goat those bits from harbor freight are junk they break just looking at them. 1977 mopeds and treatland.tv has every jet you could need packs of 5 for 10 bucks. also whats up with the proflex man you got me wondering if its ever gonna be ready.
I know the bits are fragile. Thing is they worked! Or at least entertained me lol. I got to work in a shop years ago where automotive carbs still got rebuilt soldering a jet & re-drilling it was a casual thing.
I enjoyed tunning this carb so far. But I love to tinker. The idle jet is what I prolly need?? The drill bit coverage I have don't get there I used what I had methodically in stages. I went through the bits and wobbled them in the jet holes to check size before I soldered them shut. I had a machinist ruler caliper thingy and them good eyes too lol. Just looked Treatland is out of stock. I did think to set the drill bit to the side I used to later truly measure it .
You are prolly right tho. Because of one thing that I think of the said jets. Starter [choke circuit] jet has mores holes further up on the jet body . They come in 50,55,60,and 65. betcha I got it at close to 50. Starts right up perfect every time with the choke tho ''cold starts''. It was mandatory to fix.
After I made the pilot jet smaller on the bottom of it I finally have adjustment that showed up at the mixture screw. In the beginning that screw did nothing at all. The choke circuit is related to this circuit as well. As per this Link. This is why I messed with it. I don't ride down the street with the choke on.
I let the motor warm up some then ride it. Don't wanna do any thing like cold seizure to a tight well built motor. I will never drive it with the choke on.....About 15 to 30 seconds tops with the choke on so far then I give this pig a minimum of three minutes to warm up. Occasionally blipping the throttle and raising the idle untill the fins get warm..
Dellorto Motorcycle Carburetor Tuning Guides I will put in a call to treatland tomorrow those jets are cheap enough I owe it to myself to take a look I think.
I got this carb so close tho... Other than a occasional bog once a blue moon [ been very rare] off Idle still a little rich there. It does not want to idle down low. The driveability is pretty darn good right now. My thoughts originally was I wanted to run this thing a tad rich. This thing was horrible at bogging in the beginning when the carb was untouched. After idling [rough] at a intersection light this bike would buck and barley move. But then when it did move and blow out it still was 4 stroking heavy a lot.
My start up routine right now when the motor is hot ''only set coolling for a few minutes'' I blip the throttle while hitting the kick start. If it cools long enough I have to use the choke for a brief second. I never blip the throttle while hitting the kit start with the choke on at anytime ever. My 5.8 I never touched the carb and it was the same way.
My buddy has been using the pipe for the last 2 months as I have no running china's right now. Well I have one but I truly hate the bike. Just a couple of new motors here I wanna finesse correctly. So I let him play with it we all only live once lol. You tuned it perfect! The welding and craftsmanship is awesome!! That pipe is sweeet!! I kinda gave up on the Proflex don't think I want to ever do a J Shaft again. Gonna peddle it. It pales in comparison to the BoXer.
dont be getting morini spoiled lol
Too late it spoiled me from day one.
hey goat i have a 24 mm on my honda 50cc and it's def not too big for the motor. why did you change the choke jet?
''What altitude is the said Honda wondering around at''?
now you gotta get the proflex going. maybee someday i can get my tacoboxxer goin lol
How about your full sus build! That's gonna be a kewl bike! My full suspension Morini bike I built was a time consuming saga. I have a lot of respect for the builders here! That water cooled China you are building is gonna be trick as all get go!! I love it I really enjoy all the builds on this forum got my respect!!
Sorry I did not get back to you on the Proflex man plans change all the time.
I have definite plans for that pipe!

Got one blueprinted for the most part China coming together.
Been thinking about how cool a water 12 hp cooled Morini would look! Not that I am complaining in any way about these air cooled tho really they are perfect. I beat the snot out of my old 5.8 hp. It only loved me for it. Runs better than ever.