what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My Diamondback bike w/Tanaka 47R engine was at my apartment in town. After work, my son dropped me off and followed me to his home, which was 8.5 miles away. I had an interesting conversation with my neighbor. He was floored that my bike can commute to work for 8 days on a tank of gas. He fills his large truck up every week, at a cost of $96.00!
On the way home, my son said I was flying! xct2
He clocked the bike's speed at 37mph after climbing a steep hill, and I wasn't pushing it to the max. He said it was not easy to see the bike's engine while I was moving or at a stop, especially when I was pedalling. It looked like a regular bicycle, except for the moderate engine noise, slight trail of smoke and of course the speed. I passed a bus and a hot rod truck along the boulevard. You could feel their eyes on me, especially when the truck was pacing me from a safe distance.
At a busy intersection, I was riding in the curb lane. I saw a car approaching behind me. It had its right turn signal on, so I pulled to the far left of the curb lane. This allowed the sedan to squeeze through and turn right at the traffic light. He paused alongside me for a few seconds, then turned rightand pulled away.

It was a police car.

I passed a few bicyclists on the way home. My son said they all stared at me as I passed them. He also stated that it was an odd sight to see one guy pushing his bike up a steep hill, and me riding uphill at 20mph behind a line of cars.:)
Surprisingly, the bike performed flawlessly. I was impressed, because I had just replaced its GP460 engine with the Tanaka 47R. Its maiden voyage was just a mile or so before this 8.5 mile jaunt yesterday.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got with good ol UPS [the brown truck] My last big order they messed up. This was supposed to be put together this week. They tracked it down allegedly to a incompetent clerk. It was in town for two days here where the screw up was and they shipped it back this morning to the shipper when I was sleeping. lol I was on the horn clearing it up today. Oh well what can a guy do these days lol.:(

But next week..........something like that. It was UPS's falt they are clearing up with no charge. The folks in my city really impress sometimes:-{

Gotta have a seance of humor aye.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

put new 415 chain on. just gotta break it in now. i put my chains on with no master link. dont know if any of y'all do it too or notxct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I passed the 100 mile mark today. Now it's time to adjust the valves!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

took it for a ride, half way through something start rattling badly. limped the motor back home thinking it was something internal.


it was the bolt for the front mounting bracket :p
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had the same thing happen to me. What I did to solve this problem was to get a stronger set of bolts from Sick Bike Parts and then double bolted anything that was hooked to the motor. It seems to be holding up pretty well right now although I really don't have that many extra miles on it.

Today, or last night maybe. I installed a tachometer it was an Enm unit. I haven't taken the bike out at so I don't know if it actually works. I still don't have a speedometer but,I really don't want one. If I feel like I'm going fast then and I am.

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

pulled the cylinder cap off, and saw all manners of nastyness in side. (carbon, carbon EVERYWHERE!!)

good news was that the cylinder wall was nice and smooth, no nicks or scratches anywhere.

flipped the cap around (angle fire one) so the spark is on the exhaust side, facing the intake, then raised the needle a little so it'd be a little richer, and the thing just took off like a bat outta .. well you know.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Smoothe, ya gotta let me know where to send that beer. (cup of coffee would spill in the post) Long ride and #4 ride with the cheap forks off the $85 MTB. Rides better and safer then the $140 pair. Gonna go off on the next member who gives grief to a new person building with a cheap bicycle.

During the ride an older woman pulls up to me at a stop light. "You should put some reflective tape or lights on the back or some thing. You look like a tree" I was wearing a brown leather helmet and Carhartt jacket. I thanked her and rode away. After thinking about it, she is one of my biggest MB fears. An old lady, a drunk and a car door tops my lists. After stopping, I put a battery operated flasher light on the back of my helmet. I wanted to take a pic but as I was doing this in a park, a seagull landed with 2 reflective things on his wing for some sort of research thing. So he could ride my bike safely as long as he flapped..

On the way and at the bottom of a long hill, my muffler fell off. Is the rubber blow bag so it bounced almost as fast as I was going. (kinda funny. took some great bounces) When it stopped, I turned back. Instead of screwing it back on, I just stuck it in my pocket. Man!!! HFs sound cool with s8t pipes! Like lil angry Harleys.

Left it off and warmed my pocket nicely. Smelled nice too. I checked to see if there was any burning rubber. Nope, just smells oddly like breakfast in a dinner.

Great thread. So far I learned a better ratio for this build and way better suspension. Really cool. Always some thing to learn from you's guys.


OH!!! duel front brakes rock!


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I can not take credit for things I learned on this board, Dan. But I will take that beer!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Did ya notice? complete accident but the seat (off a $90 moon dog) matches the bike that matches the forks. Really was a throw together and I just noticed. I got 10 bucks off the moon dog 'cause the seat had that tear. The dang thing rides awesome and I like how she looks. win/win

Further proof that no amount of planning will replace dumb luck.

(the beer shorted out the scanner. dunno. It was capped when I slammed the cover down)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm not much for PDF beer anyway, Dan.

That seat looks like it was born there!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode 8.5 miles this morning, bike running a little sluggish on the hills, I had just put a new NTTC Carb. on it last week and hadn't done any tuning to it yet, but I knew it was running a little rich because the plug was very dark when I had looked at it and it was 4 stroking way more than normal.

This afternoon I pulled the carb, off, removed the main jet and checked it for size it was a #70 which I have found is a bit big around here in the hotter thinner air climate, so I soldered it up and redrilled it to a smaller #72, I then went on a 13 mile round trip ride and it was better but still not what it should be so when I got back I pulled the spark plug and it is still pretty Black/Brown instead of the nice Lite Chocolate Brown it should be, so when I get a chance I'll resolder and drop down to a #74 and see how that does.

I also cleaned the air filter foam and soaked it good in Foam filter oil that I also use on the filters of my Nitro RC Trucks and Buggy, this is the best stuff to use on the foam elements by the way dirt wont get by it like it will the K&N oil which is not designed for foam filters.

And also I am really luv-in my home made clutch pucks on this bike, very nice grip on this high compression engine......
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

1 hour into the new day here, just removed last of my engine tin and installed SBP's 4-stroke air filter. My brother put one of these on his bike last week and is very happy with the improvement in looks. The slight performance boost didn't hurt either!


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I rode up Cave Creek Road about 5 minutes from my office to Cyclegear, where I purchased these lovely mirrors (That don't vibrate like the last one did). They didn't have the helmet I wanted though, so I may order one online.




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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

so as i had mentioned before, i had the clip set to the middle, and the bike ran really good.

well, ran good until it started 4 stroking like crazy. couldn't even touch the throttle without it 4 stroking... :<

set it back to the 2nd to the top notch, it runs on that, but it's a tad too lean.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Really does Smoothe, thanks. I like the way it blends with the cream color on the headset. With out that seat and every thing else black or chromed, looked out of place

Designed a front fender. The old one has 5 holes drilled to accept the fancy suicidal springers and when they failed scratched em pretty deep. Could be made to work. But new plan is small fender on the forks them selves, and a plate on the down tube. The small plate could fall off and would not hinder forward motion. The plate on the down tube has much better mounting options as it will be all solid and non-moving.

There is a custom leather shop in the industrial area I like to ride. I have been thinking of asking what seat covers would cost. Thinking "MotorBicycling.com" ones with the lettering on the sides. My avatar with the words; "Sit on a happy face"

Ya know, normal stuff like that.

I must own 12 bike seats and just about every one is tore up. (I blame global warming and Budweiser) Would make getting the right colors easier.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

so engine runs like sh*t now...

acts like it has a rev limiter on it.

going to perhaps try putting an old spark plug in (thinking it got all covered in gunkyness)

after some time playing bioshock though ^_^
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Spent the day looking for a 26x2.125 front wheel with drum brakes any suggestions (links plz)? Too cold and rainy to ride darnit...
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