what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

picked up a 24" 18 speed bicycle.

next up:
disc brake forks
disc brake front wheel
put motor on.

can't wait!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got the engine in and my electrics all redone, My cheap chinese switch assembly was starting to give me crap so I replaced it with another cheap chinese switch assembly.
I was gonna throw on the chain yesterday and give it a test ride till my lights and turn signals quit. MAYBE today?
And yeah, I'm working in my kitchen. My girl lives 13 miles away, so no woman in the house to clutter my kitchen, just the bike. I just got out of the hospital a few days ago and the shop is TOO FAR AWAY right now. And I think my Hussy likes kicking it in the house with me anyway.
Got another camera. Soon as I figure out resizing I'll post some pics.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

headlights, headlights, headlights....ive been struggling to find something suitable...ive done coffee can lights, flashlights, dynamo light...so lo and behold when i went to ocean state job lot the other day i saw an exterior garden light that is low voltage leds...they dont work so i switched out the housing for the bulbs and popped it on the bike...ive run it a little, but its really way too cold to ride at night to find out if its bright enough, but its bullet shaped and waterproof, and has a multifaceted reflector that inside in the dark on my 6v sla battery its enough to brighten my room...time will tell...its cast aluminum and only comes in one color: dirt. but i like the look...had to modify it slightly since it comes with a ground stake mounted by 3 screws(too narrow for vibratory reasons) hooked into a spst toggle and currently connected to the dreaded white wire, but as i mentioned earlier im going 6v sla and have my dynamo as a back up...hope you like my crap photography


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

They sell them at the ocean state job lots, like a discount store, but its basically a garden accent light that I ripped the guts out of and rewired to a lamp base from radio shack...fairly easy to do...i got a round lamp base with screwed terminals...i found solder in the little tabs does NOT hold up well with high vibration...in my experience it has not...they sell similar lights at home cheapo...
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Peeled off the company logo thing on the clutch cover. Engine looks much more discreet now without the bright yellow label, especially since it's a black engine.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The Hussy is DONE, Kinda. Motor,Check.... Electrical, Check.... Tires, Check.... New heavy duty chain,.... OOPS. The freakin chain is TOO BIG. I thought I'd be smart this time and put on the baddest, biggest, toughest chain I could get. I rolled it into the driveway and it just snagged and clunked all the way. (It's not clearing the engine case.) I guess I'm putting on an old,(but still in great shape,) smaller chain. Don't know if I'm doing it today. I've been up since 4am helping a disabled friend with a little problem he had. He's OK, I'm BEAT.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Maybe you can use some of the ideas for spreading the frame for a little extra space as many have shown on this site. I know there is controversy with this approach in some ways, but if cutting, re-welding and making a "Z" shape I can't see that as a problem. The time and effort is the thing.

Kudos to you for helping your friend. I helped out a little yesterday holding onto a friends windsurf board and mine too, while he retrieved a kite surfers board that was going out with the tide. The wind was flukey and the water was nippy a bit, but the sun was shining.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Made a new intake manifold for my HF 79cc. I was having trouble getting it to ideal right. Checked the manifold and one of my welds leaked. The new one works great. runs right now.

Also helped my brother build a trailer to pull behind his bike. Think I'm going to make me one.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Made a new intake manifold for my HF 79cc. I was having trouble getting it to ideal right. Checked the manifold and one of my welds leaked. The new one works great. runs right now.

Also helped my brother build a trailer to pull behind his bike. Think I'm going to make me one.

I got a kid's trailer off craigslist for $25. The way it's made the load is totally inbetween the bike wheel and the cart wheels. I have some 1"x1" .063 wall square tubing I'll be making a 2'x4' flatbed with hooks to fasten things down like an aluminum box and other stuff...when I get the bike done.crt.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got a kid's trailer off craigslist for $25. The way it's made the load is totally inbetween the bike wheel and the cart wheels. I have some 1"x1" .063 wall square tubing I'll be making a 2'x4' flatbed with hooks to fasten things down like an aluminum box and other stuff...when I get the bike done.crt.

That should haul anything your bike would want to pull. I'm not sure how big I'll make for mine yet. My brothers flat bed is 23"x26", with 20" wheels. Mine will be a flat bed also, as soon as I find a tote I like that will be the size of the bed.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Switched my lighting system from engine powered to rechargeable 6.4volt battery...had everything all set when one of my wires started smoking...apparently the wire was steel wire? I really must not have been paying any attention at all when I wired up the headlight...but its fixed, and all wired in...i even had the lights on for an hour straight with nearly 0.5volt discharge...not bad...but it took freaking forever and its nerve racking...going to bed still smelling the burnt flux..

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Switched my lighting system from engine powered to rechargeable 6.4volt battery...had everything all set when one of my wires started smoking...apparently the wire was steel wire? I really must not have been paying any attention at all when I wired up the headlight...but its fixed, and all wired in...i even had the lights on for an hour straight with nearly 0.5volt discharge...not bad...but it took freaking forever and its nerve racking...going to bed still smelling the burnt flux..

Never a good feeling knowing something almost burned your bike/vehicle down, is it? lol
Did that to the radio in my project truck not too long ago.

Been riding it a bit here lately. Had one of my friends over monday, I warmed the bike up and let him ride it. He had ridden it before, but the carb wasn't working all that great and it was cold. :D
I didn't realize how loud my bike was until I could track him around the neighborhood just by the exhaust. :D

In other news, thinking about grinding and smoothing the head. Any suggestions?

Also, anybody ever done a stroker build on one of these engines?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Never a good feeling knowing something almost burned your bike/vehicle down, is it? lol
Did that to the radio in my project truck not too long ago.

Been riding it a bit here lately. Had one of my friends over monday, I warmed the bike up and let him ride it. He had ridden it before, but the carb wasn't working all that great and it was cold. :D
I didn't realize how loud my bike was until I could track him around the neighborhood just by the exhaust. :D

In other news, thinking about grinding and smoothing the head. Any suggestions?

Also, anybody ever done a stroker build on one of these engines?

Just smoked a wire redoing my electrics too. I ran out of fuses for my inline and had it rigged. Got some new fuses quick.
And on the head. Wet/dry paper and a sheet of glass.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today was "Clear Coat #1" for a project I've been working (albeit very slowly) on. Now I'm waiting on a call from the local Fastenal to let me know when the M6 rod I ordered is in.
Also made a trip out to a local bike shop, "Our Community Bikes", and scored an old style bullet light for $3. I may have to spend a little bit to get it back to working, but it'll go well on the cruiser. It just needs a bit of rust cleaned off it and polishing up. Pretty cool place, they have bins and shelves full of just about everything you could need, if you have the time to go through them.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Another thing from the bike shop trip today was a couple of different seat posts. Harley still wasn't satisfied with the height of the seat on her bike, so I swapped to a different style of post.

On the right is the post it had, the one on the left is the replacement.


Old post:


Replacement post:


Now she can touch the ground with both feet at stops. ;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Just smoked a wire redoing my electrics too. I ran out of fuses for my inline and had it rigged. Got some new fuses quick.
And on the head. Wet/dry paper and a sheet of glass.
I agree! I've had people THINK about pulling out in front of me, until they hear mah pipes! :D

Alright, what's the glass for? Leveling?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

glass block is used for finishing something you want really flat.
a little water under the wet/dry paper and it sticks like glue.
i use a piece of polished granite.
didnt do anything to my bike today,but do want to take it for a snow ride.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

glass block is used for finishing something you want really flat.
a little water under the wet/dry paper and it sticks like glue.
i use a piece of polished granite.
didnt do anything to my bike today,but do want to take it for a snow ride.
Gotcha. I wasn't going to mill the head surface, just smooth out the combustion chamber a bit.

All the factory texture CAN'T be good for flow.