Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Thanks Dan, & don't be too impressed w/the upstairs neighbors as in this case it's defo "turnabout is fair play" - I've waaaaay too many times been woken up by their silly shenanigans to worry about my own lol

Still hammerin' away at the seemingly endless list of finishing details, there's a bunch more things finished that aren't pic worthy, or impossible to take a pic of... lil but important things like header wrap ties, assorted fastener replacement, more wiring ofc, fiddling about with the upper seat mount again, but the two things that took most of this weekend's free time are relatively minor, the first being nothing more than just trying to find the stupid crush washer/exhaust manifold gasket - I'd somewhat belatedly remembered I'd never installed it, there was nothing between the header & the exhaust manifold but I'd not seen it in at least a year and worse yet, it's not something I could just cob out of a pie tin. Fortunately, just before I gave up all hope and ordered another (but not before I thrashed my shop, office & room), I found the lil thing & threw it up in there, completing another system for good this time lol

Of slightly more interest perhaps then fasteners, cable ties & gaskets is the air filter & remote intake - I'd some vague plans to either find an air filter small enough to fit in the space directly behind the carb, or the somewhat more grandiose thought of running it back & up through the tank halves, for easier general access & maintenance... the catch with both being ofc fitment, a filter to fit the carby let alone a hose to fit both...

Poking around at my local MC shop there was just not much to choose from, they seemed to come in three sizes, too big, huge & what the heck man, but the guy workin' there knows my project & went out of his way to find what he thought might work, diggin' through piles of new parts he came up with a 'Uni' clamp-on "Pod" filter I thought too big, but he pointed out the obvious, that it's squishy lol

So figurin' it'd do for test runs, it'd keep the fung out at least until I could find something better, I started trying to cram it into the lack of space that makes up this project. After much frustration & pinched fingers I got it mounted directly to the carb, but it was squashed & fugly & a nightmare to get to... which will not do as I need no maintenance nightmares, certainly not with something I designed myself as then it's all my fault.

So I dug around lookin' for a flexible hose, I've this "big" empty space between the tank halves, one of the only open & unused spaces on the project I figured better use it & the Uni filter plugged in there like it was made for it (minus the outer sock naturally). Gutting a dead four wheeler (generous name, it's a pile of half chopped up scrap lol) I pulled a hose that'd work & finagled it all together, making a new front tank mount while I was at it, the result far better than if I'd planned it that way heh

...& yea, the fuel tank tilts back for easy access just as the seat flips forward, again - too much stuff in too little space;

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

You have put 10 pounds of peaches in a 5 pound sack haven't you. It also looks factory built and I can't help but wonder how many times you will be asked who made it and what model is it. Followed by disbelieving stares when you say, I did.

The endless details! I know what the tricar is putting me through and I can't even fathom what yours involves with all the wiring and fittings as well as two power systems. I'm darned sure no one will pull up beside you at a traffic light on one anywhere near like it. :) A definate one of a kind.

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Defo fasteddy, a lack of room defines this build... or rather TBH I s'pose it's all me just trying to keep the thing as low profile & small as possible, six of one 1/2 dozen of the other really, I coulda built it bigger but then it'd be even more ungainly riding the (lack of) shoulders around here lol

& thank you very much, I can't think of a better complement than my homebuilt concoction being potentially mistaken for factory built - but we'll see what kinda reception it gets once it's rollin' down the road, I suspect it'll be mostly "wow, recumbent taddys are weird" heh, I doubt most will realize it's a hybrid in any case, but the four stroke is kinda hard to miss *shrug*

Speaking of... wow, I'd forgotten just how mean a four smoker can sound - this 49cc Lifan has defo got some attitude! After hooking everything up, cautiously pouring maybe a quarter gallon of fuel in the tank, then triple checking for leaks & overflow I hadta make this little vid so I wouldn't be out in my shop revving it all the time, giggling maniacally;

...bear in mind it's not as loud as it seems, the cam being right behind it & indoors no less. I may still make an additional baffle tube for the exhaust (distance rides in comfort), but I may not need to after all, we'll see I s'pose.

Aside from makin' vroomie sounds for real at last, I did attend to a bunch more little things as well (before the vroom noises, but who's counting) - again mostly boring, unpic-worthy things & yep you guessed it, more wiring. A few more sending units, temp & tach and cutting some heat guards - naturally none of it being nearly as simple as it could have been lol

There's a coupla different ways to wire the tachometer, I chose the more "professional" route of adding a blade connector & attaching the pickup directly to the coil (rather than plug wire wrapping etc)... this had the interesting effect of pointing out one of my mistakes as in the process I dislodged a bullet connector within the harness & lost all spark. Way-too-long later, once I figured out where & what the problem was, I added 1/2" to that wire then went through & crimped every bullet connector to be sure - they'll not come apart as easily now, but that's the point I s'pose heh

The temp sender turned out to have a surprise for me as well, as the area on the head around where the spark plug goes is stepped with machined ridges that prevent the sender from sitting flat, which ofc means the plug wouldn't seat. So out came the dremel again, it'd been a while... I think it missed me lol

As for the heat shields... they're not absolutely necessary, I've seen this same engine in kiddie four-wheelers with wiring just as close & no guards at all... but I figured better safe than sorry as I don't like the long-term effects of radiant heat on the wire's insulation, connectors & I don't wish to find out if the LED & other assorted relays can put up w/it, not to mention another layer between my sweaty back and the motor can't hurt *shrug* The plastic cable-tie is just a temporary measure to keep things in place during fitting BTW;

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Engine sounds good! Oh boy... spring is coming!
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

agreed,,,it's got a nice growl w/attitude kinda sound (^)
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

good to see it is turning out so nice. so how fast do you think?
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

TBH she doesn't sound that loud, especially being "behind the pipe/indoors". Just a nice low db "thump". It might be more bassy than what the vid sounds like though.

I'd say see how you like it on your shakedown runs before worrying about a 2nd baffle. But yea, if you get sick of it on a looong cruise, just kill it and run on electric quiet for a while :)

Nice to hear her alive btw!
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Thanks guys, I agree & as said above - good I made that vid else I'd have irked the upstairs neighbors by now, what with all the revving & vrooming goin' on lol

furament - "how fast" is an incredibly tricky question, one I can't answer with any certainty as there's too many unknowns... but I can narrow it down a lil bit I s'pose. The first thing is I've noticed folks think it looks fast, but it's still but a 49cc four stroke, which aren't known for their impressive top speed even in lighter machines - there's the electric drive as well it's true, but electric hub drives tend to be RPM limited, at these wattages also not known for blazing top speed - less than the four stroke so it won't help anything other than acceleration in this application. Add them together & I've a mechanical drag factor as well, more wirly bits, more complexity, more drag & again particularly at higher speeds as the electric can't keep up.

That's the "down side" of sorts, then again I'm not building it for maximum speed, rather acceleration (safety/intersection crossing etc), comfort & sustainable speed (hills/trailers/etc) as those were my "problem areas" with my two smoker builds (great speed but no torque).

The "up side" is I've a coupla things going for me regarding top speed, the first being it's a recumbent w/a much smaller frontal area so the wind resistance is significantly reduced, that alone changes everything as drag is such a major factor w/these comparatively low power machines. The Lifan/Honda CRF50 clone while not a screaming powerhouse, isn't as weak as you'd think for a four stroke 49cc & there's all sorts of preformance mods & aftermarket parts available like cam & stroker kits. Lastly, I've designed it as a dual range setup - while gears alone don't add any power/top speed provided the finals are the same as an ungeared equivalent, I've the gear range to cover any situation & riding environment with the Lifan's internal (auto clutched) transmission providing the low/medium/high to the jackshafted rear seven speed cassette.

So... with all the above factors I can't even hazard a guess beyond what I hope to achieve, which is just a sustainable cruise of around 30mph regardless of moderate grades and/or headwinds - anything more is gravy, anything less & the four stroke goes under for additional surgery *shrug*

killercanuck - defo, I'm very pleased with the "nice low db thump" a bit surprised even by how bassy it turned out even at higher RPMs & particularly for a lil 49cc. I'm happy enough w/it I'll not mess with the exhaust anymore, at least until after a few break in runs ;)
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

This weekend started off with an uninspiring but needful shop cleaning... again /sigh

What with the milk crates & coffee cans filled with randomness everywhere, the tangled bits of wire, snipped cable tie ends, lil gobs of solder, piles of not-quite-what-I-needed parts & pieces, random schematic printouts, scattered tools and other whatsits, not to mention all the tracked in filth & debris from Mongo doing service as a winter beater - it really was at the point that getting to the taddy to work on it was as much work as working on it is >.<

So, as a "reward" for my efforts I promised myself that once the shop floor was clean again, I could play a bit w/the taddy, instead of tinkering I'd block it up on the floor, run an exhaust tube outside & just sit on the thing, trying out all the controls "live" including engine(s) start & run as well as shifting both pedal power & jackshafted four stroke, then full acceleration while trying to keep everything synchronized (pedal/electric/ICE trigger throttles & twist shifters) - not just playing as it turned out as I learned that although these double fistfuls of control assemblies seem complicated, they are in fact not bad at all - they take a bit of getting used to & it'd be easier with some load on the engines/pedals (spins up far too fast w/o it), but all in all I'm quite pleased, the only faults I found during the simulated runs were that I need to swap the ICE start/run switch & the main lighting switch assembly as I can't reach the ICE throttle to give it a bit during a cold start & that ofc I need to adjust the indexing on the rear derailleur... minor points really.

Other'n that I'm very happy with the controls, I seemed to adapt to them quickly & other than the cold ICE start everything's easy to reach w/o letting go;

& here's another lil vid, some gear runs w/just the ICE and showing I haven't got the indexing quite right yet ofc lol;

...and if you're wondering why I'm not just doin' laps in the parking lot, there is this to contend with ATM heh;
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Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

walk around vid

...and that's about it for awhile, the 'T3' is pretty much "finished" aside from a billion minor adjustments, some fine tuning & dialing in - just about all of which is dependent on test runs, of which I can't do at the moment as ofc it's still winter in Maine lol

Sure, there's still some little things like weld my rear disc brake's caliper mount, but as I "need" to ride it to work to use the welder, we're back to waiting another month or two for the weather to clear, more importantly for the roads to be clean as it's not even mud season yet & still snowing, the muck, salt & calcium chloride isn't something the newborn taddy should be subject to... which poor Mongo can illustrate;

So while ofc I'll still be tinkerin' away and more than happy to answer any questions, there won't be much in the way of updates in this thread until spring, actual for real spring that is heh, not the silly calendar & it's lies - at which point the really fun stuff begins lol, the much anticipated "testing phase" where I get to find out just how mad this madness has truly been.

So, to all that offered their interest & assistance, suggestions & comments... to be completely honest this project would have been tedious without them so I thank you, thanks all so very much for lendin' that helpin' hand (^)
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

that is awesome ba. i like how the saddle bags hide the motor and the head rest and everything about the taddy. that is going to be one fun ride. sounds good, looks good and i imagine it will run good. that is one heck of a hybrid motorized bicycle for sure. i want one lol
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Right on Barely! 54 pages coming to a close... end of an era :p Looking forward to cruise vids like everyone else :)
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Awesome BA.

You'r choice of music for the vid is a perfect choice too.
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Weeeell... temptation got the best of me and I just couldn't resist any longer, so this past weekend I dragged the taddy out just for a quick initial test run around the lot... and it went far far better than expected! *lil dance*

Sure, there were some teething pains - as it turns out I'd bunged up a jackshaft bearing the last time I removed it, due to the keyed shaft being somewhat stuck & my impatience. Still, they're inexpensive & I got some good laps in before the bearing really started hatin' on me, at which point I just limited myself to the electric drive for "just a few more lil runs". heh... yea... just a "few" lol

That's the "bad" news - the good news is everything I was really worried about turned out to be fine, even better than fine & in fact I was surprised at just how well it all seems to work. It's the important stuff that can't be just "fixed" with replacement parts that concerned me, the math - the ergonomics, handling characteristics & suspension, clearance & turning radius, emergency stopping - all those pesky design details that I'd had to mostly guess & hope for the best, the ones that if faulty I'd have to chop up the frame to change.

Instead I was stunned by how well it performed, summoning up my courage I took the laps a lil faster each time to see how she did in the hard, slightly inclined turns of the lot. I was getting some sidewall roll from the front tires, but they were a bit low in pressure so I aired them up to 60psi (max) and tried it again. Now I was able to take these turns at least as fast as I could with my two-wheelers and still the taddy felt rock-solid stable, with me leaning a bit to help ofc. I wanted to try it even faster, but I was starting to get sketched out given I've still only front brakes, there's not a lot of room in the lot, it's an untried vehicle and ofc that jackshaft bearing was failing...

So I figured I'd switch to electric only and toodle down the road a bit, just to the next lot down (bout 1/16th mi) to see how she went in a straight line. I got to the lot & thought "gee, lousy place to turn around" and decided to go a bit further to the corner store as everything was going so well in any case. Cutting across the road I hauled into the lot & did a lap around the pumps and thought to myself "gee, I might as well finish the trip to my buddy's place, I'm halfway there" & zipped on over to the far side, cut out back into the road and off I went - making the trip & back again (a mere 1/2mi or thereabouts) without any problems save I desperately need mirrors, it's a pain to see behind me on this thing.

I came in hot, turning across the road & into my parking lot, leaning hard the silly thing still felt like it was on rails w/o any feeling of instability or even raising a wheel - I decided I'd do some braking stability tests as taddys are known to nose over during panic stops. I'd already tried full front braking on dry pavement with nothing interesting happening save stopping, this time I tried hitting the brakes hard right before a strip of glare ice, locking both fronts up fully then hitting the dry pavement on the other side to see if I could get the pedal boom & crankset to hit ground...

...nope, no nose over, no instability or pulling to one side, again - it just stopped like I'd asked it to.

That's a major relief as I'd had to move my seat, my body's center of mass at least 4" further forward than pedal taddys, praying the engine's weight would counterbalance it. Not only did that work out, as apparently I can't make it nose over it seems more stable than your average racing taddy!

A bit bummed that I couldn't try the four stroke drive more than I had, it couldn't overcome the sheer joy of overall success - I parked the thing and just walked around it, fighting the temptation to take off down the road again w/a a battery pack of unknown reserve being my only drive, I poked & prodded, checking fasteners & bearings, bushings & bolts... while everything still looked good I decided I'd be mature for a change & just park the thing until I could get some replacement jacksaft bearings, it really should have a thorough examination with partial disassembly to be sure everything was actually as good as it seemed before I headed out again - and there's the fact I wasn't "supposed" to be riding it at all, I was supposed to wait till spring & while it was nice & dry out, there's a wall of snowy crap headed our way... which was the final straw, why I dragged it out a lil early as it's gonna be at least another month before I get another chance.

Still, to say I'm relieved & excited would be the understatement of the century lol, the one failure an $8 part I'd broken months ago & just didn't know it.

I wish I'd taken some real vids, but I was a bit preoccupied & I hadn't planned any of this, it was a "spur of the moment" sorta thing as I caved in to a sudden impulse - I did maintain enough presence of mind to stick the cam on a stump to grab just the last few seconds of the testing, the ride down the somewhat steep, rough, muddy & root strewn trail I use to get to my shop, the final test of the day - clearance & suspension, which as you can see for yourself also went really well;

Safely tucked away in the shop I thought about the one handling characteristic I wasn't completely overjoyed with - the front tire sidewall rollover. I thought about just upgrading the tires to take 90psi, but wondered about high speed turns, potholes & pinch flats. Bustin' out the laptop I started hunting around for wider 20" BMX rims and surprise surprise - Alex rims now had the exact same DX32 double wall alloy I'd gotten for the rear (26") in a 20" version, more than I could have asked for & in fact wider than I'd hoped to find I bought a set of those puppies before the page had finished loading, or so it seemed heh

They're gonna be monsters lol;

2x Alex DX32 20" 36h Black, 39.1mm Width

Here's a coupla pics of the taddy outdoors for the first time ever, a little muddy, a little snowy it was still worth the filth on a brandy new machine just to finally play for a day;

Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

Good to see that all is well and that your trike is finally up and running. It is looking great. That is a big project that took a lot of work and time which sure turned out to be well worth it.
Thanks for sharing and for the info.
Re: The Bent Zombie Tribrid Tadpole Trike (build phase)

that is awesome ba. i bet you are big time excited. you got a lot of hours and time into your hybrid motorized bicycle and it looks like it is worth every minute put into it. great work!