Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)
Theoretically yes... to an extent ofc, it's... a bit complex & much is conditional with the hazard of "diminishing returns" always looming lol
The electric hub is designed with true adjustable regenerative braking & is one of the reasons I went with the "Magic Pie" instead of a less expensive and/or better performance electric motor, utilizing this feature every time I hit the brakes some amount of charge is replenished - yet ofc this amount is minuscule compared to the draw during acceleration regardless of how I have it set (100% is reported to cause wheel lockup on some two wheel bikes heh), it serves mostly to prolong ride time a bit, but not actually "recharge" the banks as obv braking time is limited.
I could adjust the brakes and/or have a bypass switch as to engage the regenerative feature while operating the ICE/pedaling & thus have a constant trickle charge... the problem with that is I would expend more energy than would be gained, resulting in a significant reduction of fuel efficiency and/or extremely strenuous pedaling as ofc it's very much like the brakes are dragging...
So the brake regen feature I'm going to leave as is, engaging only when I hit the brakes. It may only be a small amount recovered, but every bit counts & with brake regen there's no diminishing return hazard, you're just recovering energy otherwise lost to heat & friction while trying to stop.
Still, if I don't have an "in flight" means of replenishing the banks I could very well end up hauling around the dead weight of both depleted batteries and the electric engine itself... depending on duration & frequency of use ofc, but if I
don't use the electrics in an effort to conserve power - then I'm still hauling dead weight

bit of a catch 22 lol
Soo... I've looked into "marrying" the systems as much as possible, the ICE has a full electrical system (or will have when I buy summore toys & stuff heh), not just an electric starter - but a charging system of it's own with a regulator/rectifier etc. As I've no interest in running a separate 12v DC SLA just for the ICE (weight and redundant silliness) I'll be investing in a 48v to 12v converter to run the lighting, starter and other goodies. The trick of it is using the ICE's charging system to help maintain/recharge the LiFePO4 packs... which is completely feasible if a touch scary and confusing for an en00b like mineself

Fortunately there's a plenitude of folks FAR more knowledgeable than I that are more than willing to lend their experience - I've cheated and asked for help a coupla places,
tribrid-tadpole as an example.
Thing is... there's no "free ride" no matter what, the additional strain put on the ICE has to be made up somewhere and increased fuel consumption is it's only option. Will the draw exceed gain? Will I end up using
more fuel with this tribrid system due to charging and the additional weight & drag associated with the electrics? Will the electric assist during acceleration reduce the ICE's fuel consumption enough to warrant using it - or will it just help performance, like a "electric supercharger"? Will it even help with that enough to be worth the weight & bother?
absolutely no idea TBH & won't know till I try the thing heh
Still, no matter what the outcome - for me, it's "worth it" even just for the lols of experimenting. Even if the electric aspect turns out to be a washout, I can easily transfer the hub & LiFePO4 packs to any 26" bike & run the taddy as a hybrid, ICE & pedal only *shrug* It's one of the reasons I'm trying to have the battery trays as easily removable as possible, I might find it was a waste of time to try a "tribrid", I may wish to run w/o them for lessened weight (say rugged/wet trails or w/e), and ofc I'll need to be able to quickly & easily remove them and the electric hub for testing purposes... I've left the rim brake bosses on my rear stays for that reason as well - I've a rear disk brake on the hub ofc, but a replacement wheel may or may not have a compatible setup so even w/that I'm hedging my bets lol
...yea, I might have commitment issues too