Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

rotfl yus... well *cough* whoda thunk MBers would be so prone to such painfully poignant prose? :p

hmm... not much to update on save I seem to have forgotten to mention I ordered this fender set as well; Fenders Sun Ez-3 Ax Blk Trike 20X3: Sports & Outdoors

& granted, it may seem a touch early to be concerned about such things - 'cept I'm gonna be starting on the taddy's electrical harness soon & as I'm thinkin' I'll be mounting LED blinkers on the tops of the front fenders... I s'pose I'll need fenders to mount them to lol

Ofc, as I've bought them "sight unseen" I've no idea at all if they're even close to what I want, the 'Sun Ez-3' is a delta trike, not a tadpole (16/20" wheels tho) - so ofc the back fenders will be for my front wheels & the front fender... well, I prolly cant/won't use it at all & find a different, full size 26" one. As the fenders I'm thinkin' of using for my fronts are s'posed to be for a delta's rear wheels they wrap all the way around, I'll need to cut & trim to suit, but I'm kinda stoked for that as I'm a fan of full coverage fenders, partic those that would cover wheels that can and will be pointed right at me face frm time to time...

...we'll see how they work out ;)
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Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

granted, it may seem a touch early to be concerned about such things
Better to have too many parts than too few. :)

You should of painting the tips of the fenders red to match the muffler, that'd look sweet, eh?
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Defo right about the parts and it prolly would look sweet with red tipped fenders killercanuck, but TBH I've already decided the only "colors" I'll be paintin' this thing would be black on black with no stripes, no two tone, no metal flake, no flames & not even any chrome if I can help it, jus' the machine lookin' like w/e the heck it is in black, brushed aluminum & stainless...

...and ofc a dippy orange flag so I don't get run over lol *shrug*

I did get me new shiny toys finally and I gotta say I'm stoked! While everythin' is just resting in place (helped mebbe w/a squeeze clamp or two) it looks like I'll not be trimmin' down the front fenders at all, I really dig 'em jus' the way they are... tho I will need to find a rear one - and the Vapor speedometer/tach/etc? Much to my relief it fits perfectly exactly where I wanted it, indicator light dash & all :D

With a lil more than 1/2" on either side it tucks in between the pedal cranks like it was meant to be there - it's a lil far to be messin' with it's buttons ofc, but I don't mind, don't need them "in flight" so to speak (and they make a remote anyway ofc lol), more importantly it's easy to see while still keepin' an eye on the road ahead, the bar graph & speedometer numbers plenty large enough despite the distance. The engine temp is a lil small, but it has (programmable) warning lights so no matter.

I obv need to make mount plates for everything, the fenders are pretty easy w/jus a coupla tabs needed & ya can prolly see why I didn't cut the old D tube down on the bottom bracket yet as it'll be part of the speedometer mount... and until I had the speedometer, I couldn't know where to cut lol

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Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

The fenders look just right. What if the third fender went on the back facing back and was positioned like a bob tail? Or is the diameter wrong? The little lights on the top of the front fenders will be cool and a good safety feature. I picture little copper torpedo lights with led s inside. 3/4" copper tube with a lens made from a stained glass faceted jewel... either amber or clear. I like my little jewel lights so much. If you want pictures & a how to, let me know.

Went for a country bike ride with Tinsmith yesterday and with my Panther pulled the dog's kiddie trailer. I use an American flag instead of the orange plastic one and it looks good snapping along in the wind and definitely catches the eye of motorists, which in the end is what it's all about. Just sayin' it doesn't have to be orange plastic. The size I get are supposed to attach to car windows like diplomat flags... just the right size, fabric and very inexpensive on ebay. Lot's of other flags, too, like state flags. Might not hurt when the cop pulls you over.
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Thanks Silver, yea I'm really pleased with the front fenders & yea, the back one is the wrong diameter to fit even bobbed - but truth is I'm not worried about it, I bought the set for the backs... fronts... erm... the ones I'm using lol & 26" rear fenders are commonplace. The bobbed ones look nice, but I'm thinkin' I may go full coverage w/that one too as I'll prolly get a trailer for this thing.

I do like those copper/stained glass/faceted jewel lights ya make very much, they add a touch o'class to any bike - I have however gone a slightly different route with this build and ordered the following LED taillight, blinkers & flasher relay in glamorous black plastic lol, but thanks for the thought :)

LED Mini Turn Signals (fenders)

LED turn signals (rear)

LED Red Tail Brake Light

LED Turn Signal Flash Controller Relay 3 Pin
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Your lights will do the job and look good while they're doing it. As for the rear fender I don't much like bobbed fenders either, but was trying to figure how you could use the one you had from the set. I like full fenders for the look and the protection they give.
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Well what with thanksgiving cold season & being all cracked out on the cough syrup again I've not managed to get much done, seems I can't be trusted to cut a straight line in my condition heh - still, I managed to cob together a test mount for the Vapor instrument panel, though it's just for testing and I won't be keeping it *shrug*

I really wanted to be sure there'd be no pedal interference issues, that it wouldn't be too close to the front derailleur and chain yet would still be easy to see, & to be sure of that I had to somehow manage to have the dash where it's supposed to be and pedal the thing... so a throw-away test mount seemed the best answer, particularly as I haven't got wide enough channel to make it for reals in any case lol

There's also the issue of I'd like the dash mount to also serve as a headlight mount, but until I get said headlights I haven't really any idea how that's gonna work save the vaguest "well, make it longer w/a crossbar" kinda thought... yea, prolly better to wait till I have the headlights :p

Anyway, after cuttin' down the old seat post tube & some tinkerin' I got the thing stuck in place, clambered aboard (sketchy whilst it's up on the bench YAY) and pedaled it (there may have been some vroomie noises made) and much to my relief - it's just peachy. The mount needs to set about 1/2" lower with the dash about an inch or two higher up on the mount, but that's jus' me bein' particular about it and another good reason for a test mount I figure ;)

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

You might want to consider mounting your headlight higher up. On my trike, the present lights only show me things that stick up in the roadway (important for avoiding sticks, rocks, parked cars, etc.), but even the slightest depression in the road is a dark pool I'm entering at 30+ mph. Fortunately during the summer, when I ride most, it doesn't get dark 'till long after my bedtime.
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Do you happen to have a pic of your headlight setup Alaskavan? I hear what yer sayin' w/o a doubt but truth be told I'm havin' a hard time figuring out a place any higher up than the end of the pedal boom...
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Mine are under the front "axle". If I were to redo the lights, I think I'd make a rollbar and mount them up there.


Or maybe mount them on some kind of "stalks" off the handlebars.
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Yea, I can see how that might be problematic & a no-go for my build in any case as I'd suffer "jiggly light" syndrome if mounted there as they'd be unsuspended on a suspended build... they do look good there though, I'd consider leaving them (or lower power ones) as supplementary fog lights when you get your primaries sorted, can't have too much visibility I figure. I did get my high beam to be 20" off the ground & the low beam 16.5" (16" is minimum legal height for auto lights, so I figure it's ok)... you've prolly thought of this, but have you considered putting your lights on extensions from your fairing's upper T bar mount?

Speaking of "sorting things out" I went and built another test dash mount w/lighting in mind this time, unitizing it all in one mount to try and simplify things a bit... usin' an old chunk of a (bent thus useless) carpenter's square & a pair of wallyworld halogen driving lights I managed to get everything's locations sorted - I may or may not keep these particular driving lights, I don't much like chrome but it's what they had lol

They're also 50 watt halogens & together, a bit too much for my itty-bitty ICE charging system to handle, tho the light (spot) is simply awesome. I'll be swapping the lower light's bulb to a 12v LED for normal use (daytime driving light & low beam) & if the 50 watt halogen still proves too much, I'll pick up a 35 watt halogen bulb or thereabouts *shrug* Onboard electricity really isn't a problem w/this build given the battery packs, but I'd still like to conserve it as much as possible for the hub's use.

So, after figurin' locations & triple checking pedal/foot/derailleur clearances (any excuse to set on the thing lol) I got some shiny 3" wide aluminum stock, bent it up, hacked at it a bit and drilled some holes n'stuff - I'm particularly fond of the lil aluminum & rubber grommet anti vibration mounts that came w/the indicator dash accessory - so ofc I used em;

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

...and I'm diggin' it - or it's the best I can figure out anyway lol - I still need to weld a small "cap" under it to be sure it's secured to the old seat post tube as well as the rear and front mounts for the ol' "three points of contact" rule, but that'll hafta wait till tomorrow (yes, that's a happy time motor mount for the front YAY).

So, other'n that it's good to go with my lil GPS fitting perfectly under the Vapor dash so I don't get lost... as often anyway heh, tho I'll prolly paint the mount to reduce potential sun glare problems.

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Well, bit of a completely unexpected setback with the rest of the lighting system, I had ordered the blinkers, relay & taillight stuff 'bout a week ago & you'd think I'd have it by now - indeed I would have as it was delivered...

...unfortunately some of the local town hooligans pillaged all the mailboxes up and down my street, opening any packages they found & dumping anything they didn't keep in the snowbanks & as it turns out, they must have liked my taste in blinkers as all I could find was the empty torn up packaging & invoice slips *shakes fist*

Ah well, kids will be kids & while annoying, truth be told this kinda thing almost never happens around here - this area is so safe and comparatively crime free as to be brain numbingly boring lol *shrug* so, while it's a small setback I'm not gonna get all worked up over it... I'll just reorder my shineh things and wait, TBH it's the waiting that annoys me most heh

So I just reordered the front blinkers (fenders) and relay;

...but I decided instead of reordering the taillight and rear blinkers - I decided to go ahead and order something a lil different, an integrated "all-in-one" blinker/taillight/brake light unit that should be both brighter (lumens) and offer a "cleaner" look than separate blinkers & taillight assemblies; 2007-2008 Kawasaki ZX-6R ZX6R Clear LED Tail Light: Automotive

I s'pose we'll see if/when it gets here lol
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Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

if u want my 26" medal rear fender for ur build its urs it came off my huffy cranbrook trike so i have no need for it its taking up space in my shed..... send a pm and ill try to get it to ya
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Thanks Cog, I'll defo keep that in mind (^)

TBH I'm not sure what I'm gonna do for a rear fender just yet, the fronts are plastic... but if painted who could tell the difference? I'm really fond of duck tail fenders & though I couldn't find suitable ones for the fronts, I may still use one for the rear... mebbe... I dunno yet lol ;)
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

My lighting (flasher relay, front blinkers & blinkers/brake & taillight) showed up & this time I got to keep them lol - the LED relay works as promised, the brake/taillight w/integrated blinkers unit is really nice, very bright & well made, the front blinkers... well, not so much. They work it's true, they're simply not very bright & the yellow of the lit LEDs are mismatched. No worries tho, they were cheap & I kinda expected as much - in fact I got the clear blinkers instead of the tinted/smoked ones for that very reason. I really wanted the itty-bitty "teardrop" shaped housings & there aren't many to choose from that small, while it woulda been nice if the LEDs matched & were brighter - it's not going to be much of a challenge to crack 'em open and upgrade them w/some decent LEDs *shrug*

The LEDs in the brake/taillight w/integrated blinkers unit more than make up for that small disappointment however - that sucker is bright! It even came with load resistors for the blinkers (not mentioned in the ad), which I won't need ofc as I have an LED flasher relay, but it's a nice touch. The only "problem" with this unit is it's a bit wide for "normal" bicycle use @ 7&1/2"w x 1&3/4"t x 1&3/4"d as the typical bike rear rack is only about 5-5&1/2" wide, so it'd stick out about an inch on both sides...

...but this isn't yer typical bike lol & my rear frame rails, top of the seat & fuel tank are all around the 8" mark so it "fits" the width of this build well - that is, if I had something to mount it to ofc.

So, this was one of those weekends - where I spent hours on end fiddling around w/the taddy, yet have not a dang thing to show for it heh. Fraught with indecision I've not figured out if I wanna just mount the taillight above the fuel tank... or scratch build a rear cargo rack for it to mount to. So I spent my time measuring out & sketching rack ideas (as obv that's the harder of the two) & the more I got into it - the more of a challenge it became.

It's trickier than it seems. As the rear wheel is suspended there's travel clearance that needs to be considered & as the tank & seat are so low in relation to the wheel the rack needs to be higher than expected, which ends up lookin' kinda gommey - tho it's got the advantages of being suspended & I can integrate mounts for panniers. If I mount the rack to the stays instead it's nice & low, matching the rest of the build - but it'd be unsuspended and kinda far back, defo too far back for panniers & I wouldn't want that much unsuspended cargo weight anyway...

...not satisfied with anything I've come up with so far, I switched tactics and actually cleaned up my shop a bit instead heh - which seems to only happen when I've got a project brain lock. I've got a deck designed for a potential rack, I'll prolly cut & bend that out today at work to help visualize the issue.

In any case, with the bench nice & clean I took summore pics & as usual, some items are just resting/clamped in place ofc, yes - my front fenders are still crooked lol

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

I run those fenders on my bike. Love em. They are not "unbreakable" like they advertise, I've already snapped one rear fender lol

But they are light, quick release, and have nice adjustment. They don't scratch like metal fenders, either.