Won't be around much.......

Best wishes! Hope you're up and about in the shop again soon. Jonesing for some Intrepid builds!
IWW, enjoy those dreams. I am able to do things in my dreams I could never do in my day life! Fact is, my life would be pretty boring if it were limited to my waking life. "Dream on, little dreamer dream on."
"I hope you are feeling better soon I miss your input."
I feel the same way. You have unique perspectives on motorbikes and the
vintage plans you post leave me astounded at the resourcefulness of the drafters.
IWW, enjoy those dreams. I am able to do things in my dreams I could never do in my day life! Fact is, my life would be pretty boring if it were limited to my waking life. "Dream on, little dreamer dream on."

Dream on indeed! And never stop. I get some of my best ideas from them. There've been times when a difficult problem had me stumped, then at night I'd have a dream where I do something that, in waking life, would create a solution.
A man named Singer wanted to build a machine that would sew, but he couldn't make anything workable with the needles he had. Then one night he had a dream that he was in a strange land and was being attacked by natives who had long spears which had holes in the end, near the tip. Upon waking he remembered those spears and he looked at needles a new way. He understood that a sewing machine needle would HAVE to be different, with the hole at the tip, for it to work at all.
And because of Singer's nightmare, all good sewing machines use that kind of needle - whether they are Singers or otherwise. Don't underestimate your dreams.
True enough gentlemen, there is all manner of inspiration to be found in dreams and that is certainly one of the good sides of dreaming. A good many of my dreams take place in a large and rambling city which has become reasonably familiar to me. Some parts of it are very old with classic Victorian and Art Deco buildings, some parts are falling down and ruinous, some parts are very modern with towering glass and steel buildings with all manner of architectural innovations some wonderfully inspired and some very much in the 'fail' category. The hospital is in the modern part of the city.

There's a part of the city too where there is a great deal of industrial buildings filled with incredible steampunk like machines and scrapyards to die for. Real world environmentalists would have a fit if they saw it, but most of the time it's a good place to be. I often build vehicles or machines of various kinds here or else restore to working order the most amazing old classic cars.

Most of the older part of the city seems to be built on a hilly landscape and it has narrow streets, interesting shops and wonderful arcades. An incredible Cathedral is in this part of the city too. On my dream score card I like this older part of the city second best of all.

The best place is the railway station and rail yards where diesels don't exist at all and all manner of wonderful black and oily and smokey steam engines can be found. The station itself is pretty darn impressive with a huge arching wrought iron and glass over roof and Victorian railway architecture of the most wonderful kind. Lots of smoke and soot of course which I don't mind at all. I travel by train quite a bit in my dreams and I seem to know the timetable and where to get off to change trains. It seems like I can get most places in the city by train, but the ruinous part of the city is where I have to be the most careful.

Just lately a Ferry Terminal has become a part of my city, but I'm not so sure about that as yet. Parts of it have the most wonderful, though down at heel, Victorian architecture and the rest seems to be hastily knocked up from wood and corrugated iron. The ferry boats that operate there seem to fall into the hastily knocked up category as well and while I have travelled on them once or twice it certainly wasn't the driest or most comfortable journey.

The dreams I like the least are what I call 'searching dreams' where I'm looking for something and despite a great deal of effort I don't find it. Exploration dreams are the best because I can go pretty much anywhere. In the old part of the city there's a street with the most amazing old picture theaters and I've watched a few movies there. Lots of stairs and they're a bit maze like inside, but they're good places to be as a rule.
The dreams where I'm either protecting someone or taking something important somewhere can be the most challenging and involve all manner of Intrepid skills that I've learned over the course of my life. These can be pretty darn thrilling and sometimes border on being nightmarish, but mostly I do Ok and win through.
The last category of dreams are 'job dreams' which often seem to be loosely based on actual work places where I have worked in the past, but often with a twist. These can be a real mixed bag that vary between having my every fault and failing picked over or else they're basically Ok and I do whatever my job is just fine.

As I mentioned I spilled a warmish cup of tea over myself and didn't wake up, but despite that I do get clues in my dreams that it's time to wake up and return to the physical world. Needing to look for a Ladies restroom is exactly what you'd think and usually wakes me up fairly quickly. Having any kind of soreness or pain or going to the hospital usually means that I've been lying still in one place for too long and I need to wake up and move around a little to ease my joints.
Otherwise I can be fairly difficult to wake up and usually involves a fairly patient and gently persistent approach by the person who is doing it. My daughter is very good at it which is just as well because if I'm woken up suddenly the sense of disorientation is just plain awful and persists for up to 20 minutes or so.
Anne, it's certainly good to hear from you!!

I think that I need a 'vision quest' in the near future. By the way, my definition of a 'vision quest' is a mind flush as the result of a vacation!! Seems that my mind has a touch of constipation these days............
Well gentlemen it looks like that I'm having to admit that this illness of mine has advanced to the point where I'm going to have to give up all notion of being able to build any kind of vehicles or do anything creative in my workshop anymore. I went through this with having to give up being a motorcyclist. I hung onto 'Ginny', my big Suzuki 500 twin, for far too long in the hope that i was going to get well again, only it never happened.
Forgive me for not being here on the forum lately, only I find it very hard to hold any interest in motor bicycles or velocars at present. You are all a great group of guys and I've made some good friends here. Perhaps a little later on when I'm not feeling quite so down in the dumps I'll come back just to hang out and chat.
Lady, you will be in our thoughts. We have missed you, will miss you, if you're not around. Please take care of yourself and keep us informed of your condition. If there is anything we can do, please let us know. Paul, the mods, and I think I speak for the members, are here for you. God Speed on your recovery and keep us in mind, please.

Seconded. I hope you have not thrown in the towel prematurely. I guess you know more about what is ailing you than anyone else here, but it does seem a terrible shame that your workshop should grow so quiet.
But I do hope you won't disappear from the forum entirely. You have so much experience to share, and a good deal of charm which so often seems absent from this hectic modern world. Please say you won't drift away and forget us.
I was sorry to read your words and to hear the sadness in your voice. As our physical selves weaken it is hard not to become resigned that this is our fate and to go with it. It is a balancing act, being graceful about physical changes for the worse and yet keeping our spiritual self strong. You have been a bright light here on our forum and have made this place better for your having been here as one of us. Please continue shining your light. You have more friends here than you might imagine. Wishing you well in all ways,
I miss you I.W.
I truly hope your felling better soon.
You have given me so much inspiration, When I build a cycle car, I will call it Annie.
I pray that time will be good to you and you will be able to continue to tinker in your workshop on occasion. Whatever you do, know that you will be missed here and I will be looking forward to your insightful, humorous comments when you visit us all.
Take care of yourself, and please don't be sad. Be happy that you are a great person who is greatly revered here.
Dang some how missed this thread. Got fath and prayers out to ya. Hope we get to hear back frome you soon. Come to think of it I had not seen you posting lately. We do miss you and you always had somthing good to say. Hang in there.
It hard to write as well as Silver Bear. But I would like to say that your the first lady that can talk shop among some of the most talented men I have ever know. I sorry to hear of your illness I know it is hard to see past the pain of not being able to complete your dreams. I hope that you don't give up and keep all your dreams locked in your shop and if you need inspiration you can dwell on all the things you have accomplished. And don't forget the people at the forum that care so much for you, we still want your input. Ron
Well, Dear Lady,

I was dreading this message, not only because we may not hear from you again but because it means that your pain and suffering have escalated to a point that it means your daily life is hard to bear up under.
Pain wears at the strongest of us no matter what we do and it will without fail win the day. I hope that the doctors are able to find a cause and cure or at least relief and you are able to join us once more.

Your posts, knowledge and enthusiasm have been a bright spot on this forum for all of us and I hope someone here will continue your good work if you are unable to. Please stop back if you are able to and say a quick hello. It will be most welcome.

I too have noticed your absence and have thought you were busy building. I always look to see if IWW has posted on a daily basis. I appreciate all of your contributions mechanical, informational and of course the interesting photos and the chuckles I get from them. I love your wit and your other world charm. I pray for you to be well and recover fully. Thank You and God bless you and yours.
I know that we have had this discussion before regarding your refusal to use narcotics and hey, it's your life and your decision.

I on the other hand, if faced with constant pain and lethargy, would go to the doc and demand codeine and dexedrine. Both are valid prescriptions for pain and narcolepsy. Both are addictive. I would rather be a drug addict and able to get out of bed and do the stuff I want to do for what remains of my life than lay around exhausted and hurting all the time.

I'm already a drug addict, I've been taking 5 mg of Ambien every night for the last 7 years. It's nice to not have to stare at the ceiling all night long. But that's my choice.

All the best, I hope you get better no matter how you do it.