Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)
Got the new pipe fitted, which was made interesting by all the various tubing diameters... I s'pose it's kind of a shame that there was no way to use the larger pipe for the whole thing, but this system has such better flow anyway it makes no nevermind to me lol
While naturally I'll not turn down any performance increase - the real reason I got this silencer wasn't for a performance mod, it was to tuck in the exhaust system a bit more, narrowing the taddy to help with mounting panniers (heat shielded ofc), with the oval can silencer I've pulled it in 1 & 1/2" which makes it in line with the engine case, perfect for the panniers-to-be.
The silencer itself is quite impressive in all aspects save one - silencing heh, it's a cavernous straight through glasspack, it's gonna be
loud if I leave it that way. Much to many a motorhead's heartbreak, yes - I'll most likely be making a baffle tube to slip in it, a very simple mod & one easily removed should I wanna. Truth is even with a baffle tube the whole system will still be far,
far less restrictive than the stock can & I really would like to keep this thing as quiet as possible.
Anyway the new silencer's construction is impressive for a bargain pipe, the end caps are solid, thick aluminum nicely machined, the body clamp accurate w/a good fit & even the chrome pipe was a good 'un - before I hacked it up into lil pieces lol The only "complaints" I'd have is there was a small bend in the heat shield and a few scrapes in the aluminum's anodized finish (S&H no doubt)...
...'cept ofc I can't use that heat shield (wrong shape), will be using header wrap instead and I'll be painting the silencer anyway - so I've not a thing in the world to complain about heh
Well, it's all ready for welding, 'cept I've got to make that one mount tab still (where the C clamps are), I got really lucky on this 'un as the new manifold fit perfectly over the old pipe, making an ideal adapter and saving me a bit of grief. I thought about bringing the bits into work today to zot 'em up... but I think I'm gonna borrow the lil 110 mig & tack 'em in place at home while it's still mounted to the taddy, it fits too well to mess it up transporting bits & screwing around with scribed marks or w/e lol