what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow that's a bummer. What was going on when this happened? Must just be a bad fault in the metallurgy of that gear. A rare fluke.

somewhat thinking it had gotten stressed from when i first had the kit installed because the chain kept snagging.

meh, parts are cheap, just glad i was close to home when it happened.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Prepped two of my bikes for the Eldorado Park ride tomorrow in Long Beach. There should be 6 of us leaving my neighborhood around 8 in the morning. 11 miles to the park, then hang out with the other riders and check out all the cool bikes. Got pacesetter riding with me on one of my Schwinn Briggs bikes. I try to buddy up on these rides so if one breaks down, you're not alone. Put a thorn proof tube in the rear of one bike, adjusted the pedal crank bearings on both, changed the oil on both, put electric horns on both, had to safety wire the clutch cable to the lever on one, adjusted the belts on both, set the tire pressure on both, cleaned them up a bit and gassed up. May get sprinkled on in the a.m. Looking forward to the ride. Looks like we'll have a good turn out.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Was actually pretty busy tonight. As mentioned before, I rather like the way vintage motorcycles had the tank for the carbide headlamp mounted to the handlebars. So that's the setup I rigged for the Higgins. Kinda. You can't tell the difference unless you appraise these things for a living, but the tank on mine holds four AA batteries - rather stylishly. I wired it up permanently tonight and hope to take pictures tomorrow.

Am also working on an adapter bracket to mate my new "wishbone" style kickstand to my Higgins frame. Wish me luck there. The first two attempts were less than satisfactory.

Oh, and I did a little more work on the "oil tank" - which is to become my battery box for the tail lights.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

went ahead and ordered a full kit rather than just a motor...

figured i could use the spare parts.

ordered this one from daemon bikes 80CC Black Bicycle Engine kit.

been wanting to try a straight head and see how it compares to the slant head.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Looks good Skarrd. In the slide show, last pic, what is that? looks like some thing with ball bearings.

Just wondering. Good price and free shipping
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Looks good Skarrd. In the slide show, last pic, what is that? looks like some thing with ball bearings.

Just wondering. Good price and free shipping

looks like it's the better bearings they say that they put in when they get the engine.

but what really sold me on this engine was that they replace the wrist pin components with ones rated to 27,000rpm. rather than the ~6,000rpm that the china sweat shoppers install.

i'm thinking, that motor coupled with a custom built cdi (it'll be similar to jaguar's cdi box) this bike should easily hit 40mph.

when i got my grubee motor i didn't baby it through the break in period, i ran that b**** hard. and i loved how it ran. just kinda annoyed at the quality of it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Where is this slide show link at Skarrd? I am interested in this bearing and obtaining it. My ears perked fo sho! Thanks...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Where is this slide show link at Skarrd? I am interested in this bearing and obtaining it. My ears perked fo sho! Thanks...

it's on the link i posted earlier, the slide show is just the more pictures under the motor
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I rode my bike 70 miles. This morning I rode over to Glendale until the canal path became a park. Then a Park Ranger told me I could ride my bike but not run the motor. I pedaled away for about a quarter mile then fired her back up. He was watching me from afar...

I went to the other side of the canal on a thin bridge that Mr. Ranger's truck couldn't get over and hauled butt back to Phoenix.

Then this afternoon I went the opposite direction and wound up at some place that looked like Wrigley Mansion. I'm glad I put a new seat on her!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm in the process of replacing my 8mm(T8F) engine drive chain. The chain stretched. It's flown off but never twisted or broke. Time for a change.

I use 8mm chain because I can get MUCH lower gear ratios than with bike sprockets.

My cheap chain breaker tool broke, so I'm looking for replacement pins.:-||
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I was able to break the 8mm chain before the tool broke. Then I ordered this $10 chain breaker last night:


Last year, I bought a used pipe like this for $16, minus muffler and brackets:


It's for a Tanaka engine mounted on a 4-wheeled powerkart, so it's wide. The head pipe leaves horizontically from the exhaust port. I am unable to mount the pipe on my bike, in any of the engine's four possible positions.

Right now, I adapted a Happy Time expansion chamber from SBP onto my Tanaka engine. The pipe's round flange is grossly mismatched with the engine's large rectangular port. I'm amazed that a LOT of extra power was made over the Tanaka's stock muffler.

There is a loss of 52%!!! in port area, using the Happy Time head pipe instead of the Tanaka head pipe. I also used this SBP pipe on my GP460 engine. The exhaust port and head pipe was also mismatched, but not as bad as the Tanaka 47R's port.

A LOT of power should be realized, simply by using the correct sized head pipe!

The correct head pipe could probably be fabbed for a price. However, I haven't had second looks from the police, so I'll chance using a pipe specifically made for the Tanaka 47R.

It took a LONG time (one year) before I convinced myself to buy this second pipe today:

BladeZ Performance Pack by Tanaka - 47cc

I have never seen anyone use Tanaka 47cc engines on motorized bicycles. I'm taking a big risk. The pipe is guaranteed to fit the 47R on a Tanaka scooter. However, no one can guarantee if this pipe will fit on a motorized bike.

Oh well, all my 2-stroke engines can be mounted in four different positions with the Scooter guy center frame mount. Here's hoping I don't need to eliminate the 4-liter Happy Time fuel tank to use this pipe.

The air cleaner and venturi stack in this kit is for the Tanaka 47 engine. My 47R already has a high-performance carb and filter.

This is touted to be the best pipe for Tanaka 47 engines. xct2

However, it's also rated to be a very loud pipe.:-||

An adaptor is included to mate the original muffler with the muffler in this kit. Hopefully, this should silence the loud pipe. I also have the SBP muffler to experiment with.

Unlike the $16 expansion chamber, this head pipe leaves the exhaust port vertically, If this pipe won't fit, hopefully its head pipe will mate with the $16 pipe to work on my bike.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

New light. Battery is 9ah 12v, like $30 from monster scooter parts or something like that.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

so i still can't get the bike to run correctly! it's getting on my nerves too!

it'll run sorta good up to 1/2 throttle, then sputter at 3/4 at WOT it'll bog down almost to stalling, then suddenly catch and rev up like crazy. tried the needle at middle, 2nd to top and top notch, all with same results.
What is your carb angle?
These CNS's just don't like an angle.

Which brings me to 'what I did to my bike today'.

I have been playing with Pirates fat short CNS billet and another straight boost bottle billet and finally gave up.

I put an old 2009 crummy little short silver angled billet (ported of course) on and Bad Mojo hit her potential of putting 'power to the wheel' and hurting riders that don't respect her bite.

It wasn't me this time, it was a fellow local rider that didn't heed my warning.
He tried to show off a bit in the dirt and bit it exactly the same way I did.

He got the worst of it, but nothing broken or bleeding, used bruised and sore.
All Bad Mojo got was a scraped muffler.


This is unlike any regular MB, the NuVinci automatic tranny will trick you.
I have 75 shift points in all set to put the most power to the wheel as possible but still stay at ~5500 RPM by changing gears.

It should make quite an impression at Death Race ;-}
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Go KC! She is gorgeous!

Post vids

Only thing I got is, I was almost run over by a lil old lady. She was coming out of a strip-mall drive way I was turning into. "I never saw him" sort of deal. I was right dang in front of her. But she was cleverly disguised in a small red sports car. Old woman, one of the few natural predators of the motor-bicyclist. Them and drunks. Well them, drunks and car doors.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

well last night i put a new crappy target tire on cause i blew the out the other one earlier on thw way to wrk. I decided to greases the rear hub while i had it off after and 1.5hrs i got it all figured out greased and back together. I also got my new sprocket adapter from from sportscarpat and it is awsome just waiting for a new wheel and a chain breaker to put it on. I am also designing a new bike want it to be full suspension for comfort and riding in the dirt next to the road not much shoulder here to ride on the edge of town.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cool Toxic. I have been playing with concepts and thoughts on full suspension and am looking forward to what ya come up with. I am working on a sort of "mad-max" thing now with a roll cage, scooter engine/drive train (rear) and a forward EWheel sort of deal. Bummer part is no pedals. So it wont be a true MB. I kinda like the challenge of keeping em a bike. But this is to be an actual commuter vehicle to be used yr round. (in CT, lol)