shrug*
As the next "big step" is the construction of the battery trays and those affect so much of the rest of the build (control placement/ergonomics) as well as the wiring harness etc... other than some "little things" like seat & fuel tank mounts - the project is pretty much "on hold" till they get here
Stay tuned - we ain't done yet lol