what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today, I finished building my poor man's Harley. Took her on her maiden voyage at 11:30p and boy does she purr. Now, gotta learn how to fine tune the engine so I can get the most of her.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today, I finished building my poor man's Harley. Took her on her maiden voyage at 11:30p and boy does she purr. Now, gotta learn how to fine tune the engine so I can get the most of her.

That Maiden voyage is a great feeling. Post some pics Ped.

My first build lasted the length of my front yard. Tensioner went into the spokes, lol. But man! What a great high for those 47 and a half seconds.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That Maiden voyage is a great feeling. Post some pics Ped.

My first build lasted the length of my front yard. Tensioner went into the spokes, lol. But man! What a great high for those 47 and a half seconds.

i remember my first build, i had spend 30 bucks on a used wheel. build it nice. got that bike together. took off down the street. smack smack crunch crunch grind and engine stopped. tire skidding. look down. oh no. r.i.p. that bike chain and rear wheel lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LOL MoBike. Heart breakin' ain it?

That would make a great thread! "My first build" Aside from the great stories, would be of great help to new builders.

and I just wanted to say "great" one more time. Snork. Or as South American Tony the Tiger says; Das Bueno! (long story about me and this other guy in a super market in Guatemala, drunk off our butts. He was demanding "real American coffee" I was all but rolling on the floor looking at a box of Kellogg's frosted flakes with the Spanish version of Tony. Oddly enough, we were asked to leave and I was from then on known as "El Tigre" on the boat.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LOL MoBike. Heart breakin' ain it?

That would make a great thread! "My first build" Aside from the great stories, would be of great help to new builders.

and I just wanted to say "great" one more time. Snork. Or as South American Tony the Tiger says; Das Bueno! (long story about me and this other guy in a super market in Guatemala, drunk off our butts. He was demanding "real American coffee" I was all but rolling on the floor looking at a box of Kellogg's frosted flakes with the Spanish version of Tony. Oddly enough, we were asked to leave and I was from then on known as "El Tigre" on the boat.

One thing I love about Spanish conversion of cartoons is there voices. Tony real sounds like bad @$$ in spanish, and the best is Pinky y El Cerebro. Brain actual sounds like a mouse that cold take over the world in spanish.

Pinky: "Que Vamos Hacer Hoy"

Cerebro: "La Mismo que siembre....Vamos a conquistar el mundo!!!!"
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Spongebob in Spanish sounds wrong. I'm disliked his voice in Spanish Class, Mind you it was still infinitely better than Mrs. Fitz, She is an evil person that is not very nice and mixes portugese into the spanish on accident, you thought learning one new language was tough, try 2 at the same time.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i went across a stream today and fell in it on mine..:/

bike still ran after i pulled it out tho...;)

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dang Leezy! That ain't fun.

This is funny. I was ridding home and just had to do a one more time around the block. The MB I am on has no lights so I am ridding to the side and slow. A scooter roars past me and beeps. I go WOT (HF 79cc/whisper drive tranny) So pretty much, a dawg. snork. But I chase em down. They turn 2 streets off my own house. They pull in to a driveway. I pull up. I think looking at the several men and few woman, this will make a great story. Ernest Borgnine voice in my head says: How many of those stories do not end with you in the ER or a holding cell?" I bravely, ride away.

Wut? I just turned 47 and am not healing up as well as I used to. But I am as good once, as I ever once was.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I didn't get to anything today on my bike cause the stupid magneto went to S*** and i cant find one in town any where they are sold out at ace hardware and the bike store here in tucson. I really need one too my bike is my only leagal form of transportation I have a car but no registration,ins, or licsnse right now so very afraid to drive.Any one that has one that can give it away or sell it in tucson let me kno.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today, took the bike out on it's first distance ride. Did find there and back. But, on the way back was informed by a pedaler (as he over took me) that my rear wheel out of true. Took it home, adjusted, went half a block and lost the drive chain. Limped home. Went back to find missing pieces later, fixed it, got going again, took ride around neighborhood and one block to go, pedals start turning themselves and I killed the engine just in time as I came to a stop, rear wheel fell off. Missing a nut (twisted off cause the hub not rotating on axle) and again limped home carrying heavy rear. Now, bike sits till income increases and find a better solution. Any ideas? (Current hub: Huffy coaster brake, needed: single sprocket freewheel or flip/flop with 44t sprocket.)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Go KC! She is gorgeous!
Post vids
Thnaks Dan, Bad Mojo is coming along.

The NuVinci Dev Kit Remote Display unit on the handlebars failed though.
Information overload I suspect ;-}

My handlebars look like this at the moment along with some highly technical explanations of the controls in the pic ;-}


I still have much more to do, and only a week to do it.
Sadly, the weather will not be very cooperative today and tomorrow.
That's OK, I have indoor work I can do and I need a little break.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

good lord what a time i'm having *pulls hair out*

ok, yesterday, talk to bike berry to find out why they havn't shipped my gear.
bike berry: "were sorry to say that its back ordered"

i have them cancel it, then order it from gasbike with overnight shipping.

get the tracking from fedex.........shipping via 2day shipping. wtf? i paid extra to have it today!!! instead i got ripped and it's coming monday.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finished the wireing and went for a ride. Need to adjust the clutch.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

good lord what a time i'm having *pulls hair out*

ok, yesterday, talk to bike berry to find out why they havn't shipped my gear.
bike berry: "were sorry to say that its back ordered"

i have them cancel it, then order it from gasbike with overnight shipping.

get the tracking from fedex.........shipping via 2day shipping. wtf? i paid extra to have it today!!! instead i got ripped and it's coming monday.

About as my fun as when UPS screwed up the shipping on my BoXer lol;)rotfl

On a side note got things all adjusted today. Soldered the jet shut on the carby and drilled one size smaller.. Man this thing cruises and hauls hard I got the best of both worlds! I will get some picts up tomorrow!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ordere'd Silicone tubes from SBP, cut the stock muffler and extended the tube all the way to the back, no welding involved, used the silicone tubing to attached everything back together, Ended where I wanted it to be just need to paint and fabricate some mounts to hold the muffler back there.

Next thing is to fab up another extension tubing for my daughters trailer so the fumes ends behind the trailer.

Where can I get longer the silicone tubings, went to home depot and my local harddware shop, nobody seems to know where to get it. I wanted to use the tubing to extend the exhaust tip all the way to the back of the trailer when I have the trailer attached.


EDIT: I was starring at the pictures I uploaded and I realized I need to cut those cables ..


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I rode up Cave Creek Road about 5 minutes from my office to Cyclegear, where I purchased these lovely mirrors (That don't vibrate like the last one did). They didn't have the helmet I wanted though, so I may order one online.



Smoothe, I was looking in cycle gear but can't find these mirrors you got, been looking for mirrors that will not vibrate like crazy on my bike. All the one's i've seen in cyclegear doesnt have a mount either.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Smoothe, I was looking in cycle gear but can't find these mirrors you got, been looking for mirrors that will not vibrate like crazy on my bike. All the one's i've seen in cyclegear doesnt have a mount either.


I have mirror issues.
Share the manufacturer and part number of yours? E-mail vendor?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Pulling picts off the video .


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