what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

over here im paying 3.97 a gallon for super. usually buy a 5.99 quart of full syn motor oil and run it 32:1. get about 10 gals out of the oil. about 150 miles out of a gallon. burned up 2 bottles of oil so far. quite a few miles on my bike. thinking i might get a new piston soon. off of pirates with the .160 dome on it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The Tanaka 3-piece pipe arrived! Yay!dance1

I wasted no time trial fitting. Pictures should've been taken of the 47R with HT expansion pipe first, then the black Powerkart pipe, then the shiny chrome 3-piece pipe.
I'll have my son take pics of the bike with each pipe on it.

As expected, the chrome head pipe also fits the Powerkart pipe. If necessary, the chrome pipe could also be made to connect to the HT expansion chamber. This would be the tightest, cleanest fit, but less power I presume.

Of course nothing fits perfectly. None of the mounting brackets will work. The most outrageous fit is the chrome pipe. The fat chamber is where my thigh should be. I'll have to cock my left leg almost 90 degrees to use this pipe. Luckily no need to pedal start. Pull start string pulls between pipe and engine, but the pull start handle slips back in place with a half inch clearance. The silencer loops nicely in between the Scooter guy rear supports and points towards the seat tube.

Black Powerkart pipe fits tighter. However, pipe and silencer point the same direction and needs hose to connect to the silencer.

HT chamber fits tight to the frame. An "S-pipe" would connect the larger head pipe.

I had a chance to start the engine. This new pipe sounds MUCH quieter than the HT expansion chamber, It is also MUCH MUCH quieter than the stock OEM 47R muffler. Even at high rpm, it's pretty quiet, even with no exhaust gasket.
Honey, it's just a bicycle. and i REALLY need it to excercise, and to ride it to work.(hehe)
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

"OCD" was apart last 3 days for some upgrades and maintenance, but I was called to come help on a 2-stroke build, and the ride itself looked like a great mission (1-way only), so I slapped my bike's old config back together and rolled 27-28 grinnin all the way near Compton, almost 20 miles away.

Spent 5 hours yakkin, wrenchin, drinkin, in no particular order and also picked up my new motorvation: an on-sale HF 2.5, that I plan on shoehorning into "Alehauler III" instead of a GT5 I had laying around. Been wanting to try a Greyhound for a while, should be fun!


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

All kinds of trick stuff, getting them ready for Death Race!!!!! Top secret stuff, very trick!

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

bought some EMT conduit so i can make an exhaust for my bike.

realizing now that i should have also bought the pipe bender for it as well.... harbor freight time! ^-^
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Alright, bike slowly coming together. Here's what has come in this week:

26x2.125 alloy rims with 12g stainless spokes
Cheng Shin C1218 street tires
Velox rim tape
Leather handlebar grips (actually leather racket grip)
Avid Single Digit 7 V-brakes
Universal V-brake mounts
Dual-pull brake lever from SBP

On order:
Short/skinny rear foot pegs
Sunlite Springer fork with cantilever brake posts from Pirate Cycles
Brake cable kit
Handlebar stem

Once those come in, I'll be sanding down the frame, applying a thorough matte black paint job, re-assembling and ordering a GT4 Starfire! Stoked!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put on a wider MTB style front tire for cushion, after applying a rim strip I made out of Gorilla Tape. This stuff blows duct tape away! It's a vinyl/plastic fabric tape with super powered, re-stickable adhesive, and it tears perfectly for a dozen yards! If you love Duck tape, you will be in heaven if you buy a roll of this!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It's not enough to have the hottest vintage-looking cruiser. My Higgins is going to have the best and brightest lights. Now that my headlight is fully installed and shining brightly, I began work on the tail light systems. The lower tail light will be on a completely different circuit, with different power source. The brake light will be a super-bright LED on a 9 volt circuit. In this way, if I lose one light, I don't lose the other. And with spare bulbs, batteries, test leads with clips, and my handy little tool kit, I should be able to fix any lighting problem should one arise en route. And I have those really sweet mini-bee lights to mount back there. More pics to come.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put on my hub adapter from sportsman flyers it is awesome the whole drive train is smooter and less chain noise. Also the cruise rpm is way better not as much throttle to cruise so better gas milage time to clean it tonight to get ready for death race. Will post pics later
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Another valve stem failure for me. 5th this year. I'm bout ready to silicone my tire on the rim so the darn thing doesn't rotate on the rim. Doubled tires, thornproof tube, liner, 75 psi. Tire still rotates on the rim and ends up cutting valve stem. Gah. Bout to double up tubes, too.

yakkin about the Greyhound...hmmmm...loose lips sink ships
and every good deed goes unpunished. Not so much fun.

Actually, the Greyhound itself never came up in the conversation. We were watching hockey (go Sharks!) and laughing at Kobe's latest controversy while wrenching on a new 2-stroke build and sucking down Shock Top.

Speaking of loose lips, you got a bit of Mick Jagger going on with his head out a window at 65. Add a couple riffs and you might have yourself a hit! :p
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If you like Belgian-style ales, check out Pranqster from North Coast Brewing. . . that stuff is AWESOME and 7.6% ABV to boot.

Talking of Belgian brews: whenever I have about $20 laying around, and the bills are paid (which shows you how often this happens) I pick up a four-pack of Gülden Draak. Not only are we talking 10.5 APV, it tastes so good you won't really care that your brain's going numb. Fantastic stuff. And our nine year anniversary is coming up, so that's a good enough excuse for me...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Talking of Belgian brews: whenever I have about $20 laying around, and the bills are paid (which shows you how often this happens) I pick up a four-pack of Gülden Draak. Not only are we talking 10.5 APV, it tastes so good you won't really care that your brain's going numb. Fantastic stuff. And our nine year anniversary is coming up, so that's a good enough excuse for me...

Really don't meant to hijack this thread, but is there anything that's not kick@ about this community? Great taste in beers and awesome hobby? Man, why didn't I find this sooner.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Speaking of loose lips, you got a bit of Mick Jagger going on with his head out a window at 65. Add a couple riffs and you might have yourself a hit! :p
Bi Dude Got Some Lyrics For Ya!!
''I'll Never Be Your Beast Of Burden... I walk For Miles Hemorrhoids A Squirting''

;):protfl laff
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Remember this guy? lol

Sounded kinda like a stooge.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What on earth are those? Sounds intriguing.....

The mini-bee tail lights? They're these things down there. Mine are red. They make amber too I think. Custom Motored Bikes.com.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

modified an industrial door hinge to make a stronger front motor mount. I shattered the originals my first week. with a 20" rear wheel I've learned you have to slow down a bit to crank it. i'll probably go to a 36 tooth sprocket to correct the ratio but i will miss my quick take-offs! I'm using the original 44 tooth right now. will be uploading pics soon! usflg
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The mini-bee tail lights? They're these things down there. Mine are red. They make amber too I think. Custom Motored Bikes.com.

Ok. That's what I was thinking they were. I used to sell them all the time as turn signals for Harleys. They are one of the cheapest priced ones out there and look pretty good if installed right. A friend of mine has some original ones from the 60's. A bank of 3 all on one factory bracket. I am thinking of buying them from him and using them as a taillight/ turn signal assembly tucked underneath the seat.