Goat Herder
Gutter Rider
I thought this run off was a neat view the plants had taken over some of the cement. This is up in the foot hills area. Man there is some nice houses up here its like a whole different world.
Well I switched to a Vector Digital Gauge at Trail Tech Home Vector computer unit. The Vapor tech was a little sketchy with the E.M.P. from the Morini engine. After a while it did some weird stuff. In a nut shell I would say to perhaps just use the Vector then get a TTO tach Trail Tech TT0 Hour METER/TACH 72-A00 and run it separate.
The Vapor one was awesome but not really Morini friendly. The Folks at the warranty department suggested the Vector model after examining my unit and we went over things together... I am very pleased with their warranty service they have been a pleasant joy to work with. Just thought I would give a heads up on the Vapor model and my experiences with it.
I loved that unit but honestly the electromagnetic storm that comes off the Morini has been the loudest I have ever seen from a small engine.
Other than that all is well. Near 5000 miles now running the clutch at my previously posted high stall... darn thing is still like new! Pad/shoe wear looks great! My currant carb tuning is left untouched. There is no on off switch I can go as slow as 5 miles an hour at times. The needle and atomizer change fixed me right up for my altitude.
With the cold winter weather here at a long prolonged Idle I still have to tickle the hand throttle a little to not fowl the plug. I am not complaining at all runs cherry with my 21mm..
Man that's a bummer. Thanks for the input. Where is your coil and CDI mounted at. Mine is all in the front. Was hoping to here some input out of some one mounted more rear wards on the bike perhaps?Yeah Im chalking my Tiny Tach upto a loss the Morini seem to send this thing into error mode every couple of minutes of riding itll flsh a "U110" code and shut off. Ill put it on a 4 stroke instead.
Man that's a bummer. Thanks for the input. Where is your coil and CDI mounted at. Mine is all in the front. Was hoping to here some input out of some one mounted more rear wards on the bike perhaps?
I learned enough about my bike when mine was working. I was stalling around 8000 rpm and under. Depended on the terrain and the general load. Its a trip watching the clutch equalize with different speeds.
That was your Tiny Tach.. http://motorbicycling.com/f47/whos-else-running-tachometer-35774.html I am going to experiment with resisters put on the wrapped inductance wire lead dunno? Mebbe its a thought for a single tach? Perhaps the electromagnetic induction is too strong of a currant? I know grabbing at straws here lol.CDI is mounted on the rear of the bike behind the seat post, the coil is bolted to a plate I fabricated to match the bolt pattern of the intake so the coil is attached directly to the engine.
When I was running the ten tooth
I am not really
There is more to the picture than just a little ol spark going on. Stuff like spark does not like to go into a compressed atmosphere.All great info Goat, I noticed this same exact resonance while cold on my bike too, it does not seem to do it while warm to be sure.
I dont foresee a reason to ever change my bevelled washers other than the occasional squeak you can barely hear when the clutch begins to disengage I have had zero issue with my clutch.
My big finding thus far was how oil ratio effects the Morini, you see I run Opti2 in all of my 2 strokes but when you run 100:1 in the Morini it actually creates a slightly rich condition and over enough rides eventually loads up the plug. Ive found better performance closer to 50:1 with Opti.
I was gonna try some sort of ignition amplification setups until I talked to a local flat track racing mechanic who summed it up by saying, " if you and I are standing in a room full of gas and compression, does it really make a difference whether I light a match or a blowtorch?"
Good stuff.
At the time I had a spare CDI
I am still on my stock clutch with a washer stack of ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( / / and I have no intentions of ''ever'' changing it.. My clutch is still cherry and not worn out. I will report when I ever finally do. The thing is I have finished my fine tuning quite simply with the thicker oil. This rocks! Learn something new. Bring on a hot summer I am ready![]()
The more I think about it I want to put this clutch in my water cooled Boxer. I think I know which one your are gonna get? Do tell!!I'll let you know how the disc clutch works...when it ever comes in!