Hey BA,

A little off topic but I could not help notice your tent.

Is that the 3 room tent with hinged door? I've been using a 9'x7' tent and looking for a little extra room for me and my dog. I like the idea of a screened in porch for my dog.

Every noise and every sound she wants out to go investigate. Was hoping with the screen porch she can see whats going on outside and hopefully won't wake me up every 15 minutes.

Been looking at the Coleman Legacy Weathermaster just wondering if that is the same tent and model and how has it worked out for you?

Beautiful photos btw...
Thanks & NP man, it's a 'Coleman WeatherMaster'... but there's been a few variations so the 'Legacy' may be slightly different. Having said that I've been pleased, it's a quite well designed tent - very pleased given it's price.
I used to worry it's one "flaw", the zippers seem a bit light duty but after a coupla years of use they're still fine, a touch of silicone lubricant seems to be all they needed.

I did a quick check & I usually provide an Amazon link for reference - but they've got a crazy good price at Target atm, might be able to do even better w/some looking though as it seems the "plain" Weathermaster (like mine) is being discounted all over, it's goin' for about $170 now;


More pics to give ya an idea, best yet I can stand and walk around in the thing... as I'm 6' tall, this is an unusual experience whilst tenting lol;

Nice tent for boat camping fishing trips, too. Or car camping. And nice to have your bike rig under cover, in sight and out of the weather when used as you are doing. Great price, too. Being able to stand up is a real plus. I can see one of these used as a small summer cabin on a slightly elevated wooden floor. A folding cot, lawn chair, propane stove for cooking inside and you'd be living the good life on the cheap.
Thanks BA for the link, that is a better deal then I was looking at. And Thanks for the photo's. That helped me make up my mine and convinced me its going to be way better then my current tent.
silverbear - indeed my friend, that's pretty much why I bought the thing... excepting ofc I still prefer a firepit over a propane stove whenever & wherever possible ;)

Dave31 - NP, I should mention the tent is somewhat heavy... it isn't the tent itself however but strangely, it actually has steel poles. A bit odd these days heh
Here's a rare pic of the other side jus' for the heck of it, ofc the windows are mostly zipped closed;

fasteddy - I agree, fortunately jus' about every weekend this summer I've been able to participate in simply enjoying Maine's spectacular summertime... not always at the same site ofc but sometimes I picfail lol, here's a shot of the wee hours far & away up north... somewheres;

Hello old friend! I see you have bike riding weather again in Maine. Must be good to take the tadpole out for a run. It looks as fine as ever. What a machine! Does the old Rollfast ever get ridden?

...it does as of now lol it's been like, three years dusty & neglected I think? ...still, she fired up like I'd run 'er yesterday. After a bit'o abomineering ofc;

Much as I love gears, I couldn't stand the constant repair & maintenance, the overall unreliability of the jackshaft "kit" - between the side plate flex & relentless freewheel bearing (crankset) failures, it was down for serious repair every coupla months at best.

So, I could wait until I finally managed to pick up an ol' Villiers or Maytag & completely redesign the drivetrain to eliminate the crankset freewheel (jackshaft like the taddy's) ...or, I could (& did lol) do something really silly jus' to get 'er back on the road again - in this case, I cut the largest cog out of a road bike's crankset & chopped up some steel, hacked up tire carcass & made my own "rag joint" sprocket to fit over the SA 3sp drum hub.

Not a huge fan of this style of sprocket mounting, but it works well enough;

...swapped out the (failed) crankset w/one outa a LL Bean lady's 7sp sos I can pedal, wish I still had the original skiptooth cogset but I gave those back to the frame's original owner, this'un looks ok though;

...if anythin' the settin' around did wonders for the brass & copper, figured you'd be amused silver heh;

The rollfast brings back fond memories of our crusty bike buildoff some years ago. I wonder if Bairdco still has his entry. My 39 Elgin burned up in the truck fire. Good to see yours is still alive and well and even running. I'm trying to view photos on an iphone so will need to take a closer look with the laptop later. Since I have a yet untested freewheel of the same variety on my Elgin replacement "Velocipede", also with a Sturmey Archer 3 speed hub, but paired with a Villiars midget... yes, directly inspired by your Rollfast.. I hve keen interest both in your troubles and with what appears to be your fix. My jackshaft arrangement is different, but the troubles may prove to be the same. Time will tell. After you've put some miles on it give an update, eh? Thanks,
To be sure silver, the Rollfast is no longer jackshafted, I've removed the "shiftkit" & freewheeled crankset, making it a direct drive single speed... should I find a Maytag or Villiers engine to replace the engine it has now, I'll use the jackshaft design the taddy has instead.

As the taddy's jackshaft is just a bit of 5/8" keyed shaft, a coupla 499502HNR sealed bearings, sprockets & lock collars and a "BMX" style freewheel for the pedal chain, all mounted through a tube (an old bottom bracket in this case), there's no flex at all, no engine drive force on the freewheel...

...and the result has given me years & thousands of trouble free miles, I've not needed to fix or even maintain it, aside from chain lube ofc lol

All of the components are "off the shelf" hardware store items except the BMX freewheel but even should that freewheel fail, it's a very inexpensive & easy repair as it's not a "specialty" part (mine's a generic BMX, it was like $12 or somethin') & it's right there, don't even need a puller tool. Gearing changes are easy too, I did change the secondary engine cog a few teeth around midsummer or so jus' to see if I liked it better.

Here's a vid & a pic, bear in mind it looks more complicated then it is because of the "extra" derailleur I'm using for a pedal chain tensioner ;)


Thanks for the clarification. Due to the way my shift kit parts are mounted I may not experience the flexing you mentioned, but time on the road will tell. Thanks also for a tidbit of information you mentioned in passing and that was regarding the generic BMX type of freewheel. I bought a freewheel adapter for mounting one on my hybrid trike axle to receive the pedal chain. I've been on the lookout for a donor freewheel at the local dump, but without luck so far. It never occurred to me that I could buy one and spare myself the hassle of pulling it from a dead BMX. Can you suggest a source? My understanding is that a Shimano type is what I'm looking for. One more problem solved!

So the Rollfast no longer has gears. Gears are nice. My experience is limited to this summer's daily rider which uses a vintage Sturmey Archer hub as a geared friction drive roller. It has been a good enough experience that I'm really looking forward to shifting the old Elgin's Villiars Midget. Love that engine. Yes, it would be nice in the Rollfast. If I run across another one I'll let you know.