DIY parts with simple tools.


Wanted to ask for folks help in designing a heavy duty rear, center kick-stand that could be made with simple tools. The commercially available ones are great but not made for our thing. (weight etc) And For what one costs, could make one that is better. I always find it more fun to build then buy and just attach.

LOL @ "our thing" Like there is a MB underworld

But then thought it would be cool to have a central and communal thread on any thing that could easily be made with simple tools. Well, as much as is possible.

But is a communal thread and please feel free to post ideas, finished work or requests for ideas. The communal designed stuff is always more fun.

So, looking for ideas is a kick stand like this;

bicycle Motorized BIKE GAS ENGINE Rear kick stand | eBay

But much more heavy duty and will work with a rear derailer.

So let fly with the crazy ideas! (unleash the dogs of outs-da-box!)
That looks like the one I have. The legs where it bows out about half way down are spreading. Could easily shore it up but is mighty soft aluminum like metal.

Cool part of those is how easy it makes it to work on the engine.

Remember the old Chinese restaurant delivery bikes? (or is that just a Bronx thing?) but they had this huge and HD kick stand on the front wheel. Am rethinking this. Would be simpler as no problem working around the derailer.

Thanks for the reply Terry. I was hoping you would see this thread. Ya do some cool stuff.
On mine it goes past the pivot point where it is supposed to stop. As a temporary fix I think I'll clamp something on so it stops where it should.

OK I would think we need an A frame design for stability and a spring return to hold it in the up or ride position and a latch to keep it in the down or raised wheel position. shouldn't be too difficult. I would suggest that we define a parameter of tools that we use in the assembly of this project some simple ones that most people have or can easily or inexpensively get a hold of...
Was thinking a plain 'ol drill. Be a whole lot easier with a drill press but a hand drill should do the trick. With bolts, could hold the spring(s) and work as stops. My hesitation is can not figure out how to do that and make it pretty. But I personally like the utilitarian, DIY look. (LOL, I am a hose clamp and ubolt fan, big time)

Really not liking how my front forks one will look so far. Be kinda huge but simple.
My thinking is that we can make this an educational thread as well as a DIY tread to teach people how to use some of the inexpensive things at places like Harbor Freight. I think limiting it to a drill to make such a project will result in an end product that looks homemade. HF has alot of products like AlumiWeld rods that can be used with propane as well as MaPP gac cylinders to braze aluminum to another piece. That combined with a drill, tap set maybe a jig saw with metal blade and some files you can easily cut out the A Frame and make the supports out of 1/4" aluminum that with the combination of bolts nuts and AlumiWeld joints could make a very attractive piece...

Tell me if I am off track with the concept.
No, not at all off track. Is kinda the goal or what my thinking was. A how too with simple tools. I don't see much more then a drill needed for the kick stand but there is so much more that can be done with more tools for that and what ever else can be done. So I dunno, is an open thread and please let loose with what ever your thinking.

Really, is a communal thread so don't worry about what I think.

LOL! been on the kick stand thing for 2 hrs and got nutton I like yet. One thing I do is way over complicated and wouldn't work for the simple tools concept. Gonna have to try both.

Dawgs had a cool idea way back. He secured a washer thing to a regular kick stand.

Hmm. Still would like a stand that holds a bike st8 up for easy repairs. ......

OH! oh, oh. What do you guys think of a regular kick stand with a half moon bracket so that it holds the bike up like a center mount, not leaning, ...

Could be a bolt on, easy-peasy thing!

I like this! Could be made with some flat stock and ubolts.

I gotta try this. might be bolt on and no tools at all other then a wrench. (for this project, not all the other diy things possible)
Dan here is one that is as simple as you can get. And it requires only one tool to make. A handsaw. Easy to transport as well just add bungy cords.


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LOL Elmo. Don't get much more country then that.

Made me think of a car I had way back. Was a Datsun B210 with a dieing starter. I kept a rock in the back seat to start it. I some how lost the rock and had to beat the starter with a computer floppy disk drive. (was the only thing in the car I could find that would work)

The car did start but the drive never worked again, snork
I am really liking the bolt on kick stand thing and am gonna make one up in the morning. My only concern is it will rotate but when down and planted, will make a tripod and should be stable.

Just a bolt-on V shape. Is intrinsically adjustable and will cost around $10.

Be really cool if this works. Gonna try it with the cheapest pos kick stand I have. Deliberately to see what will fail with it.
I guess I should have put a LOL in there somewhere.

Was good Elmo. Cracked me up.

Was gonna ask if a piece of rope and a nearby tree wouldn't work just as well?

(what? would be easier to carry, lol)
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Duct tape, bailing wire, hose clamps and U bolts should be mandatory in any MB tool arsenal!

Kidding, kidding. Kids, don't try this at home. Unless it works, then post pics
HMMMMM That does kind of give me an idea that could eliminate the need for a spring... How about an A frame stand that could flip 180 degrees from being a stand and also be a rear rack and latch to the seat post when up and latch to the chain stays when down?
HMMMMM That does kind of give me an idea that could eliminate the need for a spring... How about an A frame stand that could flip 180 degrees from being a stand and also be a rear rack and latch to the seat post when up and latch to the chain stays when down?

That is a cool thought!
How would it swivel, on the axle?

It really is a great idea Mark. Double duty and simple.
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