what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Fixed a rattle in the belt guard, then went for a nice test ride.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

wicked looking ride SS 80:) lets see..today tighten up a few screws N wutnot. mostly been riding. traded my full face helmet for a old western auto 10 speed which now for sale lol. been wearing my new half helmet lately got used to it
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Long ride scouting. She really does not like the cold but warmed up, she is an UberScooter. The MTNB shocker forks got a lil more travel and are awesome. Makes a big difference in comfort and ride. Got stopped a few times. "how fast. where can I get one" I stopped in at Ace to ask if I could take some pallets from out back. Guy asked how the bike was doing. I told him I had dialed it in and was running great. I mentioned how well the blow bag muffler does. He has seen my bike many times but never noticed it. we ended going out side to look at it and he was shocked. Just kinda funny. I like to tap it with my boot and show it is just a rubber bag
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I replaced the rear axle (stripped/worn threads), and repacked the hub. I was cleaning out the carburetor and noticed it had a crack on it, so I dried it out and bagged it for spares, and put another carb on it.

Next, I'm making the rear hub a free coaster by taking out the shoes and putting in washers, and installing a caliper brake instead. I got tired of the coaster brake because I can't pedal backwards, so if I move my feet, I have to pedal around to level the pedals again. Also, I don't want to hear a clicking freewheel, so this will do nicely for a silent hub.

Then I will sand the brake tracks on the wheels for more traction, put some gas in the tank, and go for a ride. It's been a month or so since I went motor biking.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode my bike today for the first time this year after rebuilding. I added many new parts, most important being jaguar's CDI box and attending coil upgrade. And, yes, it does smooth out the roughness of the 66cc motor. Plus it really points out I need to tune on the CNS carb some more..wee.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I took the carb off and checked to see if my float was causing the surges in power I have been experiencing. I'll give it a test ride tomorrow. I also went to the store and parked my bike out front. While it was unlocking it I had a guy ask me some questions about it. He really liked what I had done to modify my mountain bike to make it what it is. After I while I noticed that he was wearing a white NASCAR type racing jacket with HD on it. He did not look like the typical cartoon biker. We talked about bikes and I asked him if he ever had a Harley that you had to kick start? he said sure , I had to deal with a magnetos.I may not get much respect from fellow cyclists, but the Harley guys have always been positive.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Fixed all my surging yesterday by getting it all sealed up now I want a better carb so I can keep accelerating but man is it fast and snappy now I hope this guy don't hurt him self should I write something up or what?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I think I have the same problems as you what was causing the surging?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got my hub adapter and 48 tooth sprocket yesterday and mounted it this morning on the 26" rim and cbe110 Shimano hub I got a couple of weeks ago at the bike show and swap meet for $15... I am still looking for a Worksman front rim and hub with the drum brake. I talked to their sales department and the said that the company that was building thm went out of business and they had a couple of pieces of their machinery of theirs they were using that got sold by the liquidators and that it will be at least 3 weeks till they have a new stock in. I have been considering a Sturmey Archer hub, one nice thing is that it comes with all of the hardware as well as the brake cable where the Worksman doesn't... Any opinions on it?
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I think it was mostly air leaks at the carb oh and the intake gasket was choking it of flow
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

last night the bike started acting like the clutch wouldn't grab anymore. shrugged it off thinking that it just needed to be adjusted.


found out, the crank gear, did not have the wood ruff key in it. 0_0 wondering if it has been that way from the factory, or if it got sheared off, but the fact that i didn't even find part of it still in the crank makes me think that it was missing the key.

surprised it ran this long without it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Used it to annoy a neighbor. He had a fight with Carol's Father 37 yrs back and has been a jerk to them ever sense. The only thing he has said to me was "You dig holes in my yard and drive on my driveway" in an eastern European accent. (I do no touch a shovel or dig a hole unless there is gold or a rather great hourly wage) He had also told me I "Not good maan" not a typo. So "beeg trouble ford Moose an' skwarl" is raking his driveway. I am working in the garage. I blare the radio and bring out my MB. Point the muffler at him and fire her up. I then pull up an old milk crate and light a smoke. Sit and watch him work.

Forgot to take the muffler off. My bad. But there is always tomorrow.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

eyed mine sitting in my garage, wishing i had the time to fix the damn chain
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got curious and too a second look in the gear box area with the clutch, and sure enough, sitting in a glob of loose grease was the woodruff key.

*facepalm* kinda curious how it managed to get out in the first place...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode my bike to work yesterday. Cruising speed was 25 mph-35 mph, whichever the speed limit was. There's a cop near home. He busts a LOT of cars going over 30 in a 25 mph zone. It's so tempting to speed there, because the newly paved half-mile stretch of road is so smooth. I've passed him about five occasions; so far he hasn't bothered me. I stop at every sign and never go more than 5 mph over, or slower than the speed limit, either.

You wouldn't believe how congested traffic is during rush hour traffic. My MB is a spoiler. There are times when I ride slowly in the bike lane to pass gridlock.

The engine chain jumped off its chainring sprocket near the bus stop. While I'm fixing it, a nut case stops by to admire my bike and ask me for $2. After I reject him, a crazy woman stops by for a few minutes of monolog.

Jeez, I'm glad I'm riding my MB, not bussing it. xct2

I've had positive comments and questions asked, even from a soccer mom at the stop light.

The rides have been exhausting lately. Methinks it's that huge FUGETTABOUTIT motorcycle chain I carry that I use to lock the bike up. I'll just leave it on the bike rack at work, then carry a bicycle cable on my rides.

Riding up the parking structure 's steep ramps at work is a piece of cake with this bike. With my other MB's, I'd have to ride the elevator to reach the bike rack on the fourth floor.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


found out why the woodruff key jumped out...

i have the crank gear in my hand, along with the other two pieces that make up the crank gear :<


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow that's a bummer. What was going on when this happened? Must just be a bad fault in the metallurgy of that gear. A rare fluke.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Started welding new drop on. So I can use a 20 in rear wheel instead of a 24. I scored a nice heavy duty BMX wheel off of some guy on Craig's list over the winter, being a fat sasquatch weight and wheel failure worry me, so I should now have one less thing to worry about.