Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)
Dan & Mark - yer both absolutely right lol, heading
towards the sounds of conflict and potential danger is a surefire way of winnin' the Darwin Award, or at least becoming a viable candidate...
There is however a reason I live in the middle of nowhere, put up with the long cold dark & suffer the doldrums resultant... I've done my time as a city boy an' I'm
so done w/it - simply put, we've really
no crime to speak of - a coupla domestic disputes & drunken disorderlies is about as excitin' as it ever gets 'round here lol, this is an area where everyone leaves their keys in their car even at the corner store (sos they don't misplace 'em ofc) heh
While no doubt that fella had a coupla priors ta get everyone
so worked up - the reason there was five or six patrol cars from two different townships all swoopin' down on the guy is pretty simple... We don't even have a donut shop, poor guys are bored to tears lol, you should see 'em when we've got a fender bender er sumfin!
B'sides, I've a handy dandy moat, there's a nice lil stretch of ocean between me and that road, I'd see 'em comin' around in plenty o'time to flee like the cowa.... erm... prudent fella I am heh
Nice! I respect you're taking your time on this build too, it's coming out awesome!
Thanks LS614, but to be completely honest the time it's taking isn't just "craftsmanship" or w/e - there
is the slacker variable as well as alla time I spend completely befuddled lol I've learned that if there's somethin' wonky, somethin' that doesn't set well but I can't figure it, or even if I've just a new "awesome" ider... it's prolly best to tinker with somethin' else for a while, givin' the ol' brain some time to digest...
Most of the time I eventually figure out that the problems weren't as drastic as I'd thought & that ider wasn't as awesome as it coulda been heh
...and speakin' of such, turns out that "exploratory surgery" I'd been puttin' off wasn't near as annoying as I thought it was gonna be, nor did I actually need that flywheel puller, I'd been misled for the lack of a noun

As I prolly mentioned b'fore, I'd emailed the vendor askin' what the b'danged wires were & while I don't wanna speak ill of the guy, if I was gonna roll with "guesses" it'd at least be mine own (at least they admitted they were guessin' I figure lol) and you'd think from this sentence;
"pulling the flywheel will allow a better look"
...that you'd prolly hafta pull the flywheel right? No, as a matter of fact ya only hafta pull the flywheel
cover to "get a better look" as the mag is attached to it, not under the flywheel thankfully lol
So, five bolts later I had the pesky thing off, another five bolts and I had the one ofn the junk motor for comparison... which helped less than I'd hoped as it's d'ffrnt o'course. Still, there's only five wires on this dealieyo and only the one of them is a unknown color. While my unit is great in that all it's wires are double wrapped w/heat sheathing, it does make it awkward to see what color the wires are - still, I could track down two of 'em (blue/white = coil trigger & green = ground) and as they matched the location & color of the older unit, I'm pretty confident there's no mix & match shenanigans and by that good ol' process of elimination I figure my mystery pink wire should in fact be white, AC for charging (or to the regulator/rectifier as in this case).
So, the new Lifan's wiring is almost definitely ("almost" only b'cause I've not tested ofc) as follows;
Black/red = primary coil, charges CDI
Pink = AC for batt/regulator rectifier
Yellow = AC for lights/regulator rectifier
Green = ground
Blue/white = coil trigger
With the secondary pigtail just for gear indicator lights, there's no "neutral safety switch" so it can be completely tucked away & ignored. No one seems to know which wire does what, but it'd be easy 'nuff to figure with a multimeter ifn I ever care to. As I'm not actually using the engine's gear box beyond a "low, medium, high" range, set beforehand (like for trails/towing or cruise)... I doubt I'll care anytime soon lol