what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode down to Harbour Freight to get a set of feeler guages. I also stopped by my LBS and showed Randy the bike.

As I was doing the maintainance on my bike I notived something: I had a broken spoke right where and bends and hooks on the hub!

I had just enough time to run back to the LBS for a heavy-duty wheel 12 guage spokes.

That only took 20 minutes to actually fix. Then I rode like a demon.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Spent the day looking for a 26x2.125 front wheel with drum brakes any suggestions (links plz)? Too cold and rainy to ride darnit...

Mark, mark my words, the best wheel you will ever find. Industrial Bicycles and Industrial Tricycles from Worksman Cycles Factory Direct Store

I could go on and on about this wheel. Really could. Is awesome, you can beat it to death and it will out live us all. I want to sell them some day. I ain't kidding.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ordered a couple of jets today from sbc and rode to buy another spare tube and some slime. will retune tune the carb tomarrow lean it out some more due to chnging fuel mix and oil
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

(Sat) Changed oil. Spring has sprung so went with summer 30w for the HF. Was to cold and made her rough to start but ran like a devil once she warmed. Rode to do reconnaissance on biz location. Closed for the next 4 weeks so a car could not go. (MBs, is there any thing they can't do?) Using the grease marks on new forks. They have a full 1.75 inch of travel. Much more then the pretty and poorly made monarch springers. They have settled in nicely and couldn't be happier with them. Having duel brakes up front is awesome! Went to run a yellow light and thought better of it b4 going threw the intersection. Stopped dead on the spot. I couldn't have done that on old brake system.

Not a cloud in the sky today, (this time of year, means cold out) Have a long ride planed. hehe, gonna see if I can write off biz miles. @ .50 cents a mile, good deal.

Any one know for sure? Really is a biz expense. (Just a really, really fun one)

Side note on oil for HFs. The manual says to check level, "fully insert dip-stick" I called and asked if it were to be threaded in or just inserted. Was told to thread it in but the young lady had me wait while she yelled to ask some one. And the manual says the capacity is some huge amount. Way more then you need or the stick says. So I aim for half way up the stick with the engine perfectly level. If you take the engine apart, ya can see there is no need to worry and it's range is very wide. Not sure why I bother with being so anal about it or took the time to bore you with this, snork.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey Dan post up some images of your HF setup and what is needed to make one... I have been thinking of doing a 4 stroke next... BTW I ordered a couple sets of the BMI Kart forks also. I think I will probably order the Worksman front Hub and brake tomorrow too thanks for the tip, unfortunately their website is hard to find anything in the way of prices or images.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I ordered a HF77cc today for my bike !!

Awesome ChainMan.

Hey Dan post up some images of your HF setup and what is needed to make one... I have been thinking of doing a 4 stroke next... BTW I ordered a couple sets of the BMI Kart forks also. I think I will probably order the Worksman front Hub and brake tomorrow too thanks for the tip, unfortunately their website is hard to find anything in the way of prices or images.

Cool Mark. Below is a build thread. For the throttle, I used a spoke, a screen door roller and the springs for the original throttle. Works great and looks old world/MBish. But really is a tad over complicated as "some would say" For the engine mount, and I really am thrilled with it. looks like it is not there and the engine is married to the frame. I used 2 pcs of angle steel and bent 2 pcs of flat stock. 4 ubolts and done deal. Worked better then I had imagined and I really do like how it looks. For the kill switch, I used a MC one and, no kidding, just plugged it into the wire from the low oil kill. Button grounds to the handle bars. Just one of those dumb luck things. I will be switching the tranny over to a CVT scooter type. Reving the HFs past 4000K eats em up quickly. OH! and the rubber muffler really does work great but a lawn mower one gives a cooler (and louder) sound. The one drawback to the HFs, they are huge, heavy and can't climb. OK, 3 draw backs. see vid Vids :: HFs can't climb video by dan3xd - Photobucket LOL! I couldn't find that vid. After googling it, found it on this thread way back.


Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I forgot to say Mark, the Worksmans, front wheel with drum brakes was $99 bucks but that was a couple of yrs back. I hit the same pot hole twice that was and is still so big, it cracked the frame and that expletive wheel is still true and st8. Uber well made in America with quality materials.

Hey Chainman, a buddy and I are going to their factory to pick up a set for him and I want to see if they will make some specialty ones for me. (Dyno/drum brake front and gear clustered rear) Take the ride with us. Really is a cool old world factory. They are fun to speak with too. They do a lot for charity and are very friendly.

Is about 2 hrs from HTFD, CT in Queens NY.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

so i still can't get the bike to run correctly! it's getting on my nerves too!

ever since i changed the needle to the middle position it's been having sooo many issues!

right now looking into building a CDI box to replace the current one. pulled the head and jug off, sanded the head a bit so the gasket will seat good, and inspected everything.

i just can't figure out what's going on with it...

it'll run sorta good up to 1/2 throttle, then sputter at 3/4 at WOT it'll bog down almost to stalling, then suddenly catch and rev up like crazy. tried the needle at middle, 2nd to top and top notch, all with same results.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Going to mess with my carb today and retune it since going to opti 2 oil. prob gonna lean it out a little more and mess with rejetting it. It doesnt climb as good as it used to so hopefully that will bring it back.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I installed this TrailTech from DDM:


I checked the sparkplug on my Tanaka 47R engine. It was chocolate brown, which is good.

Then I rode eight miles to Ala Moana Park, just outside of Waikiki. My daughter and her friends were surfing there and picnicking. I relaxed for awhile, ate some spaghetti and fried chicken, then rode home again.

When I reached home, I wiped the bike down and adjusted both disc brakes.

The bike rides well, except the tranny is noisy. Maybe I'll pull it out and relube it soon.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice tach 5-7. Good price too.

Thanks. It's such an easy install. I might buy TWO more for my twin-engine project. They are so compact that they should fit well, stacked atop the bike stem.dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

cleaned the carb last night, but the bike together and suddenly it runs. don't know what the **** i did but it runs.

although the exhaust was a tiny bit loose, so i'm starting to think maybe it got clogged somehow.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rrrrrrrrran like crazy on that canal today, then I left work for a lunch ride.

On my way home this evening I passed a pickup truck with two motorized bikes in it. They were distinctive and I knew right away who's they were. There was Bill from Helmutt Cycles hanging out on Cave Creek Rd! I let him ride my bike, he liked it.

He makes some really nice bike frames and gas tanks, I'd like to learn how to do that.