what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Here's an idea but involves a LOT of grinding!

PricePoint BMX has a 7 piece set for $20. Sette Torx Cone Wrench 7pc Set at Price Point

I bought a set of double ended Park pieces years ago (2 of my favorites, 1 of the others) and still using them.

shopped for cone wrenches. 4th day in a row. I just want to lube my hub bearings, but the only place I found flat wrenches was at Harbor Freight in a $49 set.

On a better note, since my local bike shop owner didn't have the wrenches in stock he said I could probably bring it in & talk the guys into doing it for free. Gotta love local independent businesses. I should have checked there first.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

9 people on one motorcycle reddd
Today I heard the sound of a happy time in the distance, I got up in my truck bed and to my surprise there was a Chinese fella coming down the sidewalk with two extra children on the bike with him. The one on the back was holding on sitting on the fender and had one foot on the axle bolt and the other flailing in the wind looking for the spokes (no shoes). the one on the front was on the bars holding on for dear life, the old man navigating this contraption had a big smile as he went by. In my life I would never have thought I would see a real seen from the Orient, but there it was in So. Cal. who would have thought. I can now die having experienced everything. LOL have fun, Dave
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


That is GREAT! with the littlest tyke in the bucket !!!!


Tnx happy!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

...Took off the cns when I got back home and put on the nt from the other kit that's never been assembled. Night and day!
For one thing, the float valve works, and I like the lever choke far better than the cable connected plunger-thingy-do-dad. AND, it got one cable off my handlebars! Bonus!!!
I don't think the plunger was seating properly. Now that I've taken it apart, again, I can see where it has a bit of rubber on the bottom of it. I don't think it was sealing well, even with the spring pressure pushing down on it.

I wish the nt had a idle speed mixture control, but doesn't seem it needs one...

Brakes functioning on rear AND front is like night and day! Whew!
I will learn my lesson and never, ever, go out under power with only one brake again!
MOF, you couldn't sell me a coaster brake on a MAB on a bet!
I'm gonna look for disks, next!
Wise choice about brakes bud, at least one each wheel, like the late Carl Maulden would say in an American Express commercial, 'Don't leave home without it' hehehe ;-}

I take it you have a new 48cc Skyhawk kit that came with a CNS66 carb?
From Kings/Gasbikes?
They know those carbs won't run on a 48cc but send them anyway.
If you bought a 2010+ Skyhawk 48cc through PayPal from Kings/Gasbike just 'officially' dispute the charge and offer to settle for a kit with the wrong carb for $70.

The CNS66 however does run great on a 66, especially when you put an expansion chamber on it, you just need to seal it up good.

What did I do to my bike today?

It was actually last weekend but I finished up the Cadillac I was building for a new direct drive demo/back-up ride bike.

Funny long story about that bikes history but in short I bought a couple of those Cadillac Fleetwood NuVinci shifter beach cruisers at the same time.
One I made into a jackshafted shifter for a customer, but I took the wheels off of this one and put them on my personal ride to replace the Nuvinci Dev Kit automatic hub I tried out (thumbs down on that as they are today).

That left me with a strong and nice looking bike but with no wheels or brakes as the Caddy only comes with a back disc, which went to my bike with the NuVinci tranny back wheel.

I had a nice set of wheels on a mountain bike that couldn't be motorized and put them on it along with a 2010 Skyhawk 66cc motor and other unused parts I had around and made this.



Sure it has a 7-speed rear wheel but no derailleur and set in 3rd, but that was the best gear for this direct drive build and it didn't need a chain tensioner on either chain after a little chain work.
I love horizontal drop-out bikes, and ya, it sports dual-pull brakes ;-}

So much for keeping it around for a sharp looking great running demo/backup bike though...
I had barley got in 5 miles of little test/adjust runs in when a guy called Sunday that absolutely NEEDED an MB that day!

That Caddy was all I had built for sale under $2,000.
I told him to call me back in a 3 hours and I may have something finished.
It was like 113 thousand degrees outside last Sunday afternoon but I put another 10 miles on it, made the final adjustments and out the door she went.

SaLaVee I guess, but that was a bike I really did want to keep.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Tnx KC, but this one does have the CNS48. It's the basketcase I bought from the college kid. Among other probs with it, the carby was off, and apart. He had said something about there being no power... lol

Basically all I could do, since it was a discount offering, was check for compression, which was good, and look in through the exhaust port for scoring on the piston, which also looked reasonable.

He had taco'ed the rear wheel and bought another, and had two new cruiser cheng shins to go with it AND a new back wheel. I was able to fix the bent up one, so I'm parts ahead, in the game.

Gonna pull it down today and inspect/grease the clutch hub bearings.

I need to figger out why the needle valve is prone to leaking. Guess I'll need to buy some Clover compound...

Gosh that Cadillac bike is a nice rig!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Beginning to wander if I will here from this guy about the grab box of carbys?:(

On the other hand got a used 21 mm Dellorto carb in the mail today from one of the fellow forum members for a fair price. I basically swapped all my custom jetting parts over from the Phb6 19 mm Del I was using. That carby was jetted just a tad too rich over all. Which was fine for our summer heat spell we had in the desert I think and getting to know this 9.4 Morini

The back veiw of this 21mm is much larger the rest of the carb the rest of it is basically a carbon copy of the original. So its kinda like a guy doing a little porting.

I never really had a complaint what so ever how the bike was previously running it had plenty of power. Curiosity was bound to get the best of me. Just had to see if the grass might be a little greener. lol.;)

I fired up the bike ''BoXer'' and loved it I say I got around a whole 7% mebbe in more power. I can creep around a little slower and the response is a little better. All in all a pretty cool day.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well that's great GH !
Substantial power increase AND better response? Win Win!
I'm a bit surprised you are getting a better creepy out of it, but I'm in a constant state of being amazed... I guess! lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I battled with two things during the major heat wave here. Fuel petcock did not have enough steady flow for sustained red line ''the rubber inerds warped'' and I had to place the the fuel line into a cooler spot. In the end with that carby I had taken the petcock out and ran the line straight back with a inline filter of coarse. The float was working fine.

What I always had was if I sustained a somber Idle for way too long without periodically bumping the throttle just had to raise it a little '' note did not have to rap it'' I had to go half a neighborhood block to blow the motor out. Then it ran great perfect!

The Morini has been a way different animal than a H.T. At 11,000 12,000 rpm as compared to a 6000 rpm motor. Think of a hot rod V8 motor with a lot of carb loading up from excessive Idling is the best description I got like when its at a mechanic shop and got moved and parked for a week and never blew out.

I am at 6000 feet above sea level I did just about absolutely everything with that original carb set up. I am convinced it was as good as it gets. Went three Atomizers leaner among trying jetting and it was not bad after that!

I spent a small fortune in jets etc and everything for these model Del's fits another Del! So I am ready for a custom bigger jug piston set later on and or to go to one of our bike races at a different altitude.

I love Del's now!!

6000 foot would be about roughly a 30% percent difference in Horse power from sea level so I hear and after studying jetting through other forums across the country the info reflects this percentage wise in jet sizing for every 1000 foot.

Also reading about Ultra Light planes you get this info too.

I got one of Nidyanazo's old carbs his was selling he kept from a custom Morini he sold. The Del 21mm I put on today. Thanks buddy! Now I know what he jetted that carby at at sea level:)

I can't always say I know what I am doing. Always learning something new that's what I love about this hobby!!

The 21 is a improvement with the extra high elevation thin air here. Its kinda like a touch of porting just breaths much better. It is essentially the exact same carb just a larger opening at the intake side. The kinda feel you get when you port out a china 2 smoke kinda thing for the first time. I pack more into the motor now. Plus since I used the original custom jets I should in theory get a tad better gas mileage. lol.;)
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I spent 4 days playing with my throttle cable, which is too long. I tried securing it so that it does not stick out to far, yet free enough so when I turn my handle bars the bike doesn't reve or idle high. Finally concluded to cut the d@mn thing.

Before I did it, my dad comes a long, and secures it so that it doesn't stick out, yet moves freely so the bike doesn't reve or idle high when the handlebars are turned.

I see how he did it. Why I didn't thing of it during my 4 days of playing with the throttle, I have no clue... :/
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I am loving the new Delorto SLA clone carb I got from PB... It is a darn sight better than any of the stock carbs...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Worked on my chain tensioner today, the nylon roller striped so it was time to get creative. Used a sprocket from a derailer, and lots of washers.

Does anyone know if hardware store sell nylon washers or not? Don't mind the metal, but nylon would be more chain friendly I think.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I spent 4 days playing with my throttle cable, which is too long. I tried securing it so that it does not stick out to far, yet free enough so when I turn my handle bars the bike doesn't reve or idle high. Finally concluded to cut the d@mn thing.

Before I did it, my dad comes a long, and secures it so that it doesn't stick out, yet moves freely so the bike doesn't reve or idle hitwgh when the handlebars are turned.

I see how he did it. Why I didn't thing of it during my 4 days of playing with the throttle, I have no clue... :/

Dads are always smarter or just see the obvious easier... at least mine was and I hope I live up to that model with my kiddos..
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I believe my Project Scooterguy w/Tanaka 47R engine is done.

Today I rejuvenated a build I started last year.....Project 29er. This time, it'll be with TWO 4.5 hp CY460 engines on a Staton dual-engine gearbox and NuVinci hub.xct2

I'll keep you all posted.dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I botched the re-jet job on my cns yesterday.
Soldered it and drilled to #74.

Attempted to use 3 rings cit from 3/4 copper waterpipe to replace the pvc manifold spacer the cns uses. I've got the thinner grade of copper tube, (I never could remember which is which, type L or type M), but 3 rings is still too thin.

and I made em 14mm long and that's NOT good because it bumps the weld on the stock manifold and does not allow the cns to seal up against it's manifold washer/seal.

Changed out the petcock on the peanut tank! This one taken off one of my HF generators is much more positive and does not leak.

...first thing when I turned it on is the cns float valve stuck open and dumped gas all over $#@!

and I got the float adjust level now.
Anyone got any tips or hints to get the float and needle valve working properly!

Really jealous of GH with his great explanation of adjusting his new dellorto!!!
Gosh I'd like to have one of those!

Back to the drawing board! I wanted to ride today...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Haven't had the happy time out for a while, so I greased up the clutch actuator and the gears. Pinched my finger when I was applying the grease and moved the tire too soon. Ouch, drew blood and bled for a while. Note to self, apply grease with screwdriver from now on.

Filled tank. Wanted to use up rest of gas so's I could try out the opti 2. Filled tank too far. When shook gas spewed out of gas cap and ran down tank and dripped all over motor. Removed banjo fitting and drained excess gas out of tank. Note to self, do not fill tank over 3/4 full.

Rode bike to grocery store and bought groceries and sandwich for lunch. Noticed that bike rides rougher, stinks and is much louder than the nice 4 stroke that is the reason I haven't been riding the happy time much anymore. Note to self, to avoid further injuries and possibility of burning self to a crisp when gas leaks out of tank and onto running hot motor, get rid of happy time ASAP.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sounds to me like you didnt have a very "happy time"........lol!

From what I see here.......just about every bad experience you just described here could have been avoided by not doing the things you said you shouldn't have done and already having that china girl tuned in and running on the Opti2..... dont give up on her before she has a chance to have a good fuel mix in her belly, she be much nicer to ya then, virtually NO smkoe and very little smell and more power to boot.....!

Sorry.... just had to rib you and encourage you a bit at the same time.....!

Peace, map

Haven't had the happy time out for a while, so I greased up the clutch actuator and the gears. Pinched my finger when I was applying the grease and moved the tire too soon. Ouch, drew blood and bled for a while. Note to self, apply grease with screwdriver from now on.

Filled tank. Wanted to use up rest of gas so's I could try out the opti 2. Filled tank too far. When shook gas spewed out of gas cap and ran down tank and dripped all over motor. Removed banjo fitting and drained excess gas out of tank. Note to self, do not fill tank over 3/4 full.

Rode bike to grocery store and bought groceries and sandwich for lunch. Noticed that bike rides rougher, stinks and is much louder than the nice 4 stroke that is the reason I haven't been riding the happy time much anymore. Note to self, to avoid further injuries and possibility of burning self to a crisp when gas leaks out of tank and onto running hot motor, get rid of happy time ASAP.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Other than slicing my finger in the gears it was a good time.

The gas gushing out of the tank was a scary thing. And it was a gush too, not a couple of drippies. I didn't have the tank all the way full, but the bottom of the cap was at the gas level. I put the cap on and shook the bike side to side and a river of gas shot out from under the cap. Not cool. Even if you only had the tank half full and the bike fell over, a river of gas would issue from the cap.

Nah, these happy times are rough and cobby things. There are much better options out there.