what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had a lot of time, so I rode slowly to the bike shop in town. One of my pedals was falling apart, so I needed to replace it. The shop sold me "new" "take offs" for $5/pair. What a deal!

I also rode slowly home at 12.5 mph(20kph) on the sidewalks, and maintained the speed limit on roads that I had to.drn2

I think I'll ride slowly home on the sidewalks tomorrow. That way, I can get a pulse of how rush hour traffic is flowing BEFORE it reaches me at my normal speed.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Was in a hurry this morning and didn't check fuel before I left. Ran out of fuel seven miles from home on way back. Had to buy oil, gas and gas can to mix. I've been running Opti2 oil. Motor did not like the switch and spewed plenty of smoke. Fine now but will always take the time to check the tank before I leave.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had an OS moment one day when I filled up my HT gas tank that full! It was a hot summer night and I was having a good ride, till I filled up with a spare fuel bottle, closed the lid, and took off. At first I thought it was raining, till I smelled the gas and felt the burn on my leg from the chemicals now on my pants! The bike started spraying fuel from the filler neck all over my stomach and thighs, soaking me in fuel! I shut off the bike and pulled over, terrified I'd catch on fire. Luckily, nothing happened but some dry skin and wasted fuel, and a massive headache.

Just don't overfill, or get a different tank.

Make your own PVC tank for top tube or behind the seat!

Fancy metal ones: http://motorbicycling.com/f23/canister-gas-tank-30317.html

A lot of people use $15 pocketbike tanks or lawnmower tanks (small ride-on mowers have 1/3 or 1/2 gallon tanks that might work. )

Other than slicing my finger in the gears it was a good time.

The gas gushing out of the tank was a scary thing. And it was a gush too, not a couple of drippies. I didn't have the tank all the way full, but the bottom of the cap was at the gas level. I put the cap on and shook the bike side to side and a river of gas shot out from under the cap. Not cool. Even if you only had the tank half full and the bike fell over, a river of gas would issue from the cap.

Nah, these happy times are rough and cobby things. There are much better options out there.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeah Baby!

On the flip side we have the (allegedly common) problem of caps that don't vent.


Yes, these are rough and cobby things.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Mine are pretty smooth and reliable now, of coarse that could change the next time I ride them......LOL!

I've found that a lot of the rough cobby stuff can be smoothed out with a little time a few better quality parts and a, yes there are many higher quality options but for the money and for the outright fun of tinkering I still get lots of enjoyment from the China Girls.

It also doesn't hurt to be fortunate enough to get one that is put together a bit better with better internal fit than some of the super cobby ones some of us have gotten, I did have one lemon myself that would not have lasted no matter what I had done to it.

You're right about the rough cobby part of these for sure but that creates a challenge to me and makes the tinkerer in me come out, makes me want to see just how much of the rough cobby I can get out of them......LOL!

I do plan on having some nice smooth powerful 4 stroke bikes in the future as well, I like all of them......

Peace, map

Yes, these are rough and cobby things.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I did some house cleaning so I could look at my mb for a bit. It had been buried under the stuff that collects in there from moving and raising a baby.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I sliced my finger in my exhaust pipe then cleaned it with water. Turned out the water was rubbing alcohol I used to clean the bike. I've never felt pain like this.

Other than that, I finished my bike today!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I didn't do this to the bike.........I did it to the engine


Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had time, so I did preventive maintenance on my bike.

Installed a new "take off" pedal, wiped down the entire bike, realigned the handlebar. Two of my motor mounting bolts were loose, so I cleaned bolts and holes with alcohol and locktited them in. The engine speed had recently been increasing when I cocked the handlebar a certain way. The brass throttle guide on the engine block had completely backed out. Cleaning and locktite fixed that.

Tire pressure checked ok and the tank is full. Cellphone, laptop and school book's in the backpack. Boots, socks, helmet and protective gear are laid out.

I can't wait for daylight and the morning ride to work.dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finally got the 12V dry cell battery for my light and figured out the math, with some help, on how long it should last before I should charge it. My light is a 35Watt Utility light for now and should last about 30mins. before I need a recharge. My rides around the neighborhood are fairly short so this should be just fine. The 6V rear light with installed generator from mightwonderful on eBay is working great.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Worked on re-jetting the cns on my skyhawk 48 w stock pipe...
started w #74 & 2nd from bottom on needle.

It flat out fell on it's face. would NOT go! had to pedal back into the barn.

Re-drilled up to the #73 and went to the 2nd from top on the needle and it's running, but still NOT better than before when it was 4 stroking all over the place.

NOTE TO SELF: Be SURE to check gas level in tank before starting jetting tests!

I took off the cns choke cable that had run to the handlebars. did not like the look of all those wires. gotta figger something small to replace it.
From cold it takes a bit of pedaling to start w/o a choke, and maybe 600ft of marginal running at a slight downhill before it will run well. I just don't like that choke cable!!!

the more I ride it the more I want suspension...
NEED a basket!

Got to buy my second gallon of gas today.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

started to replace mounting hardware, realized my allen set is missing.
so I got some touch up paint & fixed my paint job while waiting for the suspect to return.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

So I*finally got a day off of everything so I put on my new cylinder and rings.
The engine has more compression and runs better than it ever had before.
I have a feeling it was full of metal like some have posted pictures of. So it was ruined the first time I*started it. At least now I*have it all done up properly and it should be good for quite a while.

Of course, after sitting for a few weeks the carb is leaking fuel like a sieve. So I have to take it apart to un-stick the float...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well its 1:30 am laffI Man I love summer time the weather is just beautiful! :)Can't do this in January down here. Changed my carb jet on me 21mm from 90 on the main to 92 stared at the needle for awhile almost sanded it a little lol.

Ive gotten so picky I even store my fuel in a bunch of aluminum sports bottles. I am treating it like race fuel trying to avoid octane evaporation lose. This last adjustment was done on older summer set fuel. Just bought some more aluminum bottles so I can store a whole premixed gallon.

Gonna try a fresh batch of fuel tomorrow to see what the jetting does . I run premium up here at this altitude. Seriously considering a batch of race fuel just to see how it acts. This 21mm carb was so worth it!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

#73 main jet is just NOT working for my 48cc skyhawk w/stock pipe.
Original ho was #71. #74 was terrible !
Will take it to #72 today and see how it performs.

NOT 4 stroking anymore, just falls on it's face... nothing there when I give it throttle. No spit back through carby...

I think the ignition is not performing well.
Will probably need to build a jaguar/rohmell cdi before much longer to get this ht operating well.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took it back to the #71 ho in the main jet.
Burbling all over the place running fat, but the power??? is back.

It stutters and stammers heading up an incline, then digs in and starts working to get me up over the hill. It's most likely I'm just expecting too much from this tiny little ht motor. 8-O

Will mess with the air mixture adjustment for the idle circuit to see if that will affect overall operation... or how much it can affect rpm in the higher ranges.

Time to work on the nt again...

*!! Twiddling with the float has finally helped. The float valve doesn't seem to be sticking open any longer..

Still need to apply a little grease to the internal pinion ring gear and pinion.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

There is a GOT DANG COB WEB on my "daily" rider!!!! How wrong is that!? Been so long a spider lived and passed on, left a web to collect dust!

Woke up this morning thinking about quitting my job and and building a boat to live on. This is a sign!!! (Not a rational one but hey, it works)

It is of course raining and I am in serious debt, which also could be a sign. But think I am gonna go with the live on a boat and ride more.

Wut? Does sound like more fun. (Yes, would have to bring the bike ashore. hmmm, boatMbike.... )