what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well Gosh!
After a brake failure, I'm glad to hear you are OK, Scoot!
Good thing, huh!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I went from this.

To this.

To this.

Along with the handle bar. The paint looks awesome in sun because of the color changing pigments in the paint which makes it shift from blue to green to purple depending on the angle you look at it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, the Caswell tank sealer is on its way. After it arrives, I have a tank to seal/line. Then I gotta prime it. Then I gotta paint it, and paint it, and paint it.

On a different note: I have to confess, I'll never get tired of the bug-eyed WTF stare I get from the locals as I ride by on my motorbike. (Had to run to CVS to pick up some immodium for the wife; it's as good an excuse to ride as any.) Watching 'em drop everything and just watch the bike go by is better than a roomful of comedians, in my book. Maybe it's just my quirky sense of humor, but the rubberneckers are almost as much fun as the bike itself.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Good job. The stock shutoff valves stink!

I like the inline switch. It is good because you can re-use it if you ever change tanks.

I've Have noticed on these days my gasoline tank switch was not doing his work on stoping gas flow,was trying to get one but not found and went to Home Depot and have to buy 3 part to make the gas line connection,after went to an Motorcycle store to buy gas line,filter and tank switch.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I took my 4 stroke for a ride and got passed by a bald guy in orangecity. It looked like a homemade kit to me but he was cruisin. It was black and yellow. I would have caught but my chain is streched out and fell off. I would have smoked em if i had took my time to take outta link. Links fixed im gonna race em the next time..shft.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That was fun. It took me a while to make up this gas tank system, but the next one I do will be faster. My wife is mad because I used up the cutting board. hahaha. I can get another one. "You better!" she said. :-)


The "jerry rigged" (pun intended) blitz can tank can go on the happytime bike when I get done with the Howard Sprocket Adapter.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

dnuttook clutch cover off the occ and cleaned all kinds of crap out then lubed gears.rode around nieborhood. then got ol sgt. out straightened rim then took it off roading, then fired the shadow up and got her ready to go to work.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sold it - :)

Actually traded it for some masonry work on the front of my house. The mortar in the little brick veneers on the sides of the garage was rotten and the bricks have been falling out. Guy wanted $800 to replace with new bricks. Told him it was too much, so he offered to take the OP Cruiser with the happy time instead.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put my bike away last night, after airing up the front tire and going for a short ride, expecting to patch a pinhole leak this morning. I got up, and the tire was still 70+PSI. I think some little rat fink let the air out of my tire while I was eating dinner.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Removed the 1 piece crank because the right arm snapped in half...

Fun. :)

Every bike shop I called for a replacement said 'Crank arm? Bring the bike in'.

Hellz no, I do my own work.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've got a small bugger in an internal thread I would like to clean up.
Discovered a metric bottom tap goes for 40 english pounds +.
So I spent about an hour scraping away with the tip of my gerber knife at a small flaw in the thread... really crude!
Gotta look for my needle files and rifflers... no clue where they are buried!
My foote seems to be healing up and I hope to be riding, at least a little, soon.
Real nice WX here in Kalifornia!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ordered a 'white' garter spring for the CVT driver.

IIRC the stock springs are set at 2200rpm, and the white was around 3000 rpm.

also have a 60t sprocket coming from kings, so i can fix the ratio on the cvt.

right now it tries to go down to 5.60:1 on the high end, the 60t will bring it to maxing at 8.69:1.

once i get home i'm also gonna get some new pictures of it as well.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

A lot of MB guys like me use www.niagaracycle.com and www.nashbar.com . I don't blame you for buying your own parts and tools. Bike shops make easy money.

Check with the mb vendors too, for 1 piece cranks. www.custommotoredbicycles.com probably has them.

Removed the 1 piece crank because the right arm snapped in half...

Fun. :)

Every bike shop I called for a replacement said 'Crank arm? Bring the bike in'.

Hellz no, I do my own work.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I epoxied a refracting lens onto my heavily modified headlight.
I also let a friend ride the bike so I could hear how loud it was as it passed by me and went down the road. It is louder than I was hoping for but still quieter than the kit muffler.
I may add a slip in baffle to it later.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I installed a kick stand from an old mountain bike I don't use anymore :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Completed fuel mods to my F/D (The Gray Ghost). Removed the 22 ozs tank and went back with a 64 oz after market fuel tank. That would just about triple my range. Remove, painted and reinstalled the motor cover flat black (make the drive unit harder to spot). Now were ready for trips to and from fishing spots. cvlt1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cool. Please post in my thread Dax Friction Drive Alternative Fuel Tanks

Let us know what tank you got and how you installed and plumbed it. Thanks!

I put a 1 gallon tank on mine, in addition to the stock tank. I haven't tried filling the whole thing up yet, but I expect it will do well. The bike seems balanced well with the weight back there.

Completed fuel mods to my F/D (The Gray Ghost). Removed the 22 ozs tank and went back with a 64 oz after market fuel tank. That would just about triple my range. Remove, painted and reinstalled the motor cover flat black (make the drive unit harder to spot). Now were ready for trips to and from fishing spots. cvlt1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got the 64 oz tank from Station. I also painted flat black and mounted on the other side of the motor on the roller housing. cvlt1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got the drifter put together and running,still need to trim and mount rear fender also plan on reinforcing the flimsy mounts. need to finish painting engine,then its on with the for sale sign plan on getting 600 for it.


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