what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got the new jackshaft bracket in. got it put together and test fired the motor, chain ran smoothly and didn't try to jump off.

then got some JB-putty and put it onto the union joint of the exhaust for the pipe to EMT conduit pipe so it won't leak any more.

can't wait till the morning to take her out and ride her again. i miss it so much. :<
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

How do you think the Trick Race fuel is going to work for you cause i have a pump less then 1/2mile from my house but don't know if it would be good to run or if it worth the money for these china girls.

I have a Puch Hi-Compression head. It's ment for a 50cc but I have it on my 66cc. I really need to measure the cc of the combustion chamber and not go by what I've read BUT I think my compression is 13:1 :p Or if I'm wrong it's still 11.5:1. With that high of compression you have to use a super high octane fuel or risk death from detonation. Due to that factor you also have to have a NGK BR9HIX Iridium plug.

Stock motor due to it's low 6:1 compression would actually lose power using Trick or hi octane AV gas. Even Premium pump gas is marginal in them.

Now, what I did to mine :) With the white wire battery charger I got I saw no need of a pair of AA batteries in the LEB tail light assembly. Daisy chained 4 1N4004 Diodes as a voltage reducer and got rid of the batteries, soldering the diodes to the postitve side and the ground wire to the negative. Ran a paired wire to the battery box and I have main power for all my electrics nowzpt
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

tightened/tuned spokes, checked brake pads and suspension/tire air pressure...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Everything I need to do a top-overhaul arrived via FedEx from Bicycle-Engines.com for my ol' 48 cc Skyhawk. Overhaul and hopefully a test run will happen tomorrow. Weather is supposed to suck, but if it's possible I will at least take it out and start it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

New Springer forks with canti posts came in the mail today from Pirate Cycles. . . looks awesome!

Bought my GT4 Grubee Starfire today from Devrou on eBay.

Bought the following from SBP: engine hardware kit, heavy duty high performance air filter, engine sound dampeners, exhaust gasket, fuel filter, NGK B7HS spark plug, upgraded fuel valve, and the expansion chamber.

Also bought a riding jacket (for safety)

Next items on the list are:

SBP head gasket
SBP head stud replacement kit
SBP Throttle assembly
Someone's sprocket adapter and sprocket

Next on the to-do list is re-painting the bike, overhauling the hubs, replacing the headset and bottom bracket, re-assembling the bike, then waiting patiently for my engine show up :) Just need to remember to document the progress as I go along :x
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ran into a homeless guy outside a bar last night. he had a ratty old beach cruiser and a used motor kit in a shopping bag. he brought it to my house today, and i'm installing it for 100 bucks.

supposedly so he has transportation to get to a job.

he said he has a lot of panhandling to do, but should have the money tomorrow.

funny, how all the rich people who bug me about building them a custom bike always flake out when it comes down to it, and some bum off the street can come with some cash to make it happen.

i blame society...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

he'll have less time gittin that $100 than you will on the build. if they still had tin can beach i'd be their in my rent free hut. liven the life!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Good story.

The bum knows the value and the rich just try to milk you.

Go figure?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I replaced my throttle cable on my China Girl and it really helped me control the idle speed better. The cable was about 2 1/2 years old.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Didn't do anything today or for a couple days. Been to tired and waking up to late to ride my bike to wr. I did how ever just got in my sbp expansion chamber so I might toy around with that. Tomarrow is mt b-day and I have to spend the day fixing the stupid a/c cause it anit workin.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Messed with my Vapor Tech..
Messing with the Vapor Tech last couple nights getting acquainted with it. I had to warranty the first vapor head unit I am not off to a good start lol. It was doing weird stuff. The support line has been phenomenally nice and helpful. Have to do a day pict. My wires and mounting came out pretty trick.

I got around to rejetting the idle circuit on the carb last week still messing with that. I was circling side neighbored streets in the vid. I shot out of my driveway today impressing the neighbor and nearly could not make the turn on the street corner to the next street this thing will scoot.

The main jet is perfect. Thinking its time to window the the slide a little more. Being cautious about that as I cannot put material back lol. So far I changed the choke jet a tiny bit the main jet and the idle jet. Micro drill bits and solder. Almost perfect! Fighting with 5500 feet here. The carb is boarder line to big.

I got a plug chop sitting on the dark side of things so I am a little rich. That was where I wanted to be. The pipe is pretty cool on this thing can hear it loading up sonic-ally around no load or an idle. There is a part where I coughed in the video kinda shows how loud the bike really is.

The blinking lights on the unit are shift and over rev lights. I am still messing with them. My thoughts was to perhaps calibrate them around a perfect clutch. I am still a little confused about how to calibrate the rpm I think it is a little off? Over all I love the unit and like the rest of the features. Loving it! The engine temp I like. This bike is set up with my off road gearing so to speak a cross from city travel to off road.

I should be switching the engine sprocket to a 11 tooth soon from 10 I think that will make it perfect. Just thought to share is all..

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

my motor is electric, so i did nothing, i use it and it works, i charge it for free since electric is included with my rent. And gas is over $4 a gallon up here.
my speed is around 20mph.

o, i forgot i did have to plug in to charge it, when i got back home but that was easy.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cabin I remember when you were messing with the trailer cart first getting into the electrics. Nice to hear they are working out good(^) I wanna try an electric some time been kinda waiting to see where the advancements are going with the controllers and all. 20 miles an hour is a righteous speed! Don't have to go fast every where lol. How many miles are you getting out of a charge these days?

I average about 25 to 35 miles per hour on my Morini its pretty much strictly a cruiser. But a playful one! I beat China's do death in my quest for speed and my last Morini I was pretty hard on [still running good] finally got it out of my system lol.;) I chose the Boxer for the suspension and the over all relaxed feel of a smoothed out gutter ride. It makes a difference especially on a 20 mile stent.

Its nice just to slow down a bit and smell the roses.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Primered the frame, ready for paint! Engine should be here this week along with all the awesome stuff from SBP. Just need a helmet, some lights, and my M2 license/plate!