what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That makes sense fatdaddy,but everytime I go to exchange a tool they act like I'm asking for their first born. I don't want their kids,got my own to worry about. And Craftsman is known for their lifetime guarantee,why buy the stock if your worried about exchanges? He||,that would be reason enough for me to buy some,if not for the kids.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, I'm a fixin to find out how they act. I got an OLD pair of Craftsman Vice-grips that just fell apart. When I get around to the exchange I'll let ya know how it goes.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks for the correction, open end wrench it was. I think if your careful and don't grind the worm gear on the crescent wrench (adjustable) you could get away with it. Then if lengthening each side of the jaws by welding some extra metal, you have and adjustable cone wrench?

Away I know it was not one of the Craftsmen wrenches I had ground, unless I did not look real close. All I remember seeing was made in India and the Craftsmen name usually appears in fairly large letters so I think it was something else.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks for the correction, open end wrench it was. I think if your careful and don't grind the worm gear on the crescent wrench (adjustable) you could get away with it. Then if lengthening each side of the jaws by welding some extra metal, you have and adjustable cone wrench?

Away I know it was not one of the Craftsmen wrenches I had ground, unless I did not look real close. All I remember seeing was made in India and the Craftsmen name usually appears in fairly large letters so I think it was something else.


Thats right, grind down some POS wrench from India or China. Why grind up a good craftsman. I think mine was from Taiwan.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Somehow I didn't get an explanation in a search with the POS, but get it now.

I do look to see if I can really buy where everything about an item is USA made, but true it is tricky at how stuff is labeled.

I hope my Hobart Welder is really USA made!

This is not motor bike stuff, but some things are surprising, this being one of them.

I did buy in a Sears store a pressure cooker / steamer and it is was made in India. It is stainless steel and has about 5 safety features for over pressure and interlock opening. Quite high tech in the features and what I thought were scratches on the finish, was just the brushed design. I bought an extra gasket and got it through the mail easily.


It was marketed by Manttra but had this name on the bottom. They have ISO 9001 and a bunch of other international certifications and I would say this product is much safer than what was made in the 1950’s.

Some things from overseas are of high quality, but there is obviously a lot of stuff less than marginal, so buyer beware.

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got quite a bit done today. Finished fitting up my forks and handlebars. This process involved quite a bit of work. I have a pair of Suzuki K10 hydraulic motorcycle forks that came with a 3/4" handlebar clamp, and since bicycle bars are 7/8, I had to grind down the handlebar clamp to get my handlebars to fit. I started with a dremel and a grinding bit, but after realizing how slow that would be, I decided to try using a cutoff wheel to ream it, and it worked. I was able to get the handlebars to fit. I also modified a crown nut to work with the triple trees. The steerer tube has a hole in it to bolt the top tree to, making it impossible to use a regular crown nut. So what I did was take the dremel and cut the crown part off. I also hooked a spring to my clutch lever to make it return. Let me explain what I mean. I dont need a clutch lever since I'll be using a 4 stroke with a centrifugal clutch, but my clutch lever controls my brake light. So what I did was put a spring through where the cable would normally go, secured one end of the spring to the lever with twist wire, and hooked the other end of the spring to the handlebars, also with twist wire. The reason I did this is so the lever will return on its own when I release it. I also used the dremel and a grinding bit to make the hole in my sprocket wider, so I don't need to modify my dust cover and risk damaging my bearings. I also cleaned up the casting slag on the exhaust manifold I was given.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got quite a bit done today. Finished fitting up my forks and handlebars. This process involved quite a bit of work. I have a pair of Suzuki K10 hydraulic motorcycle forks that came with a 3/4" handlebar clamp, and since bicycle bars are 7/8, I had to grind down the handlebar clamp to get my handlebars to fit. I started with a dremel and a grinding bit, but after realizing how slow that would be, I decided to try using a cutoff wheel to ream it, and it worked. I was able to get the handlebars to fit. I also modified a crown nut to work with the triple trees. The steerer tube has a hole in it to bolt the top tree to, making it impossible to use a regular crown nut. So what I did was take the dremel and cut the crown part off. I also hooked a spring to my clutch lever to make it return. Let me explain what I mean. I dont need a clutch lever since I'll be using a 4 stroke with a centrifugal clutch, but my clutch lever controls my brake light. So what I did was put a spring through where the cable would normally go, secured one end of the spring to the lever with twist wire, and hooked the other end of the spring to the handlebars, also with twist wire. The reason I did this is so the lever will return on its own when I release it. I also used the dremel and a grinding bit to make the hole in my sprocket wider, so I don't need to modify my dust cover and risk damaging my bearings. I also cleaned up the casting slag on the exhaust manifold I was given.

You made all that sound like fun. Wish I had time to get my other two bikes in order. Right now I'm doing a head gasket on my car.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got my PM electric motor that I will use as a generator today and did a simple test to see how much voltage it will put out. I did this with a cordless drill I have that doesn't spin that fast, maybe it was going 600 rpm's. The digital volt meter measured around 2.3 to 2.7 volts DC. I will have to hook it up to my drill press and see what it does at the different rpm settings.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ive been struggling with making a lighting system for my bike...I've abandoned the tin can headlight I slapped together...i made a ridiculous headlight from an old 6 volt flashlight that is completely waterproof...i modified the reflector to accept a different bulb base...its absolutely ridiculous looking...but honestly I dont care...now to figure out a way to mount it...I'm sure I can rig something...ill get pics up later once it is mounted and wired up...

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went back out to the freezing cold garage to switch around the Jack Shaft assembly because it just didn't look right when I was looking at the pictures. Also I didn't have any place to install the Generator that I want to use. Take a look at the Wasp build in the link below and tell me what you think.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode for about an hour around the neighbourhood. First time in damp/drizzly conditions. Sprayed all my electrics with wd40.

Swapped my front brake pads with my rear ones. Working brakez! :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I changed the gearing on my vintage build again. It was a little to high had to much top speed and not enough power. Now it will climb the hills and still cruise at a comfortable speed for me. I think I am just about ready to paint.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got alot acomplished on bike #6 yesterday. This is my 3rd genesis onyx 29er. I got the little ht mounted up and just have to install the electrics. Upgraded plug wire and boot. Soldering all the connections. I must say that this last 66cc I got from BGF on ebay is somewhat impressive so far. Compared to the last 4 I have received. The transfer ports only needed minor work and the intake side of the piston skirt didnt need to be trimmed to clear the intake port. The gaskets are not flimsey like all the others. The muffler mount flange was flat and required no grinding to get it to mount flush. These are just some of the things I noticed. We have yet to see how it runs though. Soon.......
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I haven't had any problems. I found a malfunctioning old socket wrench once, a big one, and they gave me store credit toward a similar model (it must have been pretty old).

Well, Maybe not the workers. They still make their $5 per hour. But I wouldn't think the shareholders are too happy about replacing a 20 year old tool with a brand new one.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Decided to refurbish my Ht. This is the third bike the engine has been on over the course of almost 4 years. It was starting to get a little "slap" noise so it was time. New piston, rings, wrist pin and bearing. And of course a new crank. I left the crank bearings alone except to add some high temp grease. They were the Japanese bearings and were still smooth and tight. I did the same for a buddies engine last week and it's running GREAT. Hope I get the same results for mine. (I think I got all the parts back in, haha.)
And as long as I had my baby apart I went ahead and did a few things I've been putting off, Like tube protectors, New motor chain, Steel braceing on the rear fender and a better front tire that's NOT A WHITEWALL, (I hate whitewalls.) I replaced the rear tire a couple weeks ago. I should be ready for a test ride tomorrow afternoon.
It would be nice to spend billions on schools and roads,
but right now that money is desperately needed for political ads.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Used it to grocery shop. Brought home four cases of drinks at once! Teenie bit hard to steer with so much weight in front, but the basket didn't break!