what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Chris - try removing the fuel filter and put an inline filter in. This will give you more fuel flow. As well, you may want to adjust your float and/or downjet.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Something is still messed up with my carb.... It runs awesome though when it wants to work.
It'll run fine up to about half throttle. Then WOT, it'll run nice for a bit. Then start running crazy lean and sputter and die....
So fuel starvation somehow. The garbage float system is having more issues.... grumble. Simple is nice when it works. Yes, NT carbs. That's directed to you. You don't work nice. heh.
I need to pick up an RT*carb and test that out.
Might read this? http://motorbicycling.com/f34/your-bike-losing-power-top-speed-24880.html
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

HEY! Congrats to map on winning the P2k challenge!
...I tried for it, but just wasn't in the cards. lol

and Chris gets the MAB Odyssey 2001 runner up trophy!
...unless you are Ricky Bobby, #2 is great!

OK GH, I wanna know how your spokes are holding up to all this fun!
What wheel and spokes are you running for this blazing hp ?

I dropped my needle this morning... no bueno.
Took off the stock muffler and had a look inside... no gunkies... actually pretty darn clean and dry. I just don't think that's good for a 2 smoker...
I just might drill down to #65 as I've been advised, tomorrow, and start all over again.

Pulled the cap off the muffler and see the two baffle plates w/holes drilled in them, and can see the coiled turnings a couple inches behind them, but the two disks w/holes don't wanna come out/off the threaded rod.

How to deal with that???


Wow! over 200 pages and 2k posts! SUPER !
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rusty I am using the Spoked wheel that came with my Boxer. 32, 14 Gauge Stainless spokes into a sweet double wall aluminum heavy duty rim. The Boxer comes with a sweet rear hub! I love it! http://motorbicycling.com/f23/scsws-rear-disc-brake-rear-hub-10509.html The trick is to properly tighten the spokes. What I am saying is you can have a perfectly straight wheel if the spokes are not cold set properly and preloaded with enough teinsion they will come loose in a hurry.

Loose spokes plain ol rattled loose then in turn puts undue stress on the spokes still doing the work. Thats a bad deal!

This happened to me twice. The last time I went over the whole wheel and got them pretty darn tight! It is working flawlessly so far. Old Whizzers had 14 gauge spokes on them and were fine from what I hear at Holmes Hobbies.

I had a long talk with a guy that runs Holmes Hobbies LLC / Holmes Bikes I bought spare spokes in 12 gauge against the local LBS's judgment and this guy's. The thing is not all hub flanges will except 12 gauge spokes. It so happens mine will. I plan to restring it with 14's again and tease with the idea of drilling the hub flange out.

Waiting to see how natural wear and tear goes. The million dollar question is will my 14 gauge hub holes waller out on their own? Need to see how tough they are?

After what I have learned there is no way I will let somebody re spoke my wheels I will do my own. I am very picky about the cold setting.

I had my old Morini bike set up the rear wheel never ever had spokes issues. I ran it Vy Jshaft to a N.V. wheel with monster torque I never had any spokes issues. There were times when I had that clutch stalling high into that wheel. It has about 3000 miles on it the spokes are cherry they were cold set right from the factory. Bike and I combined prolly weighed 350 pounds.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


I've seen the kids riding the discount MTBs struggling to pedal along... the wheel was SQUEEKING and the rim actually flopped back and forth! lol

A couple I worked on for the boys friends the spokes stuck up 1/4" after i tightened them and trued the wheel a bit... took the grinder to them and took em down... used duct tape as a rim strip back then for all the hokey spokes!


Gosh it sure sounds like you got a great bike!!!
Certainly too much for the likes of me!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Its Ether a blessing or a curse seams all I do is tune the carby latelylaff The last few hours was re reading the tutorials I found trying needle clip variations idle pilot jets all of of it. Was looking for more power I found it.

All you guy's tuning carb's I feel ya. I just got back in the house. The natives around here prolly think I am crazy laff
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Bought a long Poo Poo pipe. still can't mount it. The motor isn't even in. No motor mount has been made yet. "sigh"
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Congrats Mapman! 2K, wow. Tell him what he has won Johnny! Johnny?

LOL, I was trying for it too. Has to be a symptom or some thing, snork.

Yesterday, long ride and picked up a part to make a sort of foot for soft ground on the kick stand. Gonna call it a "Dawgs" after you Prussian shop Dog. Is a weld-free version of yours.
The cobwebs thing really made me stop and think. I still haven't seen a head stone with "wish I spent more time working"

Gonna put the foot (Dawgs) thing on and then go for a long ride. Stop and have a beer or 2 and not work, think about work or plan on working. Except tomorrow is 2 paydays (different jobs) I may consider that, snork. Which is kinda dumb. I am only gonna sign the backs of the checks and it will be the last I see of the proceeds.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had that same problem after mounting a new carb. Try taking the carb off, cleaning the intake m. tube, and the carb mounting area, then using a proper o-ring there, or at the least, a wrap or two of plumbing tape. You may be having a leak/draft there at the connection. If you can leave it in place a long time, you might use some type of gasket sealer. For me, the o-ring from Sick Bike Parts worked, but you could also possibly find a rubber washer or o-ring at an auto parts store like Napa or Pep Boys. The top cap also works well with an o-ring.

Something is still messed up with my carb.... It runs awesome though when it wants to work.
It'll run fine up to about half throttle. Then WOT, it'll run nice for a bit. Then start running crazy lean and sputter and die....
So fuel starvation somehow. The garbage float system is having more issues.... grumble. Simple is nice when it works. Yes, NT carbs. That's directed to you. You don't work nice. heh.
I need to pick up an RT*carb and test that out.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

d then go for a long ride. Stop and have a beer or 2 and not work, think about work or plan on working. Except tomorrow is 2 paydays (different jobs) I may consider that, snork.

LOL, didn't check voice mail and lost a $300 courier gig!

But in my defense, ...well, got nutton. No one mention this to Carol, K?

But the "dawg" thing works great even in mud. So that's a plus. Not $300 worth but hey

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Been working on my modified LED headlight. I shoulda taken pictures.... :(
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got the back cap off the muffler and can see the double baffle plate and packing in behind that, but can't get em out... there's another thing I don't know!
Gotta go read some threads...
Instead of doing that I spent a few hours reading about expansion chambers today. Never built one before, but just salvaged a small file cabinet I could cut pieces of sheet metal out of...

...I'd like to see those pics of your led headlight, GN... Gotta do something with these HF lites sooner or later.

NOT happy with the front fork trail on my MAB... thinkin abt cutting the top tube and raking it just a little bit for better (smoother) handling.
Should probably check my other frames first...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Mebby I will take pictures of it now in mid modding.

I was contemplating doing a how-to on it, but I want to be sure that is all works as planned before sharing my mad scientist experiment with the rest of the world. :insert evil grin here: .
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Had my 1st break down yesterday in over 200 miles. Chain came off while rounding a corner on a busy 4 lane road. Had no tools with me. Was able to correct the issue. This was one of those "really quick ride, I'll be right back." Got home tightened up chain and started contemplating a way to build a spring loaded tensioner. These cheap china chains really stretch alot from new. I have tightened it up several times already.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

DD, when I was at the ACE hardware store the other day buying metric stuff and eating my weekly popcorn, I saw some hairpin type springs for a 'power rake' that looked to be very interesting for a chain tensioner...

If you are interested, I'll be going back for more popcorn saturday or sunday and can get you a part number... it was abt $5 for a pair of em.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I even got a pic of it for you, DD...

Sry, it's NOT a hairpin spring, its called a torsion spring...

At Ace hardware it is their part number 70806 and it says on the package that it replaces their part number 70805. Cost is $3.99 for a pair of em.

Hope you can make a decent tensioner out of one.

I'd sure like to see pics!!!


No ride today because I still got the pipe off, but I bought a chrome front fork for my MAB today... at the LTS.
There was a Giant Butte attached to it. :-)
I put a pic of it over in 'what bike did you build on.
It was cheep!
might just swap my ht over to it.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks for the info and pic. It does look like something doable. I'll pick one up and give it a shot.