what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Came home to a flat tire...luckily its the front...stared out the window at her...then climbed under my goose down comforter to fight off the 12° weather...supposed to be 29° tomorrow...ill fix it then ride...just to make sure its right of course...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Came home to a flat tire...luckily its the front...stared out the window at her...then climbed under my goose down comforter to fight off the 12° weather...supposed to be 29° tomorrow...ill fix it then ride...just to make sure its right of course...

Daaaam dude, My freezer ain't that cold, and yer goin for a ride cause it's WARMING UP tomorrow. Daaaam dude.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I replaced the chinese bolts on my Dax Friction Drive, where the u-bracket mounts to the frame, and added a couple extra nuts to lock the bolts in place where they first go through a bracket. It made it WAY more stable.

Then I added a foam air filter into my rubber air boot, made from cutting a disc out of a Lawnboy $5 foam air filter (made 2). I started and ran it, seemed to stay put ok and ran fine.

$1.30 instead of $5, here.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Both my motor kit and mag are in the truck for delivery, according to the fedex tracking. so im going to stick around the house and wait for my late christmas present to me self
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Installed a few new parts I got in the mail yesterday. 36t sprocket, speed carb, new fuel line with filter, some better handgrips then those God awful ones that come with the Flying Horse engines.
Still waiting for my replacement pipe from Bikeberry. It's frustrating having all these new upgrades and not be able to use them. I did fire it up and run it a few minutes just to make sure it would run, but it's too damn loud for me without a pipe.
Just checked tracking it's on the truck out for delivery! Thank you God! I hope he gets here soon. I want to get some riding in before dark.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I more or less finished rebuilding my first bike. I still have a few little things left to do. Like shortening the throttle cable, bar ends, aging the paint a bit for that patina look. Im working on getting rid of the chain tensioner, I have to grind out the drop outs alittle so i can add another full link to the peddle chain and run the wheel in the back of the dropouts. Im having a bogging problem that i believe is the clutch slipping with the crappy pads. so i have ordered some high friction material to make my own. I also ordered an 68 jet. Hopefully this will get this thing back on the road. Over all i am much happier with the way it is now than before.

- Made some motor mounts to level out the carb
- Added puch 70cc high comp head
- Trimmed piston skirt
- Strumey archer front drum with double walls and 11g spokes from husky
- Pirate cycles billet intake
- Pirate cycles hub adapter with 44t (i want a 40t)
- Filter
- Accel plug wire and boot
- Modified springer front end
- One piece SBP expansion exhaust


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

well let see on dec 28 i was heading to a job interveiw well i never made it on my way i had a old ladie blocking the sideway people dont care i live in sevierville and the smokie mountion so i try to ride the side walk as much as i can but wheni was heading down the road i tryed to go back on the side walk of chickfile but insted of hoping the driveway my tires road down as i put my right foot down and the next thing i know i was on my helment so their where peolpe stop and helped me out of the sidewalk and they drug my china girl off the road i tryed to stand right went stret down ok put my knee cap wish that was my luck i busted the knee cap and nothing left of the botton bone they put pins and a excoskaltain and on thur is the big day of plates and screews well i know i got to get a back light againe and what else when i be able to ride her again.duh.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I hope you have a speedy recovery. Based on your post, might want to ease up on the percocets...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Success. The foam filter stayed put over 27miles, and fuel mileage was normal at about 100/gal. Had a good time at the parks, got bit by a dog while resting at the dog park but it was a little wimpy dog and didn't even hurt. hahaha. Fun day.

I replaced the chinese bolts on my Dax Friction Drive, where the u-bracket mounts to the frame, and added a couple extra nuts to lock the bolts in place where they first go through a bracket. It made it WAY more stable.

Then I added a foam air filter into my rubber air boot, made from cutting a disc out of a Lawnboy $5 foam air filter (made 2). I started and ran it, seemed to stay put ok and ran fine.

$1.30 instead of $5, here.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I hope you have a speedy recovery. Based on your post, might want to ease up on the percocets...

I do the Vicodin thing after I wreck. It usually doesn't affect my writing as much. I just can't find my front door.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

After a (sudden) stop, flop and roll, I am particular to Percodan. Not sure it helps with the pain, I have no clue as to any thing going on.

The trying to stand and falling back down is a really bad feeling. I can't imagine a broken kneecap. Must take forever to feel right and work.

Just a side note. Every one expresses them selves differently. Like Uncle Ron typing all in capital letters. He is not "yelling", contrary to any sort of Netiquette, just how one of us expresses him self.

Really is interesting knowing all of you guys and reading different ways of explaining stories and how you did things. Some times my English skills are not real the greatest, but always in fun.

(that and when you make fun of me, I throw stuff at the 'puter TV. NANANANNAa)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

edangel, I am sad to hear that you went down and got hurt really bad. I hope that you heal up fast and better than before the wreck.
Hopefully your bike can make a full recovery too.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Take care of that knee- they take ALONG time to heal. The misses has 7 screws in hers from an accident almost 8 years ago and it still bothers her.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

well let see on dec 28 i was heading to a job interveiw well i never made it on my way i had a old ladie blocking the sideway people dont care i live in sevierville and the smokie mountion so i try to ride the side walk as much as i can but wheni was heading down the road i tryed to go back on the side walk of chickfile but insted of hoping the driveway my tires road down as i put my right foot down and the next thing i know i was on my helment so their where peolpe stop and helped me out of the sidewalk and they drug my china girl off the road i tryed to stand right went stret down ok put my knee cap wish that was my luck i busted the knee cap and nothing left of the botton bone they put pins and a excoskaltain and on thur is the big day of plates and screews well i know i got to get a back light againe and what else when i be able to ride her again.duh.

That sucks Angle hope you heal up real fast.

I purchased Knee and shin pads for racing http://motorbicycling.com/showthread.php?t=29175. But I've grown accustomed to wearing my knee and shin pads all the time now. So far they have saved my knees once in a parking lot.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Be sure to do physical therapy even if it hurts like a mother...got 10 screws and a7 inch plate in mine...


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Be sure to do physical therapy even if it hurts like a mother...got 10 screws and a7 inch plate in mine...

OMG BROTHER, You really are the Wickedest one I know. Riding in below freezing weather, screws, plates and staples all up in yer knee. You guy's from Connecticut are certainly a tough lot.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Woo Hoo, I got my 1915ish looking thing running today. Put 10 to 12 miles on it. It has a 79cc HF engine, jackshaft reduction, the only thing left of the donner bike is the rear triangle. It is geared to high though. Ordered some new gears for the reduction. I can now see what all the hoopla is about the 4 strokes.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ported my jug last night and started reshaping the transfer ports, now to do the transfer ports on the case. Got a brand new motor, and im building it up to run reverse jug. all new bearings going in it. this motor did have a surprise in it tho. the crank shaft halfs are one piece, gone are the bolt on weights.

you can see the balancing holes drilled in the rod, and yes, that is oil, the motor came shipped with some oil in it, that makes me happy, that means that if i didnt tear into the motor, it would have been lubricated for the first firing. there was also oil in the cylinder and on the piston, which is another good sign, that means they didnt shove the piston in dry.