what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

@ Goat: congrats on the new job. I'm a wee bit jealous. I'd have a lot of fun at a job like that too. You're a lucky man. When you get to do the kind of work you really enjoy, it feels a lot less like a JOB.

Me, there are precious few things I'd leave my present job for. (Your job comes really close.)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I too say congratulations on the new job, Goat!
It sounds like a real fun place to be at. If there were a similar shop around my neighborhood I would like to work there too!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Goat Herder,

He got the right man for the job and you got the right job for the man. Congratulations.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today was a stickler big time time on how he wants his jobs approached. I got two basket cases 'tests' One had a bad intake valve and the governor was wrong. I took the carby off twice it was varnished big time. It had a wave of rpm that went up and down liken to the carby might still be dirty? Until a very slight miss back fire could be heard through the carburetor. That one got me

I will not touch anything until there is first a compression test. I just moisten a shop towel with a tiny bit of gas next to a bad carby to at least fire the motor up once before overhauling a carb..

Heh Heh I will catch up with hands on experience of these new 4 stokes variettahh now.

Everything that comes in and uses one has a clogged right heck up spark arrestor lollaff

Got to adjust the valves on a 4 stroke Stihl weed whacker. There very easy! Was really impressed with those. Nice light weight tool and you don't have to be three feet tall in stature to use it. lol. Got the scoop on Stihl synthetic 2 smoke oil. It is good stuff! It coats the metal parts in a way that sounds as brag able as the touted Opti.

Customer brought it in Stihi wed whacker 4 stroke for a bad idle and there was straight gas in the tank lol. Did 2 Weed whackers 2 rototillers, leaf blower, and a lawn mower. The guy was showing and telling me so much I barely started at noon and had to figure out where everything was. ''parts''

Tomorrow I think I will speed up? The goal is ten jobs in my mind completed carby over hauls the works. My ultimate goal is to get up to 15.. Far as tune ups go in a day.. Just can't do that if a fellow forms bad habits!

Today's big thing was boss man wanted me to prove I had the right habits in mind and attitude check. Think the last few techs that came in had a bunch of haynes comebacks?? I worked in a R.V. shop once where a said certified ex Helicopter mechanic put over 21 Quarts of oil in a diesel pusher, half million dollar motor home once. it was coming out of the dip stick tube. That guy was using a pneumatic pump and did not understand the dial gauge. He never ever lived that one up! laff

I am very thick skinned can't hurt me I am just there to work. Only this is part play to me. ''Ssshhh'' don't want him to know that yet:D We got ATV's of all kinds Quads etc and some street legal mopeds too.

I don't have to lock my bike up outside in the pounding sun..I can just park it in the parts room. Pretty Kewl. So I road my bike to work today :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I bet there will never be a dull moment there for you!
I am a bit confused over your comment on the Sthil weed whacker 4-stroke though. You said it had straight gas in the tank. Do they not burn regular straight gas?
The intake valve problem sounds like it was a good test for you. At least your new boss understands that you are on a learning curve and is willing to work with you on it.
I bet it would be nice to video tape the lessons he presents as a way to review them in the future for reference.
The gas dampened rag technique sounds a bit sketchy to me. I hope that there is a fire extinguisher near by in case of a backfire!

"Haynes comebacks" Lol! I never heard that one before.

I really hope that things work out well for you, it sounds like an awesome place to be at!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The Sthil trimmer/weed whacker still needs 2 stroke mix as it has no oil sump like a typical 4 stroke. All I used for a damp rag is concerned is three table spoons of gas to a shop rag. After I condemn a carby for an over haul and tested the compression. Just figured out today that the non chlorinated brake clean we have works too.

I also run my projects outside the bay for a while. and retest them for a grumpy start when they are cold..

He is training new service writers ATM as well. ''Makes a job a little more rough around the edges so to speak.. I have had to call customers on my tickets to sell stuff. A lot of projects need to be presold with a proper price cap for service on it. Then there is the way our parts inventory works. A lot more under the surface here. lol Not much different than automotive as chain of command from customers goes.

The chlorinated brake clean was always my favorite here at home. That stuff will not start a motor it will kill it and stink bad .. Don't wanna breath that stuff! I am still learning more practical protocol ever day..:)

Two days now and I have done more carb kits.. a ton of them by now, about two more weeks and I will have a bunch of knowledge. Anything with a diaphragm is a given they all go south and need replaced on 90% of what I see.. Pretty darn hectic right now just got home....

Learned at our altitude boss man likes a 5 to 8 heat range spark plug. I have had a 8 in the M.B. M. since last fall. NGK in it.. I established a flawless place to store the bike. Stuff like that is so rare in a work place can even lock it up. Today I did not.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Goat do you have blended fuel there? The ethanol here in Ga. Reaks havoc on small engine carbs.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Goat do you have blended fuel there? The ethanol here in Ga. Reaks havoc on small engine carbs.
We got the mixed stuff here too. A lot of what goes south, is folks leaving these things with fuel just sitting in them to turn to stinky varnish. I had a old chain saw here that I purposely ran it dry. Stored for almost ten years It fired right up and ran great. Still could use a diaphragm kit tho.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i got some amsoil interceptor let me get like 50 miles on it and we will see how it runs , here in michigan people store things with gas in them over the winter all the time
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The new tank is installed! Woohoo! And it fits like a glove. And it feels pretty solid. Now I have to finish bending the copper fuel-line tubing, and fitting up the "goldfish bowl" fuel filter.
As a gag, I may try to find teeny little glass goldfish, and put 'em inside the sediment bowl filter. Just to see how people will react. I might even BS the people who ask about it by telling them the bike is powered by "Ichthean methane" produced by these tiny farting fish. The first person who believes it, I'd see if I could sell 'em a bridge.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

...As a gag, I may try to find teeny little glass goldfish, and put 'em inside the sediment bowl filter. Just to see how people will react. I might even BS the people who ask about it by telling them the bike is powered by "Ichthean methane" produced by these tiny farting fish...

This made me snork my cawfee a bit b'dangit rotfl
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

switched the bike back to a centrifugal clutch. i just never could get that CVT running like i wanted it to.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I hate the corn poop gas too. It works ok as long as you shake it up well, maybe add a little extra oil, and don't let it sit in the engine.
I think my bike loses a little power on the gasahol.
You can google "ethanol free gas" to find any stations near you.

We got the mixed stuff here too. A lot of what goes south, is folks leaving these things with fuel just sitting in them to turn to stinky varnish. I had a old chain saw here that I purposely ran it dry. Stored for almost ten years It fired right up and ran great. Still could use a diaphragm kit tho.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What did I do to my motorized bike today?

Well, I got it out, checked the motor mount nuts and rode it for quite awhile, then I put it out for sale, right next to all my other toys -mini bikes, model airplanes, motorcycle kits (Tamiya), Akai 4 track reel to reel, and some other stuff. Not my guitars, cuatro, mandolin or lap steel though!

Don't worry, I can borrow my Dad's any time I want. :).bf.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The problem we have is only one station I know of has gas without ethanol, and its on the other side of town from me. I have wondered why they charge 50 cents more per. Gal for plain gas.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, put a piece of cardboard in the clutch gear housing cover, works amazingly well to reduce gear whine (note, cut some cardboard away to make room for clutch adjustment nut area), I replaced the crappy strippy-head screws with black Allen key bolts (black motor).
Looks way nicer, who don't like Allen head bolts?

Funny, Canadian Tire only had 3 bolts left, I bought them anyway, turns out I had two in my bolt bin that I bought previously that were the wrong size for that other application! Bought a big chain 3 ft. long to make a bike lock, to go with my U lock, and a six pack of cherry tomatoe plants.

Took the bike out from my back yard, then it stalled, wouldn't start, just wouldn't go, put my thinking cap on and realized turning on the fuel petcock would be a great idea!

Then I raised the needle up one notch on the carb to lean out the fuel, engine runs much better now, much less 4 stroking, can't wait until I run regular oil mix after break in to see how she runs.

(Note, don't do carburetor work on the lawn, grass eats parts, but not this time, I found everything.)

PS, other than checking the spark plug for greyish white-ish ashy-ness, is there any indication, sound, temperature or anything that could give clues to an over lean condition?
Could I tell just by riding the bike?

Thanks, I'll stop, right now!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, I finished bending copper fuel line and tightening down compression fittings for the fuel filter, tank itself, and the carburettor. Then I drilled a rivet hole and a vent hole, and made a Nitril rubber washer/valve and riveted it inside the tank cap. The new tank's ready for a try-out.
Still need to adjust the chain, but tomorrow I think I will go for a ride.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yes, if the bike is overly lean, it won't "four stroke" at all, will probably run hard and make a lot of heat, and then BAM. That's the end of it.

Plastic trash bin lids work pretty good for holding little parts, if the lid is really clean, of course. Cat litter pans (new) work good for foot baths, or oil drain pans, or holding little parts or tools. Pick one use, they are cheap and often come in 3 packs.

Well, put a piece of cardboard in the clutch gear housing cover, works amazingly well to reduce gear whine (note, cut some cardboard away to make room for clutch adjustment nut area), I replaced the crappy strippy-head screws with black Allen key bolts (black motor).
Looks way nicer, who don't like Allen head bolts?

Funny, Canadian Tire only had 3 bolts left, I bought them anyway, turns out I had two in my bolt bin that I bought previously that were the wrong size for that other application! Bought a big chain 3 ft. long to make a bike lock, to go with my U lock, and a six pack of cherry tomatoe plants.

Took the bike out from my back yard, then it stalled, wouldn't start, just wouldn't go, put my thinking cap on and realized turning on the fuel petcock would be a great idea!

Then I raised the needle up one notch on the carb to lean out the fuel, engine runs much better now, much less 4 stroking, can't wait until I run regular oil mix after break in to see how she runs.

(Note, don't do carburetor work on the lawn, grass eats parts, but not this time, I found everything.)

PS, other than checking the spark plug for greyish white-ish ashy-ness, is there any indication, sound, temperature or anything that could give clues to an over lean condition?
Could I tell just by riding the bike?

Thanks, I'll stop, right now!