what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

did a few things recently. changed from cruiser bars to straight bars, moved my brake light to the back of my rack so I could put my seat all the way back, put metal shims in my luggage rack mount, and have been working on installing a smaller pedal gear for easier pedalling. That will be done tomorrow. took the pedal gears off of a mountain bike.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

went to go out for a ride ... made it down the block ....downpour of rain ..... hit the apron of my garage rear tire went flat , got new tube changed that out, found out rear bearings had gotten a smidge loose snugged those up , eyeballed a change to my chopper thats comming over the winter street sweeper chrome rear fender with duck tails an front the same . rain quit an finally got a nice lil ride . almost did the fender swap before the rain stopped but really wanted to just ride .
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got my bike all done today. finished installing the smaller pedal gear. also put some exhaust putty on my head pipe to seal out leaks, put a little air in the tires, adjusted the brakes, and took a few pics. renaming the bike "Something Wicked".
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I finally got around to putting the ammo box/side cases on my Hussy. I've been talking about it for three months so it was about time. I THINK that's the last thing to go on it, well, unless I can think of something else.
I now have headlights and tail lights, brake light, turn signals (front and back,) and a horn. My battery and electrics are tucked away in the left box, and the right side is for tools and rags and such. So far it's been working out great. All that's left is to put a lock on the boxes.
Big Red.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sweet!!! are those .30 cal boxes?

meanwhile, I took my beastie out for a romp, had a grand old time! not so much as a hiccough! More reliable than my first car and three times as pretty! This thing is in it's third year of operation and it just gets better... OH! If yer carb float tends to flood with fuel (common on the NT carb), here's what you do-
use the smallest drill bit you can find and drill into the SIDE of the float right where it's glued together... rotate 180 and drill into the opposite side, Use a bit of air pressure on one hole to expell fuel from the other. Allow to dry for a week. Swab the inside fenistration (created hole) with grey PVC cement (assuming this is an NT carb) as well as the seam where it's glued together covering the holes you drilled. Allow to set for 48 hrs. Assemble your carb and forget about it.
the Old Sgt.usflg
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Those are 7.62mm cans. Got em from San Carlos Surplus here in San Jo. I think their Just a little smaller than the 30mm boxes. So now I have all my electrics neatly tucked away and the other side for tools, rags and such. Still need to put some kind of lock on them.
I don't know if my bike is more reliable than my first car, I know I use it more than I use the car I have now. The only times I don't use my bike is if it's too cold or too wet. I'll be riding it around today again to go pay some bills. No parking problems with the Hussy.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

played with the bike a bit today. Put the Banana seat a little lower. Played with the tensioner a little. Took it for a spin, and it runs like a dream.

This is probably the last pic I take of it. I'm going to take the motor off this one, and put it on the other one.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Was planning a good cruise till a dang tree decided to come down Saturday night...



Gonna be sore for a few days I think.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

scratching my head trying to figure out why my clutch keeps seizing up.

running the 3100rpm spring on the maxtorque clutch. thinking i'm gonna pull the snap ring that holds the shoes together and go to ace to get a new one, it might be stretching or something and slipping out.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

so ....I bet your sick of hearing a chain saw run about now .

Only a little bit ;) Needed a sharpening half way through everything. Dang maple, heh heh.

Oh, and it missed the house and garage by a foot... friggin lucky!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

How perfectly rude of that tree! Comming down like that without warning... and not a single tree hugger under it... HARHARHAR, THAT will catch some flak no doubt.
Actually I had some pleasant runs today without any issues- my carb float (NT carb) had some isues with flooding- I resolved it with (of all things) GREY PVC cement as I had learned that;
1) Gasoline does NOT affect PVC or its' glue and
2) GREY PVC cement cures HARDER than the WHITE PVC
I will let you know when that fails-
the Old Sgt.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went out to the shop to do something, anything, to my bike and realized I'M FINISHED. I cant think of anything else I wanted to do to my bike. Yeah, yeah. I know. Give it a couple weeks and I'll think of some other gizmo to ad to her...... Oh yeah, I gotta put a speedo on her, I guess it didn't take a couple weeks after all.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I almost hate that when that happens.;) Can't find nothing else to fix that's part of the fun lol. Then it's mandatory to have to park it next to the T.V. at night after work and stare at it:)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

changed out my seatpost, adjusted my seat so i wasnt so far forward, raised the seat up a little bit, put some exhaust putty on my header, fixed my kickstand with loctite, turned the bolt around that holds my brake light to my luggage rack, went for a couple test rides, everything is about as good as its going to get. may lower my handlebars about an inch tomorrow for a more comfortable riding position.