Won't be around much.......

Has anyone ever watched the movie, 'The World's Fastest Indian' and didn't think about Ann.

Just imagine her and Burt Monroe together, heading off to Bonneville. It makes me smile everytime I think about it. The inevitable, 'What if'. :)

All the best to you, IWW. In my short time here, I've seen and read of many fine gems attributable to your talents. Always a beacon of class, wit, and clever solutions. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
Gentlemen you are all wonderfully kind. After reading all your posts and good wishes I will confess that I had to go and have a little cry before I came back to write a reply.
My workshop won't remain idle as my daughter has as much of an interest in tinkering with mechanical things as I do myself. As well as that I'm still quite able to teach her the many tricks and techniques I've learned during the course of my life. My VeloSolex has been claimed by my daughter and she's presently working on all manner of ideas of her own devising. Yesterday I saw her with a solar panel in her hands and she was trying it for size on the carrier.

Something I do need to do though is sell off all the stuff I have hanging about which is just taking up space. As an example there's no point in keeping any of my old track bikes or road bikes as I can't ride them and some other enthusiast might as well enjoy them. I will be keeping the three wheeled cyclecar I started to build though as I'm hoping that on my good days I will be able to potter on with it.

Apparently some of the latest research on CFS/ME, which is the illness I have, indicates that it's caused by a viral infection of the nervous system. If there ever is a cure it is still a long way off. At the moment my pain is reasonably well controlled, but it's not being able to concentrate properly on undertaking physical tasks, having poor balance and being constantly tired that's the most upsetting thing. Taking any kind of stimulant medication isn't the answer as it will only work for a very short while and will quickly lead to a physical collapse due to exhaustion.

At the moment I'm keeping my hands and mind busy with crafts type things and if I get bored with that I've got my huge Lego collection to fall back on. I will be back again on the forum with all my former witty old world charm most probably once we start to move on into Spring and Winter is behind us.
Hello Intrepid
I just came across this thread - I do not follow the tavern on a regular basis

I am so sorry to hear of what you have been going through and wish you the very best for a positive recovery==thinking of you.

Give it a try. According to this, dexedrine helped 90% of the people that used it.


Thanks for going to the trouble of looking this up Mike. The only problem with dexedrine is that over time it loses its effectiveness due to gradually blocking the receptors necessary for adrenaline and various other biochemicals to function. This will lead to a general state of relapse and a sudden return of ME/CFS symptoms. Not nice :(
I've found that careful attention to my diet, maintaining some level of exercise and generally pacing myself so I don't over extend myself mostly works for me. I have regular B12 injections which I've found to be helpful too. Most of the problem is that I'm getting older and while my general test results, blood pressure, cholesterol & etc are very good and on paper at least my state of health is better than most women my age, the simple fact is that what I used to do ten years ago is a darn sight harder now.

I'm not giving up though. My daughter is very encouraging and I've been helping her a little with her own projects. A member on another forum contacted me recently to tell me about a small, but important detail to do with the drive arrangements on the French cyclecar I've been building a replica of. So I'm still maintaining a level of interest in things mechanical despite being fatigued.

Buba, - thank you for your good wishes :) I think once we move on into Spring and the stormy weather is behind us I should do better.
Oh yeah, you can't live on the stuff, I know that from personal experiance. After a day or two you are gonna crash and need at least 12 hours in bed.

I discovered the stuff when I was in school. You know all nighters, cram sessions and term papers - :)

Nope, my suggestion is to have some around for when you want a little "pep" to do whatever you want to do. Take one, do your stuff and lay off for a couple of days to recover.
This stuff may soon be legal everywhere. ''Cannabis'' I use it to sleep at night in edibles. I was getting crippling migraines very often. I never ever miss a day a work. So it was truly luggage I endured in a terrible way. Got a med card here in the states where I live. After about a year of this stuff. My arthritis is gone. Had it in my neck too.

With better sleep at night. Well everything for me improved big time. I need to see a doctor about my neck prolly here lately? I think I just need a better pillow? My life has improved substantially. My attention deficit disorder. I had since I was born lol. Has turned out pretty awesome now. I attribute that to sleeping good.

Thought mebbe I was diabetic too. I have always been very hypoglycemic. However a blood sugar crash from this gift turns into a curse. ''Headaches'' worse if not the same as a full blown very bad alcohol hangover. Well just wanna say that cleared up as well!!!

I was stuck with making a big decision. Go see doctors and start supporting the pharmaceutical industry. Or follow my instincts. I feel like I made a great decision for myself.

Not sure why I am saying this to you. May not do you any good? I have great faith in this stuff ATM. I always will now as my own personal observations have been truly outstanding.

I never take this stuff during the course of a work day. All I do is sleep good. At the end of every day by about 5 o'clock. I simply eat a home grown cookie or such. By 8 o'clock I can always tell I will sleep perfectly!

Proper restful sleep makes all the difference in the world for a healthy life style. IMO and IME.
prayers that you get well

Thank you Racie :)

The trouble is Goat Herder, Mary Jane is illegal here in NZ and living as I do right in the middle of an active growing area the local Police guys and girls keep a very sharp eye on the situation. Sleeping is one problem I don't have actually as lately I've been sleeping up to 14 hours straight without any difficulty at all.


I can tell I'm on the mend though, the weather seems to be trying to improve now we're past the shortest day of our Winter, and I'm finding I'm starting to take an interest in things again. Still have to be careful though as my reserves are very shallow and even simple household tasks quickly wear me out.
Glad to hear you have some cheerfully active days ahead of you soon. And I hope you are able to make the most of them.