Goat's SCSW BoXer

I thought this run off was a neat view the plants had taken over some of the cement. This is up in the foot hills area. Man there is some nice houses up here its like a whole different world.


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Here is the climb and ascent city views. Gotta blow the picts back up to see the grandeur of any of them. Not ever the same as being there.


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Well I switched to a Vector Digital Gauge at Trail Tech Home Vector computer unit. The Vapor tech was a little sketchy with the E.M.P. from the Morini engine. After a while it did some weird stuff. In a nut shell I would say to perhaps just use the Vector then get a TTO tach Trail Tech TT0 Hour METER/TACH 72-A00 and run it separate.

The Vapor one was awesome but not really Morini friendly. The Folks at the warranty department suggested the Vector model after examining my unit and we went over things together... I am very pleased with their warranty service they have been a pleasant joy to work with. Just thought I would give a heads up on the Vapor model and my experiences with it.

I loved that unit but honestly the electromagnetic storm that comes off the Morini has been the loudest I have ever seen from a small engine.

Other than that all is well. Near 5000 miles now running the clutch at my previously posted high stall... darn thing is still like new! Pad/shoe wear looks great! My currant carb tuning is left untouched. There is no on off switch I can go as slow as 5 miles an hour at times. The needle and atomizer change fixed me right up for my altitude.

With the cold winter weather here at a long prolonged Idle I still have to tickle the hand throttle a little to not fowl the plug. I am not complaining at all runs cherry with my 21mm..
Thought here might be some confusion? I am running this arrangement since the last carb fixin... with just one of the two thin shims taken out ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( / / and I change the clutch oil fairly often.;)
Been playing with a intake silencer. Ever since I got the bigger 21mm del on with the little plastic velocity shaped air filter attachment on it..it acted like a mega phone. The bigger carby lets a little more noise out too.. The exhaust is actually very quiet.. All the noise comes out the carby. It is not much just an experimental air box. My learning with this is that any restricted flow is backwards on performance.

I basically have a 12mm gap around the cover to where the box never touches the air filter at all. It now makes a deeper quieter tone. It is growing on me a bit and I will play with this a bit more. Here is my prototype. This little cover cut the noise back in half.

When I first started learning about this motor and the bigger PHBG carb..plus the freaky nasty dirt storms I had in the spring.. I used nylon stockings to cover the foam racing filter and whilst getting familiar I did not want to run the motor lean.. The nylon makes a great filter by itself but put over the foam filter made things coincidentally quiet.

Unfortunately any time air filter restriction is put on a two stroke you sacrifice power. This mod is very quiet and is just over the foam racing filter by it self containing the little sonic booms putting right me at H.T. noise level territory again, if even quieter.. Depends who's H.T. lol..



I used a Organic Vally brand yogurt bottle. Truly the only thing I have nonchalantly come across that is remotely close to the dimensions of the filter embodiment . The plastic from this bottle appears to be fuel resistant too. I also figure I can put a nice reflector on the back of something like this ..

I used a old drywall saw blade the handle was gone. This in turn is very resilient to vibrations and has spring steel to it, it holds memory of where it needs to sit very well. Just need cheap tungsten steel drill bits , a high speed drill. Then right when the drill bit turns cherry red the hole gets drilled through lol. Drill bits don't like spring steel.

On another note got into the clutch today for a look see. I can finally see a little wear it is still working perfect. My guess mebbe another 3000 miles dunno? Will have to report. My thrust washers are doing good behind the bell at the engine wall. I customized those early at the bench grinder and sand paper. Was a slow process when I did it. Took forever..I still have no play that can rattle going on.

Last forgot to say since fall season weather and 80 degree days. My present 21mm jetting and fuel mixture screw have been left absolutely untouched. Got to ride in 8 degree fahrenheit temps at 4:00 am in the morning..

Note to self at 6 foot, a black winter jump suit and a ski mask makes folks at the 7 Eleven very nervous. I took the mask off upon entering lol.

The cold dense air makes the Morini run wicked strong. At stop lights I had to fondle the throttling to keep it from loading up tho. My take on it... the engine was just too cold to digest the fuel. Not complaining at all and it did this even with out the air box in the picture so to speak. In better words there ''is no air restriction''

The air got so dense that on a straight away at full throttle my tiny little bit of 4 stroking safety zone went away. Which was also reserved in my tuning for steep hill climb runs. I am not gonna change my jetting. From what I got to learn and the power its turning out!! It will be fine me thinks.
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Well I switched to a Vector Digital Gauge at Trail Tech Home Vector computer unit. The Vapor tech was a little sketchy with the E.M.P. from the Morini engine. After a while it did some weird stuff. In a nut shell I would say to perhaps just use the Vector then get a TTO tach Trail Tech TT0 Hour METER/TACH 72-A00 and run it separate.

The Vapor one was awesome but not really Morini friendly. The Folks at the warranty department suggested the Vector model after examining my unit and we went over things together... I am very pleased with their warranty service they have been a pleasant joy to work with. Just thought I would give a heads up on the Vapor model and my experiences with it.

I loved that unit but honestly the electromagnetic storm that comes off the Morini has been the loudest I have ever seen from a small engine.

Other than that all is well. Near 5000 miles now running the clutch at my previously posted high stall... darn thing is still like new! Pad/shoe wear looks great! My currant carb tuning is left untouched. There is no on off switch I can go as slow as 5 miles an hour at times. The needle and atomizer change fixed me right up for my altitude.

With the cold winter weather here at a long prolonged Idle I still have to tickle the hand throttle a little to not fowl the plug. I am not complaining at all runs cherry with my 21mm..

Yeah Im chalking my Tiny Tach upto a loss the Morini seem to send this thing into error mode every couple of minutes of riding itll flsh a "U110" code and shut off. Ill put it on a 4 stroke instead.
Yeah Im chalking my Tiny Tach upto a loss the Morini seem to send this thing into error mode every couple of minutes of riding itll flsh a "U110" code and shut off. Ill put it on a 4 stroke instead.
Man that's a bummer. Thanks for the input. Where is your coil and CDI mounted at. Mine is all in the front. Was hoping to here some input out of some one mounted more rear wards on the bike perhaps?

I learned enough about my bike when mine was working. I was stalling around 8000 rpm and under. Depended on the terrain and the general load. Its a trip watching the clutch equalize with different speeds.
Man that's a bummer. Thanks for the input. Where is your coil and CDI mounted at. Mine is all in the front. Was hoping to here some input out of some one mounted more rear wards on the bike perhaps?

I learned enough about my bike when mine was working. I was stalling around 8000 rpm and under. Depended on the terrain and the general load. Its a trip watching the clutch equalize with different speeds.

CDI is mounted on the rear of the bike behind the seat post, the coil is bolted to a plate I fabricated to match the bolt pattern of the intake so the coil is attached directly to the engine.
CDI is mounted on the rear of the bike behind the seat post, the coil is bolted to a plate I fabricated to match the bolt pattern of the intake so the coil is attached directly to the engine.
That was your Tiny Tach.. http://motorbicycling.com/f47/whos-else-running-tachometer-35774.html I am going to experiment with resisters put on the wrapped inductance wire lead dunno? Mebbe its a thought for a single tach? Perhaps the electromagnetic induction is too strong of a currant? I know grabbing at straws here lol.

Got more thoughts to share about my clutch. The brass bushing looked real good on the bell. That surprised me. I am still stalling at my previous said 8000 rpm. I have only been using the Vector head unit for a short time now and can still plug my old tach back in.. Aside from cleaning out any debris from my washer stack. Only did that once and of course it was carb/gear learning time then too.. Currently still using the original bevel washers. Never did put new ones in.. Still using the original clutch cover gasket as well but it will prolly finally get replaced next inspection.

With winter here the oil I am using must get thick enough to drag against the clutch? A dragging feeling when rolling the bike can be felt..This only happens when the bike has been left just sitting in the winter cold. ''Very'' shortly after start up this phenomena goes away. When the bike is warmed back up engine running for a few. Turn the motor off and the drag will be gone..

I was gonna see how long these bevel washers would last. My thoughts... they are matching the wear in the clutch as time goes? Have not done any thing to this clutch really but change the oil.. Last I never ever over heated this motor ether.

I had my doubts about the rear wheel in the beginning. Darn spokes were loose as heck every time I forgot to check them.. This happened in the very first 1200 miles or so to me about three times. Was quite shocking, and worrisome until I finally figured out what was happening. There was spokes that were so loose I could not retrieve the nipples to even re tightened very easy as they were up in the rim..

Finally read up on it in other forums. Studied good wheels around that had always worked great. Went to tighten my spokes way tighter than I had done before while working the spokes to make them relax where they sit.. Bingo The wheel never gave me a bit of problems again..

The double wall aluminum alloy rim is pretty tuff too apparently quite resistant to warping because this whole operation was done never removing the wheel from the bike. Not the first time or bike I have gone this route tho. My wheel is still strait as a whistle. Darn spokes just needed to be cold tensioned right.

Still on the same 415 KMC heavy duty chain. It never gave me any problems of any kind. Still have the same peddle chain on the rear swing arm all tho it really needs changed. I just let it sit loose and never had any issues as it does not rub the swing arm when peddle assisting... Could prolly use a nylon rub block there but other than rub the paint way there ''resting'' it was not doing any scary immediate harm in my opinion. I will come up with something cute. I put a new chain at the crank and the teinsioner it needed the teinsioner to keep the chain on and worked perfect after that..

More reading..

When I was running the ten tooth
I am not really

Last an explanation for my D.H. S. P. attachment lol.. I love this thing.
Fuel Economy Hiclone Pulstar Pulse Plugs High Performance Spark Plug KN Filters - About Direct Hits

I have the last of my parts slowly trickling in. Got a spare ride coming together eventually. Next ones is gonna be a piece of cake. Just going to apply everything I learned here.;)
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All great info Goat, I noticed this same exact resonance while cold on my bike too, it does not seem to do it while warm to be sure.

I dont foresee a reason to ever change my bevelled washers other than the occasional squeak you can barely hear when the clutch begins to disengage I have had zero issue with my clutch.

My big finding thus far was how oil ratio effects the Morini, you see I run Opti2 in all of my 2 strokes but when you run 100:1 in the Morini it actually creates a slightly rich condition and over enough rides eventually loads up the plug. Ive found better performance closer to 50:1 with Opti.

I was gonna try some sort of ignition amplification setups until I talked to a local flat track racing mechanic who summed it up by saying, " if you and I are standing in a room full of gas and compression, does it really make a difference whether I light a match or a blowtorch?"

Good stuff.
my study showed that the bike run's weaker without my D.H. I tested thoroughly both ways with and with out. When the motor is fully revved the magneto is of course running a hot spark. I don't foul my plug anymore than can simply be blown out by riding. With out it...it was a weaker run for me and harder to blow out.

I can tune the carb a tad leaner of course but I am tuned for the best cutting edge power I could get.
All great info Goat, I noticed this same exact resonance while cold on my bike too, it does not seem to do it while warm to be sure.

I dont foresee a reason to ever change my bevelled washers other than the occasional squeak you can barely hear when the clutch begins to disengage I have had zero issue with my clutch.

My big finding thus far was how oil ratio effects the Morini, you see I run Opti2 in all of my 2 strokes but when you run 100:1 in the Morini it actually creates a slightly rich condition and over enough rides eventually loads up the plug. Ive found better performance closer to 50:1 with Opti.

I was gonna try some sort of ignition amplification setups until I talked to a local flat track racing mechanic who summed it up by saying, " if you and I are standing in a room full of gas and compression, does it really make a difference whether I light a match or a blowtorch?"

Good stuff.
There is more to the picture than just a little ol spark going on. Stuff like spark does not like to go into a compressed atmosphere.
At the time I had a spare CDI

As for your squeak? Do you have the thrust washers set up sweet behind your bell? I found that when the bell wobbles enough you can get some weird noises and even a vibration when off of and just off of the throttle. Mines is smooth as silk! It was not that way for me on both my S6T and S6S until the end play was set right.

Not getting any smoke probs or any thing at all save for a brief period at warm up after choke was on. Gonna stick with 42 or 50 to one with my motors. I am just not brave enough to go 100 to one all tho I hear it works perfect for folks. Your the first to do it with a Morini that I know of? This will be Kewl to see how you do. You should put your results over here after awhile? http://motorbicycling.com/f3/100-1-mix-9850-89.html
With the little winter time discoveries I found I tried something new today. My clutch when the bike sat still on hella cold days, the oil would get thick enough in the clutch cover that the bike could be felt dragging a little when wheeling, just pushing it around. ''not riding it'' Also there would be a noticeable drag felt at the kick starter handle. Lucky me my bike starts right up as my carb is dead on perfect. I am still on my last reported jetting.

I had some Lucas brand ''heavy duty'' oil stabilizer on hand from recent auto oil changes. What I did was park the bottles up side down and collected the rest! This oil is pretty darn thick. I read the label on it and it said for 4-stroke motorcycles with wet clutches, use 10%. http://www.jpcycles.com/product/900-690


In this link it even list KTM model motorcycles...

Right now I am running it a 50% I was out of this stuff I have been using since day one... Maxima MTL 85W

What I got was the same clutch personality I got on a very cold winter day! Which I had come to love. So I will run a winter and summer oil from now on. Shoot I think with the July type heat I will just run straight Lucas! This stuff kicks Butt!

I am still on my stock clutch with a washer stack of ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( / / and I have no intentions of ''ever'' changing it.. My clutch is still cherry and not worn out. I will report when I ever finally do. The thing is I have finished my fine tuning quite simply with the thicker oil. This rocks! Learn something new. Bring on a hot summer I am ready dance1brnot
I am still on my stock clutch with a washer stack of ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( / / and I have no intentions of ''ever'' changing it.. My clutch is still cherry and not worn out. I will report when I ever finally do. The thing is I have finished my fine tuning quite simply with the thicker oil. This rocks! Learn something new. Bring on a hot summer I am ready dance1brnot

I'll let you know how the disc clutch works...when it ever comes in!
Great write-up, GH!

Will be very helpful for others running the same engine.

lol I'd probably have a coronary buying fancy oil like that! lol

...still watching for a new vid! :-)

Wanna make another vid some time Rusty but my camera is pretty lousy. One day fo sho!! Need to buy another video camera or try to get the old one working again. That camera really aggravated me batty a lot! More money something else to buy sigh..

Saving the money and waiting has been brutal for my liquid cooled Boxer it is all here and presently accounted for now for the most part!!! Save a few parts like brakes and such... Will be doing something custom there on my own.. This bike platform has to be IMHO the best ever!! Been pleased so far with the first one!! It will be completed some time this summer. Did not order a complete bike just tried to get all the important stuff possible. Such is the way of a custom build..

Got another surprise coming too but gotta hold my tongue as I never know where my budget truly is these days? Buying up spare Motors,parts etc broke me pretty good. Set up pretty dog gone good now tho, thinking growing older and retiring gracefully is very possible with my investment!!

I am at a point where I am doing so much and I get so busy that I am just plain burnt the heck out sometimes. lol Other prob is being a perfectionist. There has been no necessity for invention at the moment as luckily my currant ride has been very dependable too.

Built some custom Large Marge wheel sets for both bikes as well currently . Turns out building my own wheels ''myself'' is both very easy,,, very satisfying,,,, and fun! Running 24'' on front and rear on my old Boxer right now with a new set of longer beefier Rock Shox .

Thinking should have kept the front 26'' ? Seams to steer track and handle better ..That is how it is going to be with the new bike from this point of view.. . The larger rims have complimented the bigger tires both in ride quality and looks so far. Never did like huge tires on skinny rims!

Will post picts some time yet don't wanna until I finish the other bike and have been kinda burnt out. Still waiting on the 52 tooth sprocket '''originally''' ordered as both my rides need to be geared the same for future study. That ''was'' the plan! The 52 tooth is mandatory.. As well as pretty much the way the swing arm works for me..

The girth of this size gear offers proper chain clearance from hitting/scrubbing the swing arm on heavy road bumps and the ride quality/ engine tuning that has been the true addiction here. This was my discovery early on with the first bike and have always been perfectly satisfied with my top speed.

So sigh,,, so more custom work and waiting. But it will be as flawless as I can wear my self out getting it!!! Such is the endless seemingly mandatory torture and true joy of a custom bike I think we all come to enjoy here!!

Been looking forward to trying the smooth face stone pads surfaces of the newer style? Design L/C clutch. It is a different style than the currant dimpled stone surface of the A/C bike I have been running presently.

I have a spare new clutch like that on stand by for the A/C motor but am not gonna use it till my present clutch wears out. Currently got the thrust washers customized just right on that one for any end play on the bell.

Will have to go to prolly about mebbe 25% Lucas stabilizer . The clutch came on so soon that the centrifugal force to the shoes became miss matched. Could feel a slight slip at take off and all that disappeared at speed. Felt kinda like a chain jumping. The motor was a bit of a bugger to start as well! '' oil drag big time''

Today was a hot enough day and ran the bike pretty darn hard, but could not even get that oil to thin out much under heat soak... It did smooth out a tad but more like if i pretended it did lol. Thinking 25% might do it for me in the high heat of summer.

This stuff is thick oil!!! 50% was way over kill.. Talking as thick as mebbe? 150w?

'' guessing?''. Hey!! Really wanted to see the difference. lol... Most assuredly on to something... Thinking it is very kewl tho.. Liking where this is going!!

Edit for two hours later found a bottle of ol Belray 80w left over from the 5.8 Morini when I briefly ran the two shoe. ''glad it got changed to a three shoe too!''

So the clutch needed flushed anyway vy way of a early oil change... Went and put it at roughly 25% with the Belray and its perfect so far! Got a very high clutch stall still,, can crawl steady at as slow as 5 mph ''on a slight incline''' and rip it to take off steady, going fast or slowly.

Will not consider my testing done until I get another bottle of Maxima MTL it has been my favorite. dunno? but think it holds viscosity better? Could very well be wrong tho? Never ran it long enough to prolly say it was properly studied..

Also wanna try the synthetic version of Lucas Stabilizer eventually too.
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I'll let you know how the disc clutch works...when it ever comes in!
The more I think about it I want to put this clutch in my water cooled Boxer. I think I know which one your are gonna get? Do tell!!

I put a new intake silencer on tonight . Nothing all that special. Except I made it about 15mm longer. Then ran it up closer to the carb body intake up pretty flush. Put a little bigger gap at the back of the cut bottle spacing to the gap on the back of the foam air filter. Made the Whole cover longer. Last no holes in the side walls on the plastic bottle body or underneath like my first one. Just a solid sheath with a nice gap to the back.

Same plastic yogurt bottle. http://www.organicvalley.coop/products/yogurt/plain/ It offers a nice air gap around the entire foam racing filter!

Darn thing has a way deeper tone to it like a Thumper motor. Kinda its a way deeper tone than stock with the higher revving of a Morini course.. Sounds wicked! :) It is even more quiet than before!! All the noise has been coming from the carb side on this bike.

This silencer gismo is awesome. The bike is too quiet now. ''think getting the proper attention of cars in traffic'' The noise it is very peaceful. Can totally hear the little nuances in the machine now for the most part.

My first one cant tell from the pictures that were posted but I put a long open slit underneath and had drill some holes as well. This one is liken to the first one, but no holes any where save slipping it over the air filter. Tried the new one and it is not air restrictive at all. Just muffles the sound very well!

Road a bunch more on the 24'' front wheel it has grown on me. Lengthened the forks more. This bike will turn on a dime.

The clutch oil has helped. Yet if I do a few hours of errands around town, still get a bit of engagement fade. For my riding around town style its is working great tho. Cannot complain.

I want to try that disk clutch for a competitive race bike event.
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