what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

at least the spider wasn't waiting to take a nibble out of you. Being broke sucks, thank god for HT's that run on fumes! Time to build a ShuttleBike? Maybe with retractable pontoons for land riding :p

~Came across this tip for cutting a slot in hose neatly:
Quick Tip - Splitting Rubber Tubing - YouTube

going to look into wrapping cables and wires in something.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Great link Killer. May I post that in http://motorbicycling.com/f36/diy-parts-simple-tools-32245.html ?

Yer right, could always be worse. Still gonna get serious on the boat thing. Just so dang tired of working hard at hardly getting by. My plan is to continue with just that but at a much more leisurely pace. snork

"Wrote a note, said; "back in a minute" Bought a boat and sailed off in'it.." LOL, sounding good about now....

‪Zac Brown Band - Knee Deep (ft. Jimmy Buffett)‬‏ - YouTube
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

There is a GOT DANG COB WEB on my "daily" rider!!!! How wrong is that!? Been so long a spider lived and passed on, left a web to collect dust!

Woke up this morning thinking about quitting my job and and building a boat to live on. This is a sign!!! (Not a rational one but hey, it works)

It is of course raining and I am in serious debt, which also could be a sign. But think I am gonna go with the live on a boat and ride more.

Wut? Does sound like more fun. (Yes, would have to bring the bike ashore. hmmm, boatMbike.... )

I'm going to give you a thing I had never seen before in a magazine, free boats. Wooden Boat magazine has a section at the end of their classified where I have seen boats go for free that would stun you. Like the 42' Chris Craft Constilation with 2 new 283 Grays Marine motors. It was East coast and I had no idea how to move it here. Last time I looked there was a 32 footer with 2 inline 6's....

Admittedly some of the boats are in rough shape but many just need an oil change, tune-up and fuel and off you go :) Google it up, you'll be happy you did.

Looked it up, '57 Adkins 34' with 2 194's, ready to go.

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

We split old surplus rubber hoses all the time in Auto Mechanics as rub proofing from friction and chattering worked great.. I think that a wondering slightly curve split work better. The hose will naturally stay shut better.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Oh, I won a nice "little" chopper tank on eBay for a not crazy price.

Should work well on the streched LA Cycles(Thai)BigMo/Morini bike I'm just about ready to start on :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Awesome Dave, TY.

If ya ever run into a great deal, ya can tow purty easy.

List of canals in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Been trying for a Dutch sailing barge. What I wanna do is Fla and maybe close islands in the winter and North East US in the summer. Terrible for off shore but perfect boat-bumming" live-aboard's. Need room fer a shop!

Your right! Folks can't give em away in the winter.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dan said:
May I post that in DIY parts with simple tools. ?
Done, cool thread!

Goat said:
I think that a wondering slightly curve split work better. The hose will naturally stay shut better.

That's a good tip Goat, I'll give the hose a slow twist through the jig. :)

Mmm, free boats... That canals link is cool too.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Awesome Dave, TY.

If ya ever run into a great deal, ya can tow purty easy.

List of canals in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Been trying for a Dutch sailing barge. What I wanna do is Fla and maybe close islands in the winter and North East US in the summer. Terrible for off shore but perfect boat-bumming" live-aboard's. Need room fer a shop!

Your right! Folks can't give em away in the winter.

...you should not have done that. I never thought of being able to do a great deal of the trip to Idaho on connected waterways. I was thinking of either portage across Mexico at a narrow point or to Panama and go through the Canal(wonder what that costs?). Boats like that Adkin are very seaworthy but I think a cross country boat trip by river would be cool...at least as far as I could get ;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LOL, dont'cha love when a buddy plants a really, really dumb thought?

Cool part of inland sailing is bad storm, drive her up in the mud and open a beer and wait. Snork. Then the worst thing that happens is ya gotta jump in the mud and push her off ta get back underway.

The best, absolute best part of inland waterways, is like old world America Main st. Really fun to meet folks. Stores, restaurants and parks. (could be a bar or 3, I'm told)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

There was a Samson ferrocement hull for sale in a nearby boatyard... forever...
Then FREE was painted on it with spraypaint in clear view...

I was working back then and had the cash to finish it.
48ft ketch... would have been just dandy to live on and I had a volvo diesel to motor it. Went and looked it over 3 or 4 times, talked with the boatyard owner... SHE wasn't going for it. not even a little bit.
Oh well.

I watched em do a refurbish on a local fishing boat in drydock with a ferrocement sheath over the old wooden hull. Came out great!

There's free boats all over the place. Always for a reason, though.

.....re-jetted my cns back to #71 and the general burbling 4 stroke is gone but it's falling flat on it's face at WOT. Probably worse than before at WOT, but better through the throttle roll-on.
I'm beginning to consider giving up on the cns.
Today it only got me 20mph past the radar sign unit.

I'm thinkin part of the prob could be cured if I built one of Rohmel's roll-your-own-CDI's. The engine has always started well, but it just never wants to zing up in rpm like most 2 strokes... in addition to the 4 stroking, it seems to be fighting itself and won't run free at hi rpm.

Only other thing I can think of besides fat, and timing, is a seriously plugged up stock exhaust pipe/muffler. This was a basket-case I bought, so I have no clue how many miles are really on it. It wasn't really well cared for.

Oily gunky mess tomorrow!
Hope to work on a basket, also.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Not responding well to well thought out jetting changes and struggling in the high RPM ranges certainly sounds like a plugged up exhaust problem to me.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finally got that vibration problem fixed. Tuned out that I had a motor mount that I should have double bolted those ten mm bolts but, I just let then sit there because they way they were set up it was not easy to get that other bolt in. I got things loose by taking off the front mount off and then removing the rear Sick Bike Part adapter.I finally was able to get the engine in place and to get the engine mounted to the plate with double nuts on the engine mounts.

when I first installed it there was not was not enough room to get the nut to pass by the seat tube without moving the engine. So I tightened just those nut and let them sit there, knowing that they were going to get loose, but when.

About seven months later when my engine got to a certain level and I would feel a large buzzing and then it smoothed out at a higher RPM. Turned out that those two bolts had worked there way just a bit loose.

well I now have my Tachometer up and running again so it turns out with my new pipe the power starts a about 3000 and so far go to eight. (I don't know what the top end of these engines are but I think 8500 is redlining it.

Any body know how fast you can top out a china girl/"Happy time" motor ?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yesterday, i took my stock muffler off, let it hang by its hanger/clamp while i took the sbp exhaust gasket off, cleaned it, and the port. Then i cut a cardboard gasket and put it on first, then the sbp gasket, then my muffler and tightened it down good and tight. It doesn't leak anymore! I love cardboard. Sure it'll fall apart if i take it off. That's why i'm leaving it alone till it either falls apart and falls out or i want to upgrade. I tested it by going around town going throttling from little to no throttle to full throttle. I even kept it at full throttle on the long stretches. When i got back to my house nearly 2 hours later it was light'ning and i looked down to see if the cardboard held up, not one leak. Not a spot of gas/oil. Nothing. But i did hear a kinda ringing squeaking noise when i was riding. It sounded like maybe my bearings need more oil, or my clutch gears, needs more grease maybe. I'll fix that thursday hopefully.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Made a plate and mounted an on/off switch to replace the throttle kill switch. Old kill switch worked two times and that was it. Wiring was fine. Push button didn't work. Back in business.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Opened garage door to look at my mbikes when I got home from work. Was disappointed because I couldnt ride to work because of the stupid rain here. Off for the next three days. I will ride. Oh yes.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I could cut the humidity today with a knife. I had small signs of being just a tad lean on the 9.4 Morini battling 6000 foot. Running a 94 main jet now on the 24mm carby with me needle on the top notch. Still running my 259 AU atomizer and 40 pilot.

This thing is still cruising slow very nicely best I've ever seen saw it hold steady at 10 mph with a 7000 or higher dunno? rpm attack clutch. A hole shot out of my drive way throttle on full is ridiculously fast. Just the way I love it! Theres a main street BLVD right around the corner where I routinely nail it. Gearing top speed for 40 mph. Roughly 5 or more houses length down the street I darn near hit 40 mph on a straight away.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

hadn't done it yet but I plan to put upgraded wrist pin bearing and straight plug head on one of my 66cc gals tomorrow if all goes as planned........

Peace, map
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Something is still messed up with my carb.... It runs awesome though when it wants to work.
It'll run fine up to about half throttle. Then WOT, it'll run nice for a bit. Then start running crazy lean and sputter and die....
So fuel starvation somehow. The garbage float system is having more issues.... grumble. Simple is nice when it works. Yes, NT carbs. That's directed to you. You don't work nice. heh.
I need to pick up an RT*carb and test that out.