Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (testing phase)

Sorry for the lack of updates folks - it's the sunny summertime so I've just been out riding & playing w/the taddy... not much to report really, but sometimes that's a good thing :p


...I did finally crash test the tribrid, bound to happen sooner or later and it was ofc my own dang fault. Of the three wheeler types tadpoles are far more stable then deltas, but they're not quite as stable as a four wheeler & they've some... interesting behaviors when they decide to be a two wheeler, when yer picking up a wheel in a hard turn or serious bump.

Yep, ya guessed it - I rolled it, "flipped" it would perhaps be more accurate lol

The taddy came out almost completely unscathed, busted a Mirrycle mirror which was pretty impressive, they're just glass but I've run them on my bikes for tens of thousands of miles & crashing all the while (well, mostly in the winter lol) and yet this is the first one I ever managed to smash. Knocked the headrest askew, but that's no surprise & easily fixed. Didn't notice it till later but I bent a brake lever a lil too... I'll be honest I'm torn, I'm irritated cause it looks funny and the Maine Scooter & Moped Rally is this weekend, but I'm askeered if I try and bend it back it'll snap and that'll not only look even funnier, it won't work & it's my fronts, natch.

I fared slightly less well, pretty sure I heroically spared the taddy the brunt of the impact with my body, which has some engineering oversights I would have liked to address with the original manufacturer, namely the relative frailty of it's limbs & joints... but I digress lol, I'm fine - gimping on a cane for a lil while but that'll pass.

If you're unfamiliar with the "interesting behaviors" a tadpole exhibits when they decide to be a two wheeler, they're a bit startling when first experienced. The first example I encountered was when I stuffed left front into a massive pothole at about half cruise (15-20mph). This was done deliberately fortunately, cause that stuff happens & best to find out the results when yer not hemmed in by irate traffic. The result was obvious, if in retrospect - despite the suspension right front jumped off the ground & I was suddenly riding a two wheeler... one that's in a hard right turn as right front & rear aren't inline, the front is about 16.5" off the centerline, which is a dang steep turn for a two wheeler even with the front wheel straight.

Thankfully recovery was instinctive, turning right (when left is off) puts the left wheel back down so it's almost self-recovering, if done in time. It's mostly just a bit exciting but note to self, when in traffic hit the unavoidable holes with left front - if it goes south, better the ditch then a truck's wheels I figure lol

My learning experience this past weekend was a slightly different scenario - still the "three wheeler pretends to be a two" gig, this time it was a hard, fast turn under power... and as it turns out, that can get ugly fast if you're pushing the line. Sadly, we've no hidef slomo instant replay, no pics or witnesses & I hadta piece together what happened as one second it was all good, then it was all bad and upside down - the really weird bit is I'd crashed the wrong side?

I was screwing aroun... *cough* "testing the high speed turn radius" in a nearby & empty parking lot, trying to get into & launch out of the tightest possible turn as fast as I could with a combination of hard braking and power application of all three drives, pedal, electric & ICE on the out... Fine, I'll admit this is boatloads of fun - the thing's pretty torquey so even in cruise range on pavement & coming out of the turn under load the soft compound semi-slick 26x2.215 in the rear is just starting to break free, but not quite so all's well... usually.

Not this time though, I think what happened is it did break free for a moment, then grabbed & launched as I exited the apex, just as left front was coming off the ground. The addition of drive torque increased the wheel lift, putting me in a sudden & steepening right turn just as I was supposed to be exiting my hard left, the end result being when it all came tumbling down it was hard onto the left at such a rate I rolled it, flipping it onto it's left side & over - although normally you'd expect the right side to take it in a high speed left turn rollover.

Well... I think that's what happened anyway, it was over so fast & I didn't even realize till a bit later that I'd "crashed the wrong side" somehow & lemme tell you that gave me more than just a mo' of "wait... what?" lol - it could have just as easily been driver error, maybe I could have leaned more, maybe I twitched and did the wrong thing... most likely a little of all the above as I'm still learning this thing's behaviors & some of 'em are dang odd heh

*shrug* Live & learn, as is wont to be said in racing - if ya don't hit the wall from time to time ya ain't been trying to win... win being learn in this case ofc.

& now for something completely different lol, while the taddy hasn't required any repairs or refinements of late aside from that, I did "upgrade" the following widget to what I now like to call "the leech" a small & portable power pack that's capable of charging/powering any/all of my camping gear, trickle charging/maintaining the taddy or recharging from it - as well as accepting charge from solar/110v AC, 24v or 12v DC, I skipped the 36v DC input as the taddy already has a 36v to 12v (and 12v to 36v) converters;

a small example is this lil setup I threw together just to jam out while setting up the tent;

which is now this;

I just thought it kinda nifty & it's part of the taddy's trailerload of camping & travel gear so close 'nuff right?
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (testing phase)

Glad you weren't hurt any worse and that it was in a parking lot. "When things go wrong, it don't take long", a short poem. Stay safe, Bud.
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (testing phase)

Thanks for the well-wishes silver, I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner but I was really busy gimping around trying to get everythin' back together & ready for the rally - when I set up camp I was still on the blasted cane but by the big ride day on Saturday I'd (finally) managed to rid meself of that silly stick so all's well.

Got the taddy all healed up too (not that it was hurt near as bad lol) and it ran the rally & hauled my camp without even the slightest complaint - it was such a faithful machine runnin' it's lil heart out tryin' to keep up with the "big boys" (the scoots laugh when I call 'em that ofc heh) that I feel obliged to do something special for it in thanks... mayhaps a quart of spiffy synthetic & a rubdown will suffice? ;)

There's a few more pics in the rally thread, but these I thought would go well here;

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (testing phase)

Nice camping spot! Too bad she rolled on ya. Don't need to pedal too much with all that "assistance" anyway, right? :)
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (testing phase)

Thanks, I liked that campin' spot too - as ya can see in the first pic when I got to the site on Friday there wasn't anyone else around yet so I staked a claim, set up the ol' homestead & hoped the light rain wasn't going to deter anyone. Later that evening I heard a bit of brouhaha goin' down & peeked out my window & sure enough a buncha folks had showed up... and had set up way over on the other side of the lil meadow lol

I wandered over to inquire at the appearance of discrimination against my not-a-scoot, turns out they didn't even know I was there for the rally... or that the taddy was there at all as I'd parked it in the "garage" part of the tent warm & safe from the rain, oops :p

As the event progressed more & more folks showed up ofc so we ended up with "neighborhoods" of a sort, the urban center of "downtown" where most folks camped, the 'burbs aka "Middlebury" (obv in the middle lol) and so I held down the hillbilly role, "out in the sticks" - we also had the posh "uptown" on the other side, where the gigantor supercharged diesel camper buses resided.

Turns out my spot was a pretty good choice when things got a bit rowdy the night after the rally lol, it could very well be that only I and the bus campers got any sleep at all rotfl
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (testing phase)

Thanks for the pics. Good to hear that you and your trike are ok after the roll.
Off topic here, I was hauling my boat home yesterday from the river and after climbing two hills , i stopped to rest for the big long one that i still had to climb. Some dude came over and started taking pictures of my boat and bike and was asking lots of questions. Like a fool, i unhooked the boat to show him how it worked and i forgot to close the master link when i reatached it. So while i was hauling my boat home, it unhooked itself and if not for my safety chain, it would have been a total diaster, big time. I did not stop to check until i was almost home and i discovered that the boat was riding on the safety chain !!!!!
I posted the pics yesterday in the pic. section titled : ( Extention bar/ Boat haul )
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Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (testing phase)

There's a Tadpole (bike only) listed on the OKC Craigslist site for $1400 ---- says it's got only 20 miles on it. Looks new.
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (testing phase)

I'm glad ya didn't lose yer boat Blakenstein, I had to redesign the "safety chain" on my trailer as it was trouble waiting to happen - had my hitch failed for w/e reason it would act as a destructive emergency brake of sorts by dropping the hitch down & right into my spokes at speed, defo not the safest safety device I've seen lol... unfortunately I don't think it's that uncommon a design, yours sounds better (it saved ya lol) but folks should check 'em out if they've got a trailer by parking the bike, unhitching & letting the trailer hang & seeing where it would go by gently moving the bike forward & back to simulate acceleration & braking - obv, if it swings into or towards the spokes there could be a problem.

xseler - thanks for the "heads up" as I'm always keepin' an eye out for stuff, but I will say I'm not particularly impressed with recumbent prices be it parts or complete bikes. Much like marine parts it all seems to be 2-4x the price for the exact same part, simply because it says "recumbent" on it lol - my 20mm axles & hubs a perfect example as they're exactly the same as a BMX but the BMX ones are a fraction of the cost.

'Actionbent' was one of the few recumbent retailers who's part prices were agreeable, I purchased my only actual recumbent part from them (the seat), unfortunately they've since gone out of business. Should I ever decide I want another recumbent I s'pose I'll just do what I've done & that's build it myself - I s'pose you prolly know this but Atomic Zombie has simply awesome DIY plans! I think the 'Warrior' in particular is a great preformance platform, it's hard to tell from the finished project but I used it's moments (wheelbase, length, height, etc) as a general guideline/inspiration for the T3, best $12 I ever spent.
Great pics!!!! Them double motors must give you lots of tourque!!!! and that Light!!! is amazinggly super!! I wish that I had lights like that!! , but I got no condenser.
Are not you hauling a whole lot of gear on your camping trip?? I did a 5 day , 107 mile ( 167 kilometer) trip down a big mean river in my Dagger Mumba kyak , and i would have sunk if I were hauling even 1/100 of that load, but then again, it was a survival mission, and not a picnic, ( no tent, no sleeping bag, ) just a couple of tarps and some sweaters, coat, full rain gear, vitamens, 8 liters of water,, first aid, hickers mix, and cashews, roasted peanuts, bug repellent, big chisel, micro tourch and lighters, suvival knife, paagonia belt, ropes, snap links, two 20 ltre drybags, and 1 80 ltre drybags that turned out to be not so dry , after getting wiped out in rapids. My home made paddle string works!!! i would nevr trust a store bought one.
Anyway, thanks for sharing, !!! I would love to have one of those and modify it for the winter, with ne of those tracks.
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (testing phase)

......I s'pose you prolly know this but Atomic Zombie has simply awesome DIY plans! I think the 'Warrior' in particular is a great preformance platform, it's hard to tell from the finished project but I used it's moments (wheelbase, length, height, etc) as a general guideline/inspiration for the T3, best $12 I ever spent.

I agree, the Atomic Zombie website is an amazing resource. BA; - Seeing your post reminded me that before I had my last bad patch with not being well I had actually purchased some Atomic Zombie plans on one of their Summer bulk plans deals. Most of the plans were for three wheelers and I very much agree that the 'Warrior' design is a really good one.

The 'TriCruiser' is an AZ design that I find attractive and to my mind very practical for use in a country district. The more raised seating position is something I like too as I don't think I could manage clambering up and down from a seat that was only inches above the ground.


  • Warrior Recumbent Tadpole Racing Trike 1.jpg
    Warrior Recumbent Tadpole Racing Trike 1.jpg
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  • TriCruiser Winter Ready Tadpole Trike 2.jpg
    TriCruiser Winter Ready Tadpole Trike 2.jpg
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Great pics!!!! Them double motors must give you lots of tourque!!!! and that Light!!! is amazinggly super!! I wish that I had lights like that!! , but I got no condenser.
Are not you hauling a whole lot of gear on your camping trip??

Yea, waaaay too much gear lol - I deliberately took everything I could stuff in the trailer & bags just to test load capacity, ability (incline) & handling. I even had SAE tools packed (taddy is metric ofc) & just about all the canned food I owned, despite it being just a weekend trip. Books I wasn't going to read, extra clothes I'd not need, I even had my laptop & sound system - I crammed it all in there like I wasn't coming back heh

I figure around 200 some odd pounds of random junk in total, the taddy didn't care tho I did have to shift a bit more & break a little earlier. It's both reassuring & handy to know "worst case" load, that it coulda taken even more had I found a place to put it, I did build the thing for distance runs and long camping trips after all, the weight of food & fuel adds up quick as you no doubt well know.

As for the light(s), they're (very) inexpensive LED replacement bulbs & just 12v - so if you really wanted some you'd just need an external battery, which would last quite a long time with such a low draw;

Granted they're 12v - but for the DIYer there's the halogen to LED replacement bulbs for track lighting such as these, LED MR16 Spotlight 12V 4W (440 Lumen - 50 Watt Equivalent) 7000K 60 Degree Beam angle...

...440 lumen may not seem like much, but for $3.30ea & two of them you get this (mounted them w/a fog light housing);

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (testing phase)

I agree, the Atomic Zombie website is an amazing resource. BA; - Seeing your post reminded me that before I had my last bad patch with not being well I had actually purchased some Atomic Zombie plans on one of their Summer bulk plans deals. Most of the plans were for three wheelers and I very much agree that the 'Warrior' design is a really good one.

The 'TriCruiser' is an AZ design that I find attractive and to my mind very practical for use in a country district. The more raised seating position is something I like too as I don't think I could manage clambering up and down from a seat that was only inches above the ground.

Defo, I can't praise Atomic's plans enough & I'm not usually easily impressed by the likes, I've had to deal w/too many badly drawn "plans" frm folks that want stuff built... but don't really know what exactly :p

Ergonomics & ease of use vs aerodynamics & efficiency, comfort, stability - every build a compromise there's really no right answer for everyone... my buddy can't even test ride the thing as he can't reach the pedals, he complained & I gently reminded him I built it for me after all heh

I did make the seat (incline) & pedal boom (length) adjustable & it's prolly enough to account for my stubby friend, but I did that more to be able to change my seating position during the longer rides then to let others putt it around. It's funny how even a small difference can result in a leg cramp, or relief from such as the case may be.

Aside from comfort, I think you'll appreciate the greater visibility of a more raised seating position - the taddy is quite comfy & not difficult to get on or off even w/limited mobility (was stuck on a cane for the above camping trip), but I do sit upright in intense traffic/intersections to be able to see (& be seen) a little better, it's awkward being hemmed in by taillights & bumpers lol
Unplug the umbilicals, change the oil & refuel, check the pressure in all the tires & shocks, haul it out, fire it up & away we go!

First ride of the season yessiree bob & everythin' is as fine as fine can be :D

After the winter you've had it's good to see the trike out again. The east coast has had a tough one, for sure. Steer clear of those roadside snow drifts. :)

...and the remaining ice, sand & lemme tell ya how exciting frost heaves turned out to be on this thing lol

Still, can't really complain - the taddy sure didn't ;)
wow that is one awesome trike Barelyawake well done.

hope i can do something half as good once i start building mine.

i know it's a bit late but maybe it'll help someone else or even you at some point
here is a link for minibuggy plans front double A arm suspension obviously some mods would need to be done for use on a trike however it wouldn't be to hard to do anyway hope this helps you or someone else
Thanks ajoh, I'm sure you'll build something even better :)

Those are excellent & quite comprehensive plans - thank you very much for the link (^)
Thanks ajoh, I'm sure you'll build something even better :)

Those are excellent & quite comprehensive plans - thank you very much for the link (^)

no problem bud, lol i can only try mate i got the same plans as you started with still got a lot of homework to do though lol.

yes those plans are from a minibuggy site that sells plans an builds all types of different buggys i saw that you said you prefer very detailed plans hence i thought of those an even though you've already built yours i thought who knows you may end up building another one same day or someone else may want to an those plans might help

like the front axle instead of automotive tapered axle, insert a hollow tube where a high tensile bolt would slide through making it possible to use motorbike front wheels at the same time making it easy to replace bolts if one was damaged some how (unlikely but possible i guess)

anyway that's just one idea that could be used with this style AA arm setup