what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i did nothing tday but crused around a little in my neighborhood. opened up the box from sbp with my expansion pipe in it looked at it and did some very breif mock up on my cruiser but it aint going on there i gonna save it for my gt lts build i found a frame today and gonna start getting peices for it one by one gonna have to save for the jack shaft shift kit and a motor kit. other then that it was my b-day today so i didnt do much just relaxed

Fröliche Gebürtstag, mein herr Toxic!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well here is the update on the CNS situation. I let the JB sit overnight and it is truly C**k Strong as expected. kinda ugly though.Now I just need to find a clamp. ;) I'll get one tomorrow, no point of doing the eight mile hike/ride since everything is closed due to Easter. In the pic you can see where the clamping part snapped off. I have no idea which version it is V1 or V2 or even what the difference is between the two.

I'll update tomorrow after I walk/ride into town and get a new clamp. Would an exhaust clamp be overkill?
Hopefully I'll be motoring back home.
If not :-|| LOL

Thanks for responding.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

so Dag it looks like you have a CNSv2 and if you are needing a body for it let me know.... Another thing is that these castings dont usually fail at the clamping points so you might want to contact the supplier as they might be able to RMA it and get you another however I think those chances are slim since you have already have modified the unit itself and easily could have obscured the defect itself ... A simple line of sand in the casting could have caused such a defect to occur but once it is epoxied over there is little to support your claim.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Moved the "c" clip one slot and it seems to have stopped bogging at midrange. I also lenghtened the tubing I use to connect the carb to the intake. Don't know if either would make more power but it blew the exhaust pipe right offdnut
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

When I installed a Tanaka three-piece expansion pipe on my center-mounted 47R engine, the pipe came awfully close to the front tire. Having a spare 29" ROCKSHOX fork, I installed it on my 26" bike. This gave me almost two inches more clearance between front tire and expansion pipe. After cutting the stem and installing the star nut, the 29er fork slipped into place.

The four-liter HT fuel tank had to be relocated, since the Tanaka pipe crosses over the top tube. A new rear rack was installed, and the HT tank will mount on that.

The mounting bracket for the expansion pipe needs rewelding, so it can bolt onto the Scooter guy motor mount.

The goped guys with this engine and pipe said it's loud. I started it up and didn't think it was noisy. Anyways, a stock muffler can slip onto the three-piece pipe,quieting it down even more. Then a hose needs to route the exhaust past the rear wheel.

This bike should fly with the new pipe.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ordered the SBP expansion pipe for it ^-^ been waiting for it to come into stock again
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Modified my exhaust (baffles fell out) But, performance has improved. LOL Gotta get another bolt to put the cap back on.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went to the Long Beach swap motorcycle swap meet today, met up with Venice and his cool crew to check it out. He hooked me up with a vendor that had the spokes that were 12g SS for 12.50 for 36... a sweet deal.... I ordered two weeks ago from John Holmes Holmes Hobbies LLC / Holmes Bikes :: Bike / MoPed :: Sapim Stainless Custom Spokes for the same and it was 85.00 for 80 spokes. O -well...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes guys. As for me didnt do anything today but win a GT LTS-5 on E-Bay for $89 can't wait to start the build when I get it but going have to save up for the rest of the parts to build it right. Heres the pics of it I will make a new thread when i build it.



Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice score! Those bikes are hard to find!

Yes they are and that's a heck of a deal as LTS used to cost around $2,000 when they first came out! That was the top of the line GT at the time....Mike King owned the downhill on one.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My day was Horrible. I got up and decided I would take the 16 mile round trip to town to get a clamp for my carb. I scrounge up my last two bucks and with carb in hand head out. I go all the way to ACE hardware and buy a hose clamp for $1.05 head home to find out the damn thing is stripped!! I mean REALLY?! So I call Ace to see if I can get a replacement (not about to walk back) and she asks me if I have my receipt? I of course can't find that now, must have blown out of the bag on the way home. So I ask for the manager and he said just bring it back and get a new one. Told him I'll be there in the morning. I think I'm gonna go crawl into bed and cry for awhile. Unhappy So needless to say I'm walking back again tomorrow. I'm taking my bike with me though, so I can motor home at least.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dang Dag. Not fun. Gonna be OK Buddyro. You been through tuffer. I got faith in you.

Worst case, be funny when yer done.

(I was gonna say "theres no cryin' in motorized bicycle riding" but thats a lie)

Heads up Man. You will get threw this. Just not gonna be real happy for a bit.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ran outa gas ridding up to the pump. (wut, you guys knew I was slow, lol)
Was funny, 4 pump station at rush hr. Folks were cutting in line and getting real ugly. Waited my turn and complained how I put a buck in last week. THEY WERE NOT AMUSED. LOL, but I was.........
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Tightened up the front and rear hubs on my crusier to day adn got it ready to start riding to wrk again. Love the fact that I pay $12 a month for gas when it takes $90 a month for my car.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

$1/spoke is robbery. You can get a decent wheel set with 36h 12g spokes for $80. http://custommotoredbicycles.com/sta-tru_heavy_duty_bicycle_wheels_26_inch_x_2125_assembled_in_usa

Went to the Long Beach swap motorcycle swap meet today, met up with Venice and his cool crew to check it out. He hooked me up with a vendor that had the spokes that were 12g SS for 12.50 for 36... a sweet deal.... I ordered two weeks ago from John Holmes Holmes Hobbies LLC / Holmes Bikes :: Bike / MoPed :: Sapim Stainless Custom Spokes for the same and it was 85.00 for 80 spokes. O -well...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Road to school today in a cloud burst. Finally got there and found out the person I had a meeting with was sick with the same cold that wiped me out two weeks ago. On the ride back I passed a fellow who was working on the side of the road (highway 26 out of Portland OR) There were at least three cars and trucks with flashers going.

he glared at me and yelled "what your doing is ILLEGAL!" I thought about it and since I was riding a legal vehicle in the state and I never saw a sign that forbid anything from going on that road I think he was just blowing smoke.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dang Dag. Not fun. Gonna be OK Buddyro. You been through tuffer. I got faith in you.

Worst case, be funny when yer done.

(I was gonna say "theres no cryin' in motorized bicycle riding" but thats a lie)

Heads up Man. You will get threw this. Just not gonna be real happy for a bit.

You know Dan, your right. I went and I got creative. I used some redneck engerneering and this is the solution I came up with. (cause I wasn't walking back into town.) Now I warn you all DON"T TRY THIS AT HOME! I'm a trained Redneck.

I went and got me a piece of old bicycle shifter cable and I ran that through the bolt hole in the casting, wrapped that around the jug of my motor pulling the carb onto the intake.through the spring mounting location on my Expansion chamber and back to the bolt hole the I twisted the cable into a fisherman's knot and held that in place by twisting some copper romex around that so it won't come loose. I then got the best tool in any tool kit, the DUCT tape! I also needed to make a low profile air cleaner so I made one from a Juicy Juice Bottle lid.;) Thought you'd like that.:) Well I took her out and rode into town (she ran great) and replaced the stripped clamp.
I f it doesn't rain too bad I'm goin' riding later too. Here are some pics. to laugh at...Enjoy. Is that funny enough? laff



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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

UMM Interesting repair Dag just let me know if you are still needing a CNSv2 carb body and I will arrange to ship you one when you can pay the shipping to get you back to stock instead of redneck engineering (LOL)...

I think this particular fix should be submitted to http://www.redgreen.com/ and used on their show since it uses such a copious amount of duct tape...

For those of you not familiar with Red Green you really should Google and watch some of the episodes that span like 15 seasons of man fun...
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dag,I think if there was a best roadside repair contest you would be a Gold Medalist.
