what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

16:1 is way too rich. 24:1 is better for a start. Two tanks of that then 32:1. The 16:1 thing is for low quality oil or even used oil. Modern oils are much better than any Chinee oil.
Ha! I knew someone would say that!
It's just something I read somewhere that said use 16:1, a lot of people do use 16:1.
Just one more tank anyway, then I will dilute the rest left in the jug and add the lower amount of oil, post break in.

In other words I already mixed it, and I ain't un-mixing it. ;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

One thing to look forward to, if your engine runs good at 16/1 it will be a lot better when you lean it out some. I ran 16/1 in my first build, mine ran bad. On the bikes since I start at 24/1, but for each his own.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I should be really impressed then when I switch to a proper synthetic mix, because my motor goes like a bat out of heck now.

I am using the frequent WOT and slow down method to break in, I agree with the theory that babying the motor does not seat the rings properly.

Wait a minute!
if your engine runs good at 16/1 it will be a lot better when you lean it out some

Run better when I lean out the oil?

Or, you mean I will have to lean it (the carburetor) out some more when I go a smaller oil ratio?
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today, I did nothing more with the bike than go on a *ahem* rather extended ride this evening. What with the temperature being at or near a hundred Faraheit from about 10 am until 4 pm and just plain-old blazing hot thereafter, I couldn't see doing it whilst the sun was above the horizon.
Once I had the new tank installed, I began checking bearing grease, I re-aligned the rear wheel and adjusted the chain, checked the plug, fussed with the idle, checked my air filter, and - you get the idea.
So today, as I was riding in the slightly cooler evening air, the bike was gliding along so effortlessly that I didn't want to get off. And the new tank being bigger, it thus holds much more fuel. I don't have the nagging in the back of my head telling me to cut my ride short anymore. I've got fuel for many miles. And she was cruising like a dream. (But I do concede: it takes a bit of work and general futzing to get a Happy Time 2-smoker to behave this well.)
I simply MUST take her out again tomorrow. I WILL find the time.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It was exhausting work! ;)

One of the pictures (black cat) is the exhaust after hand finger sanding with emery cloth. Sanded to good enough adequate perfection.
I had terrible night mares the other night rolled around in bed, night sweating the works. Dreamed I was a muffler! In the morning I woke up exhausted. :protfl
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode my bike today and my baby 410 drive chain broke. Took it off and found out that the bearings on the drive side of my wheel were gone. literally gone. Dissapointing to say the least. I knew i had to get a HD wheel and have a bigger chain already. Just wanting to go out soo bad made me neglect waiting on my shippments. :( Few more days and im back on it!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode my bike today and my baby 410 drive chain broke. Took it off and found out that the bearings on the drive side of my wheel were gone. literally gone. Dissapointing to say the least. I knew i had to get a HD wheel and have a bigger chain already. Just wanting to go out soo bad made me neglect waiting on my shippments. :( Few more days and im back on it!!
Sorry to hear it Savage. The very first thing I do on a build is the H.D. rear wheel thing. You can even run a cheapo chain if you make sure it's alighned and lubed,(a good chain is better,) but a lightweight wheel will get you every time.
The next thing to do, if you haven't already, is to get a sprocket hub adapter. Driving the wheel from the spokes it just NOT a good idea, Even with a H.D. wheel. A rag joint may last a while, but you WILL be replacing spokes down the road.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Speaking of exhaust:
Started hand filing (port matching) my exhaust pipe out with a round file, then busted a move to the basement to hurry it up with my 'dremel type tool'

It was exhausting work! ;)
(The exhaust port was ported before I installed engine, just didn't do the muffler until now)

Let me ask you experienced guys, would doing this make it feel like I added 10-20 cc's to the motor?
Seems like since I did this the bike wants to leave without me!
OR, is this me feeling the start of my rings starting to seat or both?
(Just started my second tank of 16:1 non-synthetic)

The difference is amazing and it even seems to 4 stroke less at WOT.

PS, also cracked my Dudley combination lock that hasn't been opened since high school 24 years ago! Thanks interwebs! I'll use that with my big chain and big U bolt lock for my MB security needs.

And don't forget my question, thanks.

One of the pictures (black cat) is the exhaust after hand finger sanding with emery cloth. Sanded to good enough adequate perfection.

Did the same to mine on a totally stock setup, to the intake and exhaust. They weld an intake mount to the tube that is much smaller then the tube itself. I opened both up and it runs a LOT better. Of course I really do need a better exhaust setup. After break in your engine will also start running better, rings seal, ect, and you will get a performance increase. I may be wrong, but I think opening ports can only help an engine breath better, to a point anyway. Too much and you'll find a performance decrease.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i stole the front tire off my huffy and put it on my schwinn
Thats like puting a fiat 500 engine is a train the way i see it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I detailed mine and put fresh brake pads on the front rotor. That was all it needed. Sat and stared it over. Detailing is good for that. Harmony checks need to be thought of eventually. Leads to any preventive maintenance. Then I road it! :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Broke my crappy vice trying to flatten out a rear kickstand due to my chain stays being 1" tall... Time for an upgrade I think :p


Note to crappy vice users, don't crank on it with a 1" wrench... it ain't your Daddy's real vice eh. :p
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Broke my crappy vice trying to flatten out a rear kickstand due to my chain stays being 1" tall... Time for an upgrade I think :p


Note to crappy vice users, don't crank on it with a 1" wrench... it ain't your Daddy's real vice eh. :p

I got a heavy duty vice at Home Depot last year. I cranked down on it so hard that I broke the top of the wood workbench. So that's a good brand to get. Hah.
It was only about $65, too.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Heh heh, right on Chris. I'd rather the bench snap to kindling than to have to replace a vise. Of course while puttering on a bike I headed over to go clamp something..."oh wait" *facepalm* Vise-Grips can only do so much, eh?

I'll check the swap meets first for one I can't lift :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Good to not hear the you have a sore foot!
ahahaha. At the time, that was the last thing I was worried about. I had already smashed my hand.

I'd just limped my car home from crashing it, and I had the front suspension in the vice, beating it with a hammer trying to straighten it out.
So needless to say, I wasn't in the best of moods... I did, however, get it straight. And the car to this day still drives straight down the road...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ok did a few things :)

I added performance carb from JNMOTORS....

I added an expansion chamber with header. (Needed header for clearance on peddle).... Not sure why I did this other then to say to the other motor bikers in town that mine is bigger than theirs :O

I added Shimano rims....

I added a 40 tooth sprocket with three piece adapter from sportsman flyer....

I added Monark II Springer Forks....

I added some orange type rear brake pads they really grab too....

I removed tensioner by just adjusting motor mounts (manic mechanic) a bit works good so far...


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yaaaaa payday :)

Went downtown and got the tank parts I needed. Cycle Salvage for the gas caps and Andy's Supply for the brass parts. I've been watching eBay for the caps but they might as well be made from gold, $50-60 for the caps + shipping :p. I found a chrome cap for the dummy cap and a black plastic vented one for the filler. I can run a vent tube over and into the headpipe.

Found a guy to rebuild the front wheel with the Sturmey Archer Drum Dyno hub. I'm having him try the 4 cross lacing first, I might not have to get new spokes that way. At a $1.50 per spoke x 36 that would be a pretty good savings.

Still need to order a hub sprocket, 3/4" dia shaft. It's ment to be an engine hub. I have an old 1" gokart axel that I'm taking the disk off of. Its held to the hub with 6 rivets, grind the rivet heads off and I have a disk to go on the hub :) This is for Scotto's disk break setup on a jackshaft. I've had a brake for minibikes/lawn tractors/gokarts for years. Pretty simple but effective.

It's all coming together usflg
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