Today, I finished building my poor man's Harley. Took her on her maiden voyage at 11:30p and boy does she purr. Now, gotta learn how to fine tune the engine so I can get the most of her.
That Maiden voyage is a great feeling. Post some pics Ped.
My first build lasted the length of my front yard. Tensioner went into the spokes, lol. But man! What a great high for those 47 and a half seconds.
LOL MoBike. Heart breakin' ain it?
That would make a great thread! "My first build" Aside from the great stories, would be of great help to new builders.
and I just wanted to say "great" one more time. Snork. Or as South American Tony the Tiger says; Das Bueno! (long story about me and this other guy in a super market in Guatemala, drunk off our butts. He was demanding "real American coffee" I was all but rolling on the floor looking at a box of Kellogg's frosted flakes with the Spanish version of Tony. Oddly enough, we were asked to leave and I was from then on known as "El Tigre" on the boat.
Thnaks Dan, Bad Mojo is coming along.Go KC! She is gorgeous!
Post vids
good lord what a time i'm having *pulls hair out*
ok, yesterday, talk to bike berry to find out why they havn't shipped my gear.
bike berry: "were sorry to say that its back ordered"
i have them cancel it, then order it from gasbike with overnight shipping.
get the tracking from fedex.........shipping via 2day shipping. wtf? i paid extra to have it today!!! instead i got ripped and it's coming monday.
Today I rode up Cave Creek Road about 5 minutes from my office to Cyclegear, where I purchased these lovely mirrors (That don't vibrate like the last one did). They didn't have the helmet I wanted though, so I may order one online.
Smoothe, I was looking in cycle gear but can't find these mirrors you got, been looking for mirrors that will not vibrate like crazy on my bike. All the one's i've seen in cyclegear doesnt have a mount either.