what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Has anyone tried diesel-truck oil filler caps as fuel tank caps? (for home-made or custom tanks. I mean the kind with the little t-wrench on them, that expand into the filler neck)

Well, I finished bending copper fuel line and tightening down compression fittings for the fuel filter, tank itself, and the carburettor. Then I drilled a rivet hole and a vent hole, and made a Nitril rubber washer/valve and riveted it inside the tank cap. The new tank's ready for a try-out.
Still need to adjust the chain, but tomorrow I think I will go for a ride.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Has anyone tried diesel-truck oil filler caps as fuel tank caps? (for home-made or custom tanks. I mean the kind with the little t-wrench on them, that expand into the filler neck)
It should work fine as long as you leave a vent in the tank somewhere. If no vent then no fuel flow.
I found this out the hard way on a defective gas cap.:-||
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've seen a long tube that has some rigidity connected to a Briggs and Stratton old style vacu-jet carb gas tank. It stick up about 5 inches. It goes to the vent in the gas cap. I suppose it is so the vibration and especially with a full tank it does not slosh and spit out the vent cap. It would have to go up the few inches of the hose and so keeps it safer too. The old ones have a carved scalloped out area of the gas tank where the tube muffler is less than an inch above the gas tank.

Heat from the muffler without a fire is still enough to have the gas in the tanks warm up and expand and also more vapors at the top of the column of gas that instead of needing venting inward to the tank it spits/vents gas out the vent right by the muffler. Yikes, but that was then. They're still out there though I got a newer style carb and have it away from the muffler and exhaust manifold.

If for wanting to have a vent shut off when not running the engine, I would see the need for gravity flow bowl type carbs to have a fuel line cut off to be closed at the same time or the vapors creating a pressure above the gas coulmn could push the fuel into the carb and over power the float valve. Then raw gas is flowing out the carb jets and flood the engine and eventually drip out onto the floor. Not good!

One extra thing I have to mention is that traveling over high mountains from sea level even with an extra space above in these spare gas tanks, the road vibration and the effective difference in pressure, it is not safe to do this kind of transport. I can see maybe the steel gas cans mounted outside the vehicle probably have a good amount of strenth and the cap seals, but not these smaller plastic variety.

Just thoughts.

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Replaced a snapped clutch cable (which met its maker 10 feet from my door). I have a locking shifter instead of a clutch bar, so it took a bit to get the little cable bits out of the housing.
Works like a.....well, like a clutch, now.

I also completely removed the derailleur and shortened the chain.
Taking out the link was easy.
Reconnecting the links without a tool whilst both cranks tried to pull the chain in two different directions, however...

But, the chain doesn't slip and the clutch clutches.
Life is good. Victory is mine ;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Even though I'm in the middle of potato land and the ethanol lobby here is strong there are now more places to get non-blended fuel. Phillips 66 is ethanol free fuel now. I get it for my cage and lawn equeptment.

After the first of the month I'll FINALY be getting back to my build. I'm getting the parts for scotto's jackshaft brake setup. The Dynacraft West Coast Limited has a coaster brake and I really don't like it. It did have a rim brake setup but a previous owner removed it :p

I'm still looking for someone to re-lace the front rim with a Sturmey Archer Drum Dyno. It's my understanding that by going from a 3 cross to a 4 cross lacing I won't need to get new spokes. I sure hope so...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had been on the look out for a new job. Was a little burnt out on automobile work after 15 years of it. Found a add in a small engine shop. 21 dollars an hour commission. I took up my resume in and talked with the guy for a while. He seamed real down to earth and honest. He kept telling me that he had a great many Auto mechanics come through and they were over their heads quick.

Conversation came up to references. I gave my references and said I also had a physical reference right outside the door. Before I came down I had detailed my old BoXer from one end to the other including wax and polish. Bike look like it had not seen a day's riding..

Oh man this guy was hard to impress. Readily apparent he had seen some bikes come and go and was pretty frank about not wanting to see. All I could say was you will not see another like this one again...

So he finally came out with me. The guy was on his knees right away close enough to get his face bumped into it. I brought a good reference!!:) We talked over the machine. I told where I got it from Dean and what all I had done to it. Tech talk and all.

Scouts honest truth when I started it up for him just on hit of the kick starter. His first exclamation was Wow this thing is quite. I thought it would be louder than this..

Any way today was my first day at work. Oh boy a bit hectic as I was a little nervous and wanted this job a lot! It is only 3 miles to get there! That guy watched me like a hawk all day!! lol. Can't blame him.. I got all my educate in prospective order, and did great my first day.. This place is bouncing off the walls crazy busy!! (^)

There was one lonely little H.T. M.B. sitting in the corner nobody has got to it yet.;)

I get to work on Weed Whackers to Motocross dirt bikes. A lot of versatility here.

Awesome Goat!!!! Every which way, awesome. Keep us updated with shop stories.

Ever notice, small engine guys seem so much happier? Think it is stuck bolts and the like. I once spent 2 days trying to loosen a manifold bolt. After finally getting it and a week later, the car died 80 miles from home. I wanted to shoot the car, snork.

Small engines, you can just flight test. (out a window or door)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Its getting easier ever day now. Time consuming confusing stuff like looking up part numbers for diaphragm carbs and particulars with plug types etc. I have fast begun to memorize.

Got to do a tune up on a kids quad with a 110 cc lifan engine Honda clone. Had a Jap carb that is touted to be tamper proof. Drilled the rivets off of the float bowl and dug up some replacement machine screws. The bike just did not like my fat butt on it much. I cleaned the carb out hoping for a change? This thing was under tuned from the factory even for a small child lol. Danged EPA

If went wot on the throttle from a stop it would bog out and nearly die. Had to give it part throttle and it would go. Shop is pretty hectic busy so I put it to the side after checking the valve adjustment. Which I put about 4 thousands clearance on the intake and 6 on the exhaust.

Took the carby back out Boss wanted to to enlarge the idle jet. Did not make much difference. Enlarged by about 1 thousand of an inch. Prolly be selling the customer a new carb if they want it to run perfect. Kind of a bummer.

If I had more time to experiment? I wanted to enlarge the Idle jet more. Darn carb did not even have adjustment screws on it. Just a static Idle adjustment to raise the Idle and no fuel mixture screws. No doubt likely a wast of time. Just curiosity beckons me to wanna figure that one out..

Have a Baja 196 cc motor scooter mini bike with Honda Clone. Only runs with the choke on. Cleaned out the darn carby twice did not get a chance to get back on it today. Could not see anything wrong with the carby? So I vatted it for 24 hours in a bucket of carb cleaner. I even Googled it lol.:D Hey we do live in the information age.

Seamed a few other folks just replaced their carb with new ones.

This lob is pretty kewl Dan and I am getting faster everyday.

Was replacing a throttle cable on a Sthil trimmer the darn springs, kill switch and other potential mystery mayhem items were just begging to all jump out remain a mystery, then fight to the bitter end going back together. lol. All while the customer is waiting and everyone is tied up. Actually pretty darn fun I like it so far!

They have commented on my bike. No one thought they would see something of its likeness run my hide away and off the parking lot so slick and fast after work. Well after some of the generic kit bikes have come in. Seams no one wants to work on those? We are one of the only shops that will.

One poor fellow did not have jets for the H.T. MB. carb that was in there. He had ordered a replacement N.T. carb . Threw it on and had the same problem. I wanted to make short work of that motor lol. had way too much time with those and just
knew I could clean it up.:)

Told him where he could order a jet for it. @ SBP. I will prolly bring him what he needs for from the archive parts at the house from something I phased out in the quest for power..
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I am just about finished!

New wires-check

-new plug-check

new expantion chamber that was gutted when I bought it and then a crammed a silencer in it to make it run quiet and fast-check

new "ram air"- check

new speddometer- check

new 40 tooth sprocket ( original was 44)- check

I i went from 20mph to 40mph and it scares the crap out of me- check

Laid my bike down today, and got te bike chewed up by the black top, and pulled off a sweet combat roll to save my skin and just limped away with a few contusions - check
Because of the previous, went out and got a Bern Helmet-check

The to do list:
springer fork (maybe)
exhaust wrap
new front brake
find out why the rear wheel is whinning?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Has anyone tried diesel-truck oil filler caps as fuel tank caps? (for home-made or custom tanks. I mean the kind with the little t-wrench on them, that expand into the filler neck)

I think you will find these do not have a vent as the crankcase is already vented. So there is no need for them to be vented as it would bypass the smog junk on the motor.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I ground the clutch case where the chain was hitting, and adjusted the clutch; significantly less noise and slightly less friction! (.8 mph increase by GPS, though adjusted disc-brakes might be partially responsible.)

To do:
Get some cardboard inside the clutch case to deaden the noise.
Remove my tensioner and put it on the pedal side.
Put rubbers between the fins on the motor.

I do have a question for you guys! Where do you buy plain-old (somewhat heat resistant) rubber if you don't have something lying around??
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

They seal well though, and are cheap. You could add a tank vent though.

I think you will find these do not have a vent as the crankcase is already vented. So there is no need for them to be vented as it would bypass the smog junk on the motor.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

New tank works great! Bike looks fantastic! I know this because I took her out for a ride down our street and one fellow biker made that observation. The two others just slowed down and staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaared at her.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That is awsome Allin!! That whole thing is a work of art.dance1

Aw shucks. Thanks much, Goat. It's so flattering that the average man-on-the-street as well as people on the forum think I've built a nice bike. Makes all the hard work worth it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

put on spedo,added cnc intake and lights also upgraded fuel lines,drifter getting close to 30mph then four strokes on me,ill try a jet change if new spark plug wire dont do the trick,peace
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I upgraded the fuel line and attached a strobe light to the front fender for safety sake.
I am still waiting for the exhaust to get back from the re-coat and polish, should get it this Friday.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Speaking of exhaust:
Started hand filing (port matching) my exhaust pipe out with a round file, then busted a move to the basement to hurry it up with my 'dremel type tool'

It was exhausting work! ;)
(The exhaust port was ported before I installed engine, just didn't do the muffler until now)

Let me ask you experienced guys, would doing this make it feel like I added 10-20 cc's to the motor?
Seems like since I did this the bike wants to leave without me!
OR, is this me feeling the start of my rings starting to seat or both?
(Just started my second tank of 16:1 non-synthetic)

The difference is amazing and it even seems to 4 stroke less at WOT.

PS, also cracked my Dudley combination lock that hasn't been opened since high school 24 years ago! Thanks interwebs! I'll use that with my big chain and big U bolt lock for my MB security needs.

And don't forget my question, thanks.

One of the pictures (black cat) is the exhaust after hand finger sanding with emery cloth. Sanded to good enough adequate perfection.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

16:1 is way too rich. 24:1 is better for a start. Two tanks of that then 32:1. The 16:1 thing is for low quality oil or even used oil. Modern oils are much better than any Chinee oil.

They are some here running Opti oil at 100:1. That's a little thin for the old racer in me but I'll be running 50:1 with Maxima Formula K2 oil. It's very expensive at $10 a pint. I used Maxima oil when I was racing a RM250 Suzuki on a SuperKart and never had an oil related problem. Just make sure you get an oil specifically made for air cooled motors. The water cooled motors do not run as hot and the Chinee motor really needs the extra protection.