what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cool 5-7. Nice pic rc, gotta love riding next to the water. 99cc Dan? That'll be nuts!

Got my chrome engine temp mounted to my grocery-getter to start breaking it in before the new bike comes in(dang rainchecks). Fired up in 10 feet. I'm almost to the point where I know what I'm doing, heh heh. (Another year, or two, lol!)


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

port matched the exhaust on my 2nd 29" onyx cruiser today. (ht engine). bought some arnold1 oil today to try. (Opti-2)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cool 5-7. Nice pic rc, gotta love riding next to the water. 99cc Dan? That'll be nuts!

Got my chrome engine temp mounted to my grocery-getter to start breaking it in before the new bike comes in(dang rainchecks). Fired up in 10 feet. I'm almost to the point where I know what I'm doing, heh heh. (Another year, or two, lol!)

Lookin' good Killer. Really like the way the chrome looks.

Looking forward to playing with the 99cc, should be fun!

Yeppers, know what you mean about the growing confidence and "knowing what your doing" Is just a cool feeling. Not self debasing humor or any thing like that but I really don't know what I am doing but no longer worry about it. But starting a build now is a joy not a "am I gonna die on this thing if I mess it up?" LOL.

Is just more fun too! Takes me at least 3 or 4 times as long to do a build now then my first one. Really is a joy building em in a relaxed manor and do know what ya mean. Great confidence builder
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I know what you mean Dan. My first bike was a china motor on a cheep department store bike. I was working 12 hour days at the time. I put it together late into the night and first thing into the morning.

Before I went for my first ride I gave it some thought ''true story'' and went to the restroom for # 2. Figured the least I could do is save the paramedics from cleaning my shorts lol.laff

I did not know how this pig was gonna do? Darn thing fired right up totally surprised with kewl power to me at the time. Went around the block checked chain alignment etc.

I road that darn thing all day into the night. I loved it. I then started with the usual Newbie stuff. Been hooked ever since.

Now the fun part is planning them as much fun as riding them.(^)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

" Figured the least I could do is save the paramedics from cleaning my shorts lol."

Har Goatster! That is funny.

The exact second I finished my first build, (which ran for about 12 seconds before I drove the tensioner into the spokes) I look at this thing and marvel how beautiful she is. Then get this weird and scary thought. "what if she won't start?" then even more worrisome, "what if she does?" LOL

Yeppers, most nights I go to sleep and wake up trying to figure some design out.

Not kidding, Carol's Mom asked her what I do out in the garage until 2am some times and if I was on drugs!

.....ya might be a MBer... snork

(Carol replied; "He is happy, in his element and not sitting in a bar some where. Which was cool to hear. That she was truly OK with my obsession, er. I mean hobby)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey! Just noticed this thread is about to go over 2,000 posts!

Has to be a record. Will try and look it up.

Really great idea Skarrd! Is a fun and very informative one, fer sure.

At 2K posts, we should all hum "riding dirty" at noon or some thing, lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today, I built my first bike. Got the china girl in the mail on monday, got the bike wednesday morning from a craig's list seller (30 bucks, all it really needed was air in the tires and some gear shifter adjustments!) and had a complete build by 9 o'clock PM, after running into several issues which I'll probably make a thread about thursday after work (complete build, my issues, and my workarounds), then ate dinner/breakfast (was too excited about my bike. I didn't even think about eating until I had actually completed it and it was dinner time, nothing like having your first meal of the day after 9 PM, haha!) then rode it around for a while after dinner. Man was today a good day!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Awesome Spaz. Post lots of pics.

LOL, if ya forget to eat due to being to excited about a build, ya might be a MBer.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

  1. Purchased 1/8" ID fuel line at lawn mower parts store (It's the wrong size! So I gotta go back tomorrow and buy 3/16.")
  2. Traced and cut out carburetor gaskets from rubber gasket paper. I also traced and cut an exhaust gasket out of an aluminum sheet. I proceeded then to mount both the carburetor and the exhaust onto the motorized bicycle.
  3. Fabricated muffler clamp out of u-bolt, aluminum stock, pipe clamp, and some nuts&bolts.

I should be finished at least with the bike aspect by tomorrow! The lighting is a whole separate issue! You're never absolutely finished in this hobby. There's always something that can be enhanced or improved upon!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Picking up woman?

snork, snicker .laff

Nah, I was on a drug run...

Picked up my meds at the clinic. The girls were happy to see me though.
Gave me more durn wacky stuff than I could carry so I got a bag and tape from 'em to strap it on the bars. They fell off. Had to do a turn-around and go back after em! Murphy.

The girls got me scheduled for tests up in the next town... not sure if I'm bold enough to take the ht 10 miles one way yet. maybe after I get it jetted right and some kinda chain lube on it. Gotta hop on the fwy for a ramp to ramp for about two miles because there is no other road... That'll go over like a whoopee cushion in a pew! The chippie shop is at the following ramp, which is the same street as my testing is on.

Too big to hide, too fat to be a dancer, and now I gotta plan for a couple passes by the local donut eater's command center! Murphy, again.
I'll write a letter to guvnor Moonbeam and ask for a pardon, I guess... medical necessity.
Do they still give yah a free letter each week???
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Really Really got my fingers crossed at the moment. Ran into a guy at a motorcycle shop today that raced go carts. He said he had not done anything with his go carts in ages. Said he had a big honking shoe box full of Dellorto's!

What this means for me? They are are prolly already custom jetted to my altitude. Crossed fingers part? Mebbe he will give them to me!laff Man I hope so cause it will be hard to pass this up? The stuff I run into in this hobby lol!

Just called him will prolly know in a couple of hours waiting for a call back. Suspense is Killing me! :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I road up top one of the highest places in town. it's in the West hills of Portland and its beautiful scenery.The weather was just perfect right in the 70s. Plus, lots of trees, beautiful homes and friendly people. I didn't get any negative response. I went up to see an old friend but it turned out that he wasn't home. I think it was about a 25 mile ride. And the bike went flawlessly. I didn't have to pedal a little bit in places, like crosswalks and sometimes I got on the sidewalk. I also turned the motor off and went in "stealth mode" around a few police cars when they had somebody pulled over. I tried not to tempt fate.

All in all I would say today was a great day.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That DOES sound like a nice ride, Mike!

I only made a couple short hops to the post office and to the market.
NEED to hook up my kill button. :-( pedal coasted up to a stop in a good spot and passed by a nice young lady, sitting at an outside table with here daughter, eating a pizza. Aargghh. NOT good. I said excuse me as I passed by, with the motor idling, and spoke to her pleasantly abt the bike as I finished my business and apologized again for passing by her lunch table with my chain saw.
She was happy enough.

Some free samples of hummus and pita outside the pizza joint... I went in to ask abt it and say tnx and discovered a real cutie working in there! lol

...Sounds like a good deal in the works for the carbs, GH !
I'd like to have a nice carby with an adjustable hi-speed jet. Gosh that would be nice!

No carbs, but I drug home THIS...
I'll repair the frame, spruce it up and paint it and sell it on Craigslist so I can get more ht parts. lol Gonna keep that back drive wheel with the sprocket and chain to make a pusher trailer. Got a pair of old kart wheels w/slicks out somewhere in the pile to throw in with the frame when I sell it.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Now there is a fun looking project! A push trailer looks like a nice distraction! Kind of a bummer still have not heard back from the guy. I will patiently wait. I just ran into him today. I called him once he sounded busy said he would check in a couple of hours. Then I called again no answer.

He may have a cluttered garage like mine lol. said he had to look for them. I still feel pretty optimistic from the first conversation. There is definitely got to be something good in that.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

A personal visit with a 40 goes over pretty well when I'm collecting excess. :-)
Good luck
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

There are rubber "carb boots" available for about $15, that mount a 33mm motorcycle carb on a Briggs & Stratton engine.

You might like this! I put a NT Speed carb on a 5hp briggs tiller, and I plan to use a similar engine on a bike pusher trailer sometime.

video of tiller in action .trlrl.
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Really Really got my fingers crossed at the moment. Ran into a guy at a motorcycle shop today that raced go carts. He said he had not done anything with his go carts in ages. Said he had a big honking shoe box full of Dellorto's!

What this means for me? They are are prolly already custom jetted to my altitude. Crossed fingers part? Mebbe he will give them to me!laff Man I hope so cause it will be hard to pass this up? The stuff I run into in this hobby lol!

Just called him will prolly know in a couple of hours waiting for a call back. Suspense is Killing me! :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

shopped for cone wrenches. 4th day in a row. I just want to lube my hub bearings, but the only place I found flat wrenches was at Harbor Freight in a $49 set.

On a better note, since my local bike shop owner didn't have the wrenches in stock he said I could probably bring it in & talk the guys into doing it for free. Gotta love local independent businesses. I should have checked there first.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

  1. Started cutting pletscher double leg kickstand to size; cut past the 270mm mark, which ended up being too short! deciding whether I can see it any use for it or not... {tsk-tsk}
  2. Shortened all chains (shift kit, bicycle drive, etc). Mounted chains onto designated areas.
  3. Drilled handlebar for throttle set pin and mounted throttle.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I heard the sound of a happy time in the distance, I got up in my truck bed and to my surprise there was a Chinese fella coming down the sidewalk with two extra children on the bike with him. The one on the back was holding on sitting on the fender and had one foot on the axle bolt and the other flailing in the wind looking for the spokes (no shoes). the one on the front was on the bars holding on for dear life, the old man navigating this contraption had a big smile as he went by. In my life I would never have thought I would see a real seen from the Orient, but there it was in So. Cal. who would have thought. I can now die having experienced everything. LOL have fun, Dave