All is good been loving it! I got it at a #258 AU atomizer #90 main jet W9 needle first notch from top last #40 idle jet. This is my final tuning never to mess with again. ''For now'' Check edit.. In the case some one at my altitude needs to copy my homework lesson lol.
[[[[['''Edit......''' this is for months later when I actually learned more.. Would have to read the bottom of this post.........In reality when I had time I played with the carb all summer! I got pissed at times but actually enjoyed every stinking minute of it. I was a happy lost puppy

This thing has been operating perfect in the high summer heat. I get up to about 360 F on my longer runs mebbe 390 F. {note this prolly is not a fully accurate reading as my temp sensor is directly at the spark plug}
The clutch is sweet it cruises great! The Vapor Tech computer monitor has worked flawlessly I am very happy with that purchase. . I just broke in at 1000 miles I felt a surge in power. I am at 1400 miles and this S6S seams to be loving the altitude and hot summer days here.
Its a lot of fun and very interesting monitoring engine temp verses tuning. When the motor is cold I hit the choke. Start it let it idle for about 30 seconds. Then with the choke still on I blip it a little until it will blip without hesitation keeping the idle raised a tad by now about two minutes have gone by. {will certainly take a little longer in the winter tho}
Last I let off the choke do two more blips noting the the motor is doing it crisply. By then and it always correlates with my temp reading. Right at 120 F it's ready to start riding and it will began to idle perfectly. This has been as consistent as the morning paper lol.
If I get stuck say in a restaurant drive through where I have been in line for days so to speak with the bike idling . ''Taking a real long time'' I don't have to blip the motor but I do have to occasionally raise the idle for a brief second or the motor will load up rich and bog for a second at take off other wise.
It's not a big deal and is very rare. Hey its a race motor they even tell ya in the manual not good to idle these pigs they are meant to move.
I will round up my picts later.
The bike as a hole has been holding up great! I switched the itty bitty gas tank tank out with another tank I had. Those were the only tanks Dean had at the time.
I had a problem with the rear brake the first weak I had the bike bike. Still checking back with Dean to see what can be done? My mounting was a little uneven {I could fix myself later} and a very important keeper pin fell out of the brake caliper resulting in shoe loss and caliper damage. A bit of a freak thing and then there was some shipping damages.
I had to re-lace my rear wheel. I did not agree right off with the way it was. Fortunately I know one of the best Wheel Smiths ever. He got it right the first time and set the cold setting on the spokes perfectly. I was able to follow up on the spokes later my self and my wheel has been flawless.
In the beginning the crank arms and motor mounts etc were still seating in. I would check them every 20 miles or so. Now I have been just riding it. Nothing comes loose on this bike and I never carry tools..
I WILL NEVER RIDE A HARD TAIL AGAIN AFTER THIS BIKE!! Long rides absolutely never even leave me feeling stiff!!That's one of the major reasons I went this route. That and the Morini..
this is for months later when I actually learned more..took all darn summer too..I really went to school on this carb. There is no map that says you are here. lol. I basically had to rub my nose in this thing like a master trains a dog not to soil the carpet. Its been all summer..
After chasing tail on a 21mm carby for weeks!! I came up with a W7 needle 258 AU atomizer 3rd notch and a 48 pilot...about 1 1/4 turns out on the adj screw. Last a 50 starter ''choke jet''
Its mebbe a 97 jet dunno for sure? For a 19 mm I would definitely use the same guts with a smaller main jet.. The atomization got greatly ''improved'' power for me across the entire throttle spectrum. This carb set up for where I live IS THE MONEY SHOT of accumulated hands on experience. I am very proud of it. Took some time! This is my home work lesson to copy for 6000+ feet above sea level!
'' Decided its cheap enough at this point. There is no solder in my carb nor will I be in the future but I don't mind spinning up a drill bit at a main jet''