Amen to that Greg58. Though we so rarely ever meet we are indeed family if only through the forum. When one member has a health problem we are all concerned.
Great to hear that you are improving and hope it continues at a speedy rate.
Why do you want to avoid narcotics? They are the most effective pain medication available and are cheap as dirt and have little impact on the organs.
They only get a bad rep for abuse.
I insist on them, they are one of the pleasures of getting old. I used to be able to work in the yard all day w/o pain, but those days are long gone. I tell my doc that I want codeine and he gives it to me. I got grey hair. He's got grey hair too. He knows I'm not a junkie -
I can understand, to a degree, on trying not to take pills until you absolutely have to. Due to the osteo arthritis I inherited (with 5 generations behind it it was unlikely it'd skip me) I have had to take tylenol/ibuprofen and thier cousins far too many times.. now if I take anything like that for more than around two days running, the misery I deal with internally is akin to the misery I'm trying to deal with from the knees.
A 'friend' of mine would advise cautious use of a certain non-addictive, naturally occuring herb.. while it may not make the pains go away, it can certainly make them much less important for a time.
I have to agree with you guys. I wouldn't know how to function everyday if I didn't have my daily 3 doses of 800mg of ibuprofen and cortisone shots in my knees every 3-4 months. Someday I'll have enough courage to go under the knife but for now, the pills and shots are helping me out so much that I got to race last weekend!
Ibuprofen's deadly for me. As a pain killer it works, but I'm one of those that it hits with short term memory loss, and it's actually rather frightening.
IWW, rest, look backward at the good things that have happened, and forward to making more of them happen.
I find a couple of Ibprofen's all right, Mostly just to help me get some sleep.
I love codine, except that it clogs me up.
And very hard to get in OZ these days.
Watch that cortisone though guys it's bad stuff, and will weaken the bones,
Well I seem to be improving in gradual stages. Yesterday I had a lot of pain and spent most of the day in bed. This morning I felt a lot better and did about an hours worth of housework, but had to flag it away after than because I started to feel exhausted.
Ludwig, I suppose I wouldn't really know if Ibuprofen affected my short term memory or not because one of my symptoms when I'm not well is short term memory problems. It used to upset me at first, but after all these years I just roll with it. The most important thing is making sure I don't forget I've got something on the stove or in the oven so I use timers a lot when I'm cooking.
Having once suffered being addicted to prescription meds due to a doctor's careless prescribing I don't want to ever go though that again so that's why I won't use opiates. And the other problem as Theon has pointed out is shocking constipation. The slow release Ibuprofen works for me and because I don't use it all the time it remains effective.
I'm not really ready to go out to my workshop and do anything yet. I'm keeping myself amused with a little model making, which is good, only I get tired and lose concentration and start making mistakes if I do it for too long.
No bicycling either at the moment so I've been borrowing my daughter's car and even though I don't like cars much I've been glad to be able to have the use of it.
Hope your better soon. I unfortunately can personally relate all to well to your condition. I have heart problems due to a birth defect. Which affected me in my late 40's. Which is why I got into motorized bicycles. Still its my love for our hobby, friends and family which keeps me going. I hope you find the strength to get better soon.
I am rather glad to hear you're feeling better, and hope to hear soon that you find yourself well enough to venture back into your workshop. Mine is where I can most easily commune with my creative muse, so I'm sure you must miss it.
I will say it came as no surprise to stumble upon you over at the Cyclekart forum. They too are a gang of folks with a great affinity for contriving mobile mechanisms. I seem to be continually gravitating toward such folks. Here's hoping you are doing much better soon.
Yes Allen the Cyclekart forum is a pretty good place for those who like to make small fast things with wheels on. I managed to annoy some of the old walruses though by making suggestions about building a cyclekart that differed from the ancient and sacred formula as handed down by the Stevenson brothers.
Still having some problems with pain and my balance has been off a bit which means I have to keep my walking stick handy. Otherwise I'm feeling reasonably positive and I'm looking forward to starting work on my cyclecar again.
My workshop is my creative place too and I've been missing it. Even if I'm just pottering about sorting bolts and washers or something I like being out there.
Just a quick update gentlemen. I'm not having much of a problem with pain now, but I'm still fatigued with very shallow reserves. Too much time is being spent asleep which is annoying only I can't do much about it at the moment. A couple of days ago I fell asleep with a cup of tea in my hand and emptied it all over myself. You would think that would've woken me up, but it didn't.
I've always been a vivid dreamer and at the moment I seem to have more of a life asleep than I do awake. Despite the temptation I'd much rather be doing things in real life than in the dreamscapes I inhabit when I'm asleep.
I've got another doctor's appointment early next week so while I'm not expecting miracles it will be good to get my hunch that I'm on the mend confirmed.
Nice to hear from you IW,
and I'm glad your on the mend,
sleep is therapeutic, so flow with it, I don't get near enough,
Wish I was there to shake you up a bit, I'd make you a good strong scotch and coffee, take you out for a spin.
I too am glad to hear that you are doing better.
Like Theon, I don't get enough sleep, so on that level I am a bit envious.
I pray that the doctor can figure out a remedy for you.
Thank you for keeping us all informed!
It's so good to hear that there is improvement in your life. Sleep while not as productive as you would like is in it's own way rewarding as it allows healing. It must have been a good depth of unconsciousness if spilling tea on your self didn't wake you.
Certainly hope it had at least cooled before it happened.
Hope your doctors report is affirmative and you are indeed on the mend. We will be waiting to hear.