Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Here's a few shots of the tray details, doesn't seem like much to fret over - but aside from my lil vacation, the reason they were a bit of a challenge becomes more clear as you can see in the pics it's a busy place w/o much room for location choices or error... in the last pic I've got the larger SLAs in place tho I'm obviously not going to use them unless the lifepo4 packs fail for w/e reason;

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

...and last but not least some gratuitous "glamor" shots, just cause :D

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

just curious, what do you think the whole thing weighs?
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

I'd weighed the individual components a while ago & it was about 126 pounds total, minus only little things I didn't have at the time such as the throttles, switches & wiring... so mebbe 130lbs? Seems like a lot I know - but on the other hand it's almost exactly the same weight as a new moped, less than many even :D

minus engines & batteries 49lbs
engines (both) 60lbs
lifepo4 packs 16.5lbs

The kicker was replacing the SLA batteries, which just by themselves weighed 34lbs... yet with roughly 1/2 the capacity of the lifepos >.<
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Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

I went an' ordered some more shiny bits, stuff I s'pose I don't really need... aw, ta heck w/it, want/need - what's the difference really? heh

Anyway, the exhaust system has far better flow than the stock can I've got on the taddy ATM given that one has an outlet about the size of a bic pen... but that's not really why I got it & in fact if it's too loud I'll prolly swap it back out again - I got it 'cause it's oval instead of round, which outa help narrow the taddy's width a bit for the panniers that are still in the planning stage. I'll most likely be cutting the chrome pipe off & using the steel one I've got... as I'm typing this I've realized I forgot to get the header wrap *sigh* ahh, next week mebbe lol;

Piranha 50 Pipe

Got this lil K&N style air filter - but only because I've not found a suitable remote airbox yet, which when I do will go on the opposite side of the muffler mount. It's good 'nuff for now tho I figure & when I do find/make an airbox I'll jus' stick the lil thing on the Rollfast I figure;

Trail Bikes Air Filter

...and I finally gave in to temptation and got the 'Vapor' digital gauge ('Stealth' the black one ofc) - it jus' had too much groovy factor to ignore with it's speedometer, tachometer and temperature gauges as well as a buncha other stuff I'll prolly never use lol Still, a speedo is a must & the tach & temp outa prove handy;

Vapor Digital Gauge

* Speedometer:
o Current Speed
o Maximum Speed
o Selectable MPH/KMH Display
* Tachometer:
o Real-Time RPM Bar Graph
o Numeric RPM Readout
o Dual Programmable Shift Lights
o Up to 20,000 RPM
* Temperature:
o Ambient Temperature
o Engine Temperature
o Dual Programmable Temp Lights
o Exact Model Fit Temperature Sensors
o Selectable °F/°C Display
* Distance:
o Adjustable Distance
o Permanent Odometer
o Selectable Mile/Kilometer Display
* Clock:
o Hour Meter
o Stop Watch
o Ride Time
o Accumulated Ride Time
o permanent Hour Meter
o Selectable 12/24 Hour Display
* Power Input:
o Includes Power Connection Fits All Machines
o Accepts Any Power Input - AC/DC
o Auto Switch to Internal Power if External is Removed
o Permanent Memory Guarantees Data is Never Lost

I went ahead and got the 'Indicator Dashboard' for it as well, tho I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to fit it where I wanna put it (couldn't find measurement specs), but I do have three possible locations so mebbe it'll work out. I do hope it does as I will be installing blinkers & whatnot... but mostly b'cause of the aforementioned "groovy factor" again;

Vapor Indicator Dashboard
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Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

...and I did manage to get some "work" done as well heh

The handlebars I'd made before weren't supposed to be just "mock ups" but they were jus' a lil wonky - as it turns out the left one was turned in just a tiny bit, which drove me nuts for a lil while trying to figure out why my seat could be perfectly centered... but not centered at the same time o_O I coulda fixed them I s'pose as they were still only tack welded, but I woulda hadta redo the fishmouth & they were already a lil too short, so I jus' made new ones.

What's interesting is while I'm not completely satisfied with the angle/shape, they're comfy enough and as the only other sacrificial handlebar candidate I had that was even remotely close to what I need was exactly the same as the first one I hacked up - I guess it's fate lol

Still a hair short I stuck 2" extensions on 'em too, which prolly makes them a tiny bit too tall now, but as it's far easier to trim them down than to extend them again I'll try 'em as is and see how they feel. Everything still clears at maximum turn so it's just a matter of ergonomics... or me being a picky SOB... six of one/half dozen of the other really I s'pose;

....and I'm outa semigloss black paint again aargh >.<
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Suh-weeet! Been drooling on the Vapor since last year. Build like yours deserves it!

In the meantime, you can picture the digital tach bar dancing while you make your vroom sounds! :D
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Thanks Ale ;)

Picture the tach dancin'? Ya mean stare at this gif whilst I make vroomie noises to meself?


OMG I would nevvor, such slander o.o rotfl
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

that is the coolest dual tach/speedometer/ambient or engine temp/multifunction indicator i have seen jus sayin

Hey I fixed that for ya! :D
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Got the new handlebars (temp) painted & installed & did summore testing (read set on it & make vroomie noizes) & found out I'd installed the brake levers "backwards" this whole time... as in on the outside of the throttles instead if the inside. No big deal & easy 'nuff to fix - but if I'd left them that way it's possible to get "tangled" trying to grab just one lever, whereas this way it's easy as pie to jus' grab/let go as ya please, without fumbling or even lookin' at 'em - the other way "looked" better sure, but I figure panic stopping is prolly more important.

So, there's a point to vroomie noises after all lol

I also discovered a bit of a cause for concern - namely, at full extension/hardest turn me fingers/brake lever gets awful close to the upper A arm... I did some testing under full suspension compression and it shouldn't hit, but "shouldn't" doesn't fill me with confidence... so I reconfigured both the handlebars to be almost perfectly upright at neutral instead of canted forward, which moved the tips back three inches and gave me some wiggle room.

They're still very comfy, the added two inches in height helped a bunch with this, particularly the side furthest back in a hard turn. I may be overreacting in any case as I've the linkages set to maximum - furthest handlebar travel for the least wheel turn, for high speed stability & ofc testing purposes. It may well be that I've overcompensated and could have significantly less handlebar travel - but that too is easy enough to adjust, I've three "settings" on the linkage tabs for exactly that reason *shrug* Well see I s'pose ;)

I then messed around with wheel alignment a bunch as LF was always a bit wall eyed anyway, but it was a tedious & slow process that's not even worthy of some pics heh "hey look guys, I turned the tie rod a half turn out, then again... hey look I did it summore" :p

Still, it progresses FTW

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Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Here's a humorous look at tadpole front wheel alignment. The trike is an "ICE" and belongs to the brother of the fellow that invented the "Rolf" wheel. Helping along is a formet lead welder of the Joliet, Il. Caterpiller plant, the head of security for Chicagoland Speedway, a professional photographer, a professional wisea** and yrs. truely. Also, along for the session (but wisely staying behind the camera) is Reverend Ed - a Baptist Minister. We didn't accomplish much, but we had a great time doing it. The welder traded me one of his USX trikes for my EZ3-AX trike with the electric motor. I'm still waiting for my package from Staton !

We "Fix" Dieter's Trike - YouTube
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)


Man, what a great vid and a even better crew! Thanks so much for sharing this peek inta the mad, mad 'bent world (^)

I gotta say, while I do work alone they kinda remind me of the voices in my head...

I may have a problem... o.O
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

you only have a problem if u have full blown out arguements with the voices in ur head the opccaisional conversation is normal tho.....
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

OH, OH. Back on the meds for me.


Thought this was funny..

the voices in my head have gotten so out of hand, that they've just elected their first congressman.


mine elect generals and want to invade countrys that I've never been to

Have a Buddy who as a child, when a doc would look in her ears, She thought they were seeing if every body was OK. She really is one of the funniest people I have ever met. Will go in to long winded dissertations that end with a punch line. Hold your sides doubled over laughing, funny.

I think your gonna like that Vapor computer B.A. :)
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Got the new pipe fitted, which was made interesting by all the various tubing diameters... I s'pose it's kind of a shame that there was no way to use the larger pipe for the whole thing, but this system has such better flow anyway it makes no nevermind to me lol

While naturally I'll not turn down any performance increase - the real reason I got this silencer wasn't for a performance mod, it was to tuck in the exhaust system a bit more, narrowing the taddy to help with mounting panniers (heat shielded ofc), with the oval can silencer I've pulled it in 1 & 1/2" which makes it in line with the engine case, perfect for the panniers-to-be.

The silencer itself is quite impressive in all aspects save one - silencing heh, it's a cavernous straight through glasspack, it's gonna be loud if I leave it that way. Much to many a motorhead's heartbreak, yes - I'll most likely be making a baffle tube to slip in it, a very simple mod & one easily removed should I wanna. Truth is even with a baffle tube the whole system will still be far, far less restrictive than the stock can & I really would like to keep this thing as quiet as possible.

Anyway the new silencer's construction is impressive for a bargain pipe, the end caps are solid, thick aluminum nicely machined, the body clamp accurate w/a good fit & even the chrome pipe was a good 'un - before I hacked it up into lil pieces lol The only "complaints" I'd have is there was a small bend in the heat shield and a few scrapes in the aluminum's anodized finish (S&H no doubt)...

...'cept ofc I can't use that heat shield (wrong shape), will be using header wrap instead and I'll be painting the silencer anyway - so I've not a thing in the world to complain about heh

Well, it's all ready for welding, 'cept I've got to make that one mount tab still (where the C clamps are), I got really lucky on this 'un as the new manifold fit perfectly over the old pipe, making an ideal adapter and saving me a bit of grief. I thought about bringing the bits into work today to zot 'em up... but I think I'm gonna borrow the lil 110 mig & tack 'em in place at home while it's still mounted to the taddy, it fits too well to mess it up transporting bits & screwing around with scribed marks or w/e lol

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

I get just a tad sad when I look at your rad tad...I wish I had something that I'm mad :D Seriously though I've been showing this build to non-riders and they've been impressed man :)
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)


ifn ya want a taddy trike
instead of yer basic bike
just find one ya like & make it

sure ya look funny as heck
all laid back, a kink in yer neck
with no one quite sure how to take it

jus' grab a welder and steel
and don't forget that extra wheel
as you cut & grind & fake it

it'll bea heckofa thing
when feet first ya fling
that turn, yer jus' not gonna make it

ok so a poet I am not
I jus' hadta see what I got
after all twas you that started it rotfl
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

To the tune of the Oompah Loompah song:

Tribrid, hybrid, zombie taddy
Look how much time you're asking from me

Wrenching, bending, breaking some stuff
Winter slacking; sitting on mah duff

Vroom sounds, zoom sounds, here is a zot
When I came up with this I smoked too much (cough)

Legal, schmeagal, I don't give a crap
They have to catch me in that speed trap

Done, no, fun though 38 pages
motorized bicycle riding beats the crap out of cages :D