what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I wanna know where he found three inch wide tires?! If that's the case?

You don't have to find 'em; you've already got 'em. You call 'em 2.5" when you put 35 PSI in 'em. You call 'em 3" when you put about 80 PSI in 'em. But watch those pot holes.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The Hookworms come in 2.5 width too.
As soon as I get the $$ saved up I think that I will try them anyways. If they don't fit, perhaps someone here would want them?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey Goat, check out "way to roll" on ebay. He says they are a true 3" and he has 8 of em. There are others out there, Coker sells em but they are pricey. I've seen the Maxxis 3 inchers but can't remember where.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

WoW !

Tree inch wide tire is gonna need at least a little persuasion administered to the aft end!
At least to keep things aligned so the chain doesn't eat through the tire!
It's just annoying to have all the scuffing on the sidewall. :-)

S, well yah goofed on that !
No harm done, because you figured it out.
That chain must run really straight and true or you will encounter many problems when you get to motoring it down the road.

If chain alignment is not right, first thing that happens is it gets thrown off and most the time it locks up the back wheel. You may go down!

Avoid that, if possible ! It takes all the fun out of motorized bicycles.

Trial run... wear ALL the protective gear.
Long pants, jacket, and gloves. A scooter helmet, even a full-face bicycle helmet is a good prospect. Sore is bad, but road rash takes a while to recover from.

OK, what did I do to my motorized bicycle today?
Moved it. It was in the way.
But yesterday, well, the day before, I took the carb off to mail it to another member who is a masochist. :-) I guess he wants to xperiment with cns... 8-O
Tank is off now, too.
...Tank is absolute LAST thing to install on a motorized bicycle!
Every single time the handlebars turn they hit the tank!
It's just NOT good!

I'm gonna take the grinder to the dropouts and make an adjustable axle slot for chain tension. There's just NO other solution that is practical!

Best to all,
And Thanks to Skarrd for this thread!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You don't have to find 'em; you've already got 'em. You call 'em 2.5" when you put 35 PSI in 'em. You call 'em 3" when you put about 80 PSI in 'em. But watch those pot holes.
They are noticeably smaller than my 3.0 Bermmasters to me. I got room for'em;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Pulled the driven pulley off and noticed I had set the guides wrong on it (explains the sudden super slack in the belt). the way i had it set, the rotation from the belt would loosen the pulley rather than the tightening from the belt loosening the pulley.

Best to all,
And Thanks to Skarrd for this thread!

you're welcome ^-^
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Priming & sanding the new tank. If I can have it finished and installed before May 23rd I will try to show up for Community Day at the Speedway track. Here's wishin' for a few more sunny days.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

This is what I did in the past week:

Installed some off brand plug (Smoother idle and acceleration now)
New back wheel and #41 chain (No more chain hopping off)
Removed head and polished combustion chamber (Way better low end torque)
Replaced acorns with grade 10.9 hex nuts (No more loosening head bolts)
Adjusted float level and air/fuel mixture (Finally got her tuned up :) )
Installed new petcock O-Ring as well as a new carb O-Ring (No more fuel and air leaks)
Replaced front motor mount bolts (Killed lots of vibs, no more unscrewing while riding)
Upgraded to larger/better Schwinn bicycle computer (My little one broke, so...)
Brand new tire and tube on back wheel (Smoother ride, better traction, no more leaks)
New gel filled seat cover for help with seat vibration (Feels like a new bike)

WRECKED AT 30MPH IN THE RAIN (Driving too fast, only coaster brakes, locked 'em up)
BROKE MY SCAPHOID BONE IN MY RIGHT WRIST (Caught my 30MPH fall with my hand)

Bent back wheel (And I had just installed a new one!!! No more smooth ride)
Smashed adjustment screws on clutch grip (At least it still works)
Slightly damaged throttle grip (Now it's a little sticky. Hello Cruise control :) )
Cracked headlight (Nothing a little super glue can't repair)

What I'll do next week:

Switch throttle control to brake style squeeze lever so I can ride with a broken wrist (...)
SLOW DOWN WHEN RIDING IN THE RAIN (Shoulda done it in the first place)

Continue to have fun. (This hobby is way too fun to give up.)

Well, after all I've done to it, there's no way I'm gonna park it 'til the cast comes off.

The injury is gonna slow down my upgrades, but not my riding. I may take it easy though.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My new tank has been leak tested, primed, sanded, (and primed and sanded some more) and now I have the first of a few coats of bright red on it. I always get a bit of a rush when I make something I've never made before.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

dance1 I found out why my motor won't idle and why it was lean. The screw came out off the crank gear letting air in through the crank hole.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put my Grubee bike back in storage, and went for a ride on my Dax bike. I've got to source screws for the grubee cog, to fit the Howard clamp, then tighten and dish the wheel. Rather drive my FD bike.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I was able to find a quality #41 chain at McFadden-Dale Hardware. 10' for $20 bux! Installed it and rode about 10 miles, SMOOTH! Now I can do some distance riding...& race next month too!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got an FD bike going for a local preacher, looking good, eh?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Straightened my back wreck-damaged wheel. (Well, PRETTY straight now anyway.)

Used my china girl to take care of some business. She rides fine, runs good.

I have to use the choke to start it now. I guess it's the warmer weather?
Back when it was still in the 50's and 60's, she fired right up with no choke.

My wrist is healing fine, though I still can't work. I have yet to visit the specialist.

I've got lots of people praying for me, so if any of you want to add me to your list . . .
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You're on my list, back in 2008 I crashed a dirt bike in the back yard while tuning the carb with the left hand and driving (well sorta) with the other. I was going about 10mph, went down on my left shoulder and broke my collar bone. With my arm under me I also broke four ribs and Rupshired my spleen. The total bill was 70k which included a helicopter ride I didn't enjoy.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You're on my list, back in 2008 I crashed a dirt bike in the back yard while tuning the carb with the left hand and driving (well sorta) with the other. I was going about 10mph, went down on my left shoulder and broke my collar bone. With my arm under me I also broke four ribs and Rupshired my spleen. The total bill was 70k which included a helicopter ride I didn't enjoy.

Thanks for the prayers man. My scaphoid bone thanks you too. :)

It's amazing how much damage 10mph can do. I knew when I wrecked that much worse things could have happened to me. I'm glad you didn't abandon the world of two-wheelers after such a bad crash.
