Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

I've been watching the wiring debates and was wondering if the good people that made that wiring loom ever worked for Jaguar.

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

No, as cornfuddling as it may be - there's no Lucas Prince of Darkness "positive earth" foolishness lol - learned that lesson long ago w/my old 1974 MG Midget, loved the car but it only took one summer for me to figure out that I'd be better off ripping out the factory harness & making me own... oddly, that was easier than figuring the taddy harness heh.

I also hadta pop the top just to get in the thing... but that's a different story lol

Progress... or not as the case may be, as ya'll may or may not remember I'd gotten a pair of 24-60v DC to 12v DC converters sos I could tap off the 48v LiFePO4 packs, as they were theoretically rated @ 10a each - I'd hoped to wire them in parallel to get enough amperage to use my electric starter on the ICE (15a req) & with naught but the feeblest of groans, they failed utterly to budge the starter.

So, as the engine spins over happy as can be with a 12 SLA w/a 15a inline fuse - obv somethings gone wrong with my wondrous converter plans. As the last thing I need right now is more 'letric headaches, I'm gonna "cheat" and save that aspect until after I get the thing up & running. The converters didn't blow up, no magic smoke escaped & they didn't even get warm so I may still use 'em for something, they might even be modifiable (egeeks need be consulted heh)... but odds are I'll just hafta buy a real converter for real monies ofc lol

So for the time being I'm gonna (hopefully) roll w/a less groovy backup plan, I think I've just enough room above the jackshaft for a lil itty-bitty 12V 5AH SLA Battery (L-3.54 W-2.75 H-3.98"), which is the minimum required for the ICE's starter, so I went ahead & ordered one (pics show min/max suspension & clearance). While I really wanted to avoid having yet another battery on board & the resultant weight... well, it jus' makes things too easy at this stage heh, I'll get back to the 48-12v converter mod later when I've less critical things to tinker with.

Like the power chain routing, which I'm jus' not psyched about. While I do think the sweet lil cogs w/their sealed bearings can actually take the load - I just don't like how many chain redirects there are (four between pedal & drive cogs)... there's just too much complexity, drag & noise, it's a sloppy workaround and it bugs me. After seeing Alaskavan's sweet & it's chain route and after installing my teflon chain tube for the return side - I realized the error of my ways. I do have just enough room to run both the power & return side under the chassis w/only two, larger idlers... so, now I'm on the hunt for a coupla rollerblade wheels, the lathe hungers...

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

...and as it turns out - there's just enough room for that SLA... an' I do mean "just" lol, I hadta jack up the back of the taddy and remove the rear shock mount bolt, dropping the rear stays outa the way jus' to get it in there... which ofc is a bit of a pain, but hopefully I won't need to replace/remove the batt all that often. Even so, it's jus' one bolt. Propping the SLA in place I put the suspension back together, crossed my fingers & checked clearances with the shock both fully extended and compressed (beyond normal, say like a blown seal) and there's a whoppin' 1/4" of space between it and the shock, 1/3" between it and the vertical stay support... tight fosho, but enough to work with *whew*

So, now ofc I gotta make it's tray and bolt downs heh

Speaking of things that go zot - I've spent far too much time searching the interwebs for any accurate wiring schematics for this particular Lifan w/o any luck save findin' others equally as confused. I emailed the vendor I purchased the engine from and... well... his reply was less than confidence inspiring, consisting of his "best guesses" and suggesting I crack open my brandy new motor & pull the flywheel to trace 'em down myself...

Needless to say, I'm so not psyched to roll with anyone's "guesses" when it comes to electrical widgets, ya can only let all the smoke out the once lol, so that leaves me with the less than savory option of some exploratory surgery on mine shineh new motor- which naturally requires a specialty tool, the flywheel puller. Of course it's counter threaded >.<

As it's the sunny summertime I've been bombin' around & lookin' for any excuse to have a mission - as it happens I was headed up to my local bike shop (which tho posh, actually digs MBs FTW) and on the way jammed my brakes so hard I fumbled the clutch & stalled my poor beater Schwinn (embarrassing, you'd think I'd be bttrn that lol) as I happened to be passing a small motorcycle shop & somewhat belatedly had the thunk that the place, while normally kinda useless and overpriced - just might have that pesky tool so needful fer honkin' off the flywheel on monkeybikes, the machines my engine is commonly found on.

Much to my astonishment - they did! While I'm not so fond of the storefront itself, the tech in the shop is both quite knowledgeable & friendly, more than happy to help - he offered the tool on a "indefinite loan" despite the fact I tried to buy it and admitted I had no idea when I might be able to return anything just "loaned" as ofc, I've no idea when I'm gonna be able to figure this out lol - he said he didn't care, he had "about ten of them" and I could give it back whenever...

Awesome indeed, but I still dunno why he wouldn't take me moniezs o.O *shrug* We then proceeded to babble bikes, the trials and tribulations of the beloved HTs, and generally wiled away a beautiful day w/tinker talk lol

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Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

As I can only be annoyed by 'lectric mysteries for so long b'fore I've gotta do somethin' else, to get the pesky brain to stop obsessing over things I can't do anythin' about (theory anyway, doesn't actually work lol), I've ofc been tinkerin' on other things I'm not 100% satisfied with, the "good 'nuff" that isn't quite...

Like my dual throttles & their cables.

There wasn't really any major problems, despite the fact I'd forced the cables to make a sharpish turn outa the triggers and into the handlebars, they didn't bind or have any undue drag... but there was a little drag and the last thing I need is for either or worse, both the motors to get stuck at WOT... and mebbe a tech at my fave bike shop showed me some spiffy, stylie, springy & stainless brake noodles I'd never seen before... and I mebbe bought a couple 'cause they had a significant and undeniable groovy factor *whistles innocently*

b'danged bike addiction >.<

Anyhoo - while they mebbe helped reduce cable drag (hard to tell as there wasn't much to begin with), I think they defo added to the "clean" look, a "good 'nuff" reason if ever there was one lol - far more importantly I'd also gotten a handful of normal brake noodles for other things, like my brakes (whoda thunk right?) and one other issue that was actually a bit of a problem.

The stock carby for the Lifan while a nice one - doesn't actually have a cable adjuster on it, just a press fit guide tube w/a rubber cover, assuming ofc that you'd have a cable adjuster on yer throttle like a "normal" person. Normal not really being my bag, I have no such gommy lookin' dealies on my throttles, stickin' straight up and bein' all goofy as they'd be. While that's fine for the remote ethrottle as it's got an adjuster hidden away, the carby could pose a problem. While I've made a throttle cable that fits, it's a bit of a pain to get it exactly right and there's no guarantees that the cable wouldn't stretch a bit w/time.

So, I swiped the top & adjuster ofn a busted HT "speed" carb (casting flaw, surprised?) and lo & behold - it actually fit the Lifan's carby! Stunned... I took it off and put it back on a coupla times, convinced it was too good to be true - nope, it does actually fit, no moddin' necessary... downright odd that, for this project anyway lol

So, I cleaned it up, stuck a noodle on it and jus' to be sure - made a stronger slide return spring for it by choppin' up a return spring normally used for a quad's rear drum brake, as well as makin' yet another cable as ofc the other was now way too short. I've a feeling my custom cable adventures are far from over lol, but the throttles at least are defo "good 'nuff" this time around heh

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

So... at 'bout 4am yesterday there was an awful racket outside my place, sirens & cops yellin' an I wandered out to see what the latest grave and imminent peril might be... as I stood under my deck and watched the pretty blue lights of 'bout six police cars issuing some guy a ticket fer a taillight out, it occurred to me that I just might not need to make a battery box from scratch after all - I turned around and checked the three quarters of a four wheeler I've got rustin' away under there & sure 'nuff, there was a battery box as pretty as ya please...

...well, a lil crusty perhaps, but that's easy 'nuff ta fix.

Little time on the ol' wire wheel, a touch or two w/the sandpaper, a squirt of prime & paint & done - jus' needs to be welded in place whoohoo! Any and all paint at this stage is ofc temporary tho.

I did check suspension clearances again but as the battery is in exactly the same place as previous testing I didn't bother taking pics - I will say I'm glad he test fitting is done, droppin' the rear stays & puttin' them back again, airing down and pumpin' that shock back up full pressure over and over was... gittin' a lil old lol

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Nice! (^) I respect you're taking your time on this build too, it's coming out awesome!
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

HAHA the last time I was awaken by cops being noisy and blue lights I almost ended up getting shot in my own yard, they were raiding one of my neighbors 3 houses down for drug trafficking and used my back yard as a sneak through and looking for a couple of people they thought might have fled. When I stepped out on the patio I really don't know who scared who worse but I know there was no more sleep that night. When I see blues I stay inside now!
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

(When I see flashing blue lights out side, I tell Carol I love her and bravely hide in the attic. Shhh ...and wut?)

Just kidding.

They always check the attic first
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Dan & Mark - yer both absolutely right lol, heading towards the sounds of conflict and potential danger is a surefire way of winnin' the Darwin Award, or at least becoming a viable candidate...

There is however a reason I live in the middle of nowhere, put up with the long cold dark & suffer the doldrums resultant... I've done my time as a city boy an' I'm so done w/it - simply put, we've really no crime to speak of - a coupla domestic disputes & drunken disorderlies is about as excitin' as it ever gets 'round here lol, this is an area where everyone leaves their keys in their car even at the corner store (sos they don't misplace 'em ofc) heh

While no doubt that fella had a coupla priors ta get everyone so worked up - the reason there was five or six patrol cars from two different townships all swoopin' down on the guy is pretty simple... We don't even have a donut shop, poor guys are bored to tears lol, you should see 'em when we've got a fender bender er sumfin!

B'sides, I've a handy dandy moat, there's a nice lil stretch of ocean between me and that road, I'd see 'em comin' around in plenty o'time to flee like the cowa.... erm... prudent fella I am heh

Nice! I respect you're taking your time on this build too, it's coming out awesome!

Thanks LS614, but to be completely honest the time it's taking isn't just "craftsmanship" or w/e - there is the slacker variable as well as alla time I spend completely befuddled lol I've learned that if there's somethin' wonky, somethin' that doesn't set well but I can't figure it, or even if I've just a new "awesome" ider... it's prolly best to tinker with somethin' else for a while, givin' the ol' brain some time to digest...

Most of the time I eventually figure out that the problems weren't as drastic as I'd thought & that ider wasn't as awesome as it coulda been heh

...and speakin' of such, turns out that "exploratory surgery" I'd been puttin' off wasn't near as annoying as I thought it was gonna be, nor did I actually need that flywheel puller, I'd been misled for the lack of a noun o_O As I prolly mentioned b'fore, I'd emailed the vendor askin' what the b'danged wires were & while I don't wanna speak ill of the guy, if I was gonna roll with "guesses" it'd at least be mine own (at least they admitted they were guessin' I figure lol) and you'd think from this sentence;

"pulling the flywheel will allow a better look"

...that you'd prolly hafta pull the flywheel right? No, as a matter of fact ya only hafta pull the flywheel cover to "get a better look" as the mag is attached to it, not under the flywheel thankfully lol

So, five bolts later I had the pesky thing off, another five bolts and I had the one ofn the junk motor for comparison... which helped less than I'd hoped as it's d'ffrnt o'course. Still, there's only five wires on this dealieyo and only the one of them is a unknown color. While my unit is great in that all it's wires are double wrapped w/heat sheathing, it does make it awkward to see what color the wires are - still, I could track down two of 'em (blue/white = coil trigger & green = ground) and as they matched the location & color of the older unit, I'm pretty confident there's no mix & match shenanigans and by that good ol' process of elimination I figure my mystery pink wire should in fact be white, AC for charging (or to the regulator/rectifier as in this case).

So, the new Lifan's wiring is almost definitely ("almost" only b'cause I've not tested ofc) as follows;

Black/red = primary coil, charges CDI
Pink = AC for batt/regulator rectifier
Yellow = AC for lights/regulator rectifier
Green = ground
Blue/white = coil trigger

With the secondary pigtail just for gear indicator lights, there's no "neutral safety switch" so it can be completely tucked away & ignored. No one seems to know which wire does what, but it'd be easy 'nuff to figure with a multimeter ifn I ever care to. As I'm not actually using the engine's gear box beyond a "low, medium, high" range, set beforehand (like for trails/towing or cruise)... I doubt I'll care anytime soon lol

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Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

I just went out and looked at the wires on my Lifan. I think you've got it right.
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

That really is great advise BA. Get frustrated or befuddled, give it some time. Was really glad to see a great many dealers stop saying (about kits) "installs in under 4 hrs" or any time limit. Racing with that or any time frame, takes a lot of the fun out of it and of course; "Haste makes scrap"

Really just learning that my self. Give it time and very often the answer or work around will just pop in my head. Or take the time to ask you folks how you dealt with what ever.

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

If you give me a PERFECT bike for motorizing like a schwinn riverside or a classic schwinn, provide me with the right parts and tools, and a decent quality kit, I can NOW install a kit in under 4 hours, but I was sure pissed at the 4 hour thing on my first build that took me 18+
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

hehe... four hours - TBH I spent at least that long jus' thinkin' about which brakes to get for this thing lolz

Well as ya may remember, I'd decided to reroute the power side of my pedal chain to reduce the redirects, noise & drag. After seeing Alaskavan's taddy I figured it'd be purty easy and in concept it is - the only problem I ran inta was there's no local supplier that I found that'd sell me freakin' roller blade or skateboard wheels... I coulda been patient ofc and jus' ordered some ofn the 'net, but in lieu of waitin' 3-5 days for S&H I chose to spend almost a week lookin' around locally lol o_O

Ah well, desperate to cob something together to see how well it'd work with my madness, I jus' gave up and bought an entire skateboard from ol' wallyworld, jus' for the wheels. Before ya think I've totally lost all perspective on this project I would like to mention this wonderful example of mass produced quality cost a whopping nine dollars... yep, that's right - a full sized board for nine dollars...

Needless to say it's such a piece of junk it's scary - a kid asked me what I was gonna do w/the deck & trucks and I replied "not give such a dangerous POS to the boss's son lol" - I could sense the consequences looming heh, the silly thing had plastic trucks fer cryin' out loud.

Anyhoo - even fer nine dollars I didn't really get me pennies worth, I shouldn't have been surprised to find that when I started lathing the wheels into idlers, they were only rubber coated with a hard, plastic core *shrug* no worries, I was mostly after a "proof of concept" kinda thing, I wanted to see if I could make my ider work (the nice sealed bearings also didn't come w/em, I had those kickin' ofc).

The tricky bit w/the idea wasn't lathin' skateboard wheels into idlers, that's been done b'fore by many fine folk even for the HTs... where it got questionable is I wanted to combine the idlers with a chain retainer as well as have them serve as the return chain tube's supports, sorta "all in one" dealies. So, I cobbed together some side plates outa stainless sheet and the chain retainer & tube support outa some leftover 'StarBoard', a marine grade polymer that's way, way overpriced - jus' as a FYI, if ya need some really rugged "slippery" plastic for a chain guide or w/e, save yerself the expense and jus' get a cheapo plastic cutting board frm the dollar store or w/e, as far as I can tell it's the same stuff w/o the price tag, I jus' happened to have some leftovers heh

Anyway, it turned out far better than expected! I wasa lil worried the plastic wouldn't take the tapped threads well, but as it turns out it's really strong - I couldn't rip apart the test piece by hand even a lil, sos I figure it's plenty strong 'nuff fer this. Drag & noise is greatly reduced & now that it's sorted I can chop an additional 1/4" outa them to increase my road clearance, I only made 'em as tall as they are as it's a lot easier to remove more material than to stick it back on there. Best yet, as cheesy as those wheels may be, they are a "standard" skateboard wheel size, so they're easily replaced w/quality when I find a set;

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

...and I've been tinkerin' away on the lower battery tray supports, thwarted only by a busticated tap >.<

Ah well, progress has been made anyway lol, I've finally gotten the design sorted, to have them not only compatible with SLAs should I have a problem with the LifPo4 packs, but easily removable and still be easily converted to mount on a bicycle should I decide the tribrid thing isn't worth the weight or w/e...

Don't want much do I heh?

Jus' gotta wait till I gets a new tap... *sigh* Anyway, what ya can't see in the pics is the trays are (will be) held to the brackets w/ four stainless fasteners, countersunk flush so the big ol' SLAs will still fit & there'll be no chafe point to damage the LifPo4s. The trays themselves still need upper supports & drain/lightning holes cut & I'm still trying to sort out what I'll use as cases for the LifPo4 packs themselves... At this stage I'm kinda thinkin' I'll get some fake leather (easily waterproofed) and stitch up slip covers. I don't much like sewing but it seems the most straightforward solution, doesn't really matter much at this point in the game anyway lol

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

...and the mandatory gratuitous profile shot heh


ofc, there's also the new chain routing & battery mounts in case yer wonderin' - tho I should mention the forward chain idler's mount is still jus' a mockup... I'm still tryin' to figure out how to make a good strong mount that doesn't interfere with the lower A-arm's bolts & I'm toying with the idea of making it part of a skid plate/guard to protect it & my steering plate... urm...

...yea, I'll get back to ya w/that 'un lol

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Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Your chain run looks good. She's really shaping up. How's the lectric for the engine comming along?
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

I am beginning to wonder if BA is ever going to get this thing on the road or if it isn't just a mental exercise machine he is going to keep in his garage for workouts LOL... Might be a regular strength trainer too working out those muscles it takes to lift and open that wallet so regularly... Really tho nice job BA...
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Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Well, it's funny you should mention that Mark - the time it's taking to finagle this beast together...

I was just doing a rough estimate of potential completion times considering budget, my spare time, what I wanna do w/the thing & ofc seasonal considerations. Interestingly, it ties in with Alaskavan's question too lol

I've the color coding for the Lifan sorted (at least I hope so) and I'm really close to being able to do a test run if I cut some corners & cheated a bit... I could, with a coupla frantic sessions prolly get it up & running by this or next weekend (depending on my blasted job)... and it's tempting fosho.

but... I'm really not stoked about some of the the "fudging it" I'd hafta do, I'd really hate to start cutting corners this late in the game and to "do it right" with my budget & schedule I'm bettin' there's prolly another month or so at a minimum... which puts us into September/October... and that's a bit of a problem up here in the Northlands (not that Alaskavan wants to hear it heh).

I'd get it up & running & tuned in just in time to put it away again. o_O

While I'm a year-round commuter, I ride no matter what the silly weather might be (TBH, the worse it is, the more fun I have lol) I have zero interest in exposing this taddy to the brutal calcium chloride & rock salt they insist on using on the roads 'round these parts. Sure, I'd no doubt get a coupla weeks in - but knowing Murphy we'll get an early snow, just as we won't get any at all if I don't put the taddy on the road lol

So... with some reluctance I've decided to very deliberately take my time, instead of completing it to ridable "as is" I'm gonna go the extra mile and complete all the aspects of the build the way I really want it, the electrical harness is as good an example as any heh - I could jus' plug the emotor and the Lifan's wires up & go... but many of the handle bar controls are intrinsic with lighting and I've not a bulb to be seen - in fact I've not even settled on what I wanna buy yet other'n knowing I've the buttons for and want a headlight w/a LED running light/low beam and a powerful incandescent high beam, LED blinkers/running lights w/hazards with an LED tail/brakelight & a horn ofc, with the wiring all tucked together neatly w/braided loom covers... and that alone is a bit of a task, one I cant even start until I gets me summor toys n'stuff, like the front fenders as that's where the front blinkers are going... and those ofc will need mounts figured out & fabricated etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum >.<

Given there's a ton of other things jus' like that I figure I'm not even gonna try to get it "done" by this fall and shoot fer spring, when I'd really be able to appreciate it. This will "force" me to do it right as I'll be trapped and bored during the long, cold dark, fidgety, I'll give my utmost attention to the pettiest of details lol - not least of which is as I'll prolly run outa stuff to do about midwinter, I'm considering building a powder coating oven for this and other projects *shrug*

So... sorry to disappoint, but I figure given what I want... I ain't near done yet heh ;)
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Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Hi,Barely.Just checking in on your progress!Looks like your getting close to a maiden voyage.It's been a while,maybe I've missed it.Have you even sat on it and peddled it around to see if it handles right? or if the chain tracks? Just remember the more stuff you add to it the more stuff you might have to re-engineer if something fails."SHRUG":-|| But I'm sure "You" know what your doing! Kip. [email protected]