what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sat and looked at my Girl. Man, She rocks! Raining to hard to ride and run outa things to tweek or fix.
(I need another build)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I decided to ditch my full suspension build for awhile i rather concentrate on tricking out my trike.. so i figured out how i was gonna mount the engine and where the radiator is going.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Pulled the jug off and re-tapped the exhaust stud holes to 1/4-20's.
Got some cap head bolts, and new washers at home depot.

De-carbonized the piston and head, and got a little discouraged with the
sloppy side to side play in the connecting rod and wrist pin.

Replaced fuel filter, fuel petcock, fuel lines.
1/4" rubber fuel lines, and a Fram F-1 inline filter came to less than 5 bucks
at the auto supply store.

Fuel petcock from Graingers with barbed hose fitting
came to 8 bucks. Fuel flow to the carb gushes now instead of a drippy trickle
with the stock valve.

Re-jetted carb a tad richer

The sun finally came out about 4 o'clock so I went out and ran the snot out of it.....

Fixing it up ain't half as fun as riding it....

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

look's like your feeling pretty good boner, happy easter to all! dennis
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yep, feeling good.
Back to having dirty hands and smelling like gasoline.
It's the life..
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Tim please post a link to the Grainger petcock with the 1/4" barb as I have been looking for the same with no luck....
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Here's the valve:
Mini Ball Valve Kit, 1/8 In NPT M x F - Ball Valves - Valves - Plumbing : Grainger Industrial Supply

Here's the barbed fitting that threads into valve:http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/Hose-Barb-6AFH3?Pid=search

Pages of barbed fittings starts here:
Search barbed brass fittings - Grainger Industrial Supply

The valve is well made, comes with 3 different style handles.

I think my barbed fitting had 5 or 6 barbs which was really long.
I cut it down to 2 or 3 barbs to shorten it to make the abrupt turn into my large see thru filter:

FRAM G1 Fuel Filter on eBay!

I like to know when I'm running out of gas. This filter when it's full will take me at least a mile, when it looks less than full I check my tank immediately.
I just look down every now and then while i'm getting low..

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today i finished up the motor i was installing for the homeless guy, and as soon as i was putting fuel in it he walked up with 150 bucks.

the bike started first try, and he was on his way.

i seriously can't believe he panhandled 150 bucks in one night. screw trying to sell bikes, i'm just gonna go stand out in front of the liquor store all day...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well I went for a ride today and wouldn't you know it, My brand new CNS carb. broke right off the mount. (gasps) I know what you are all thinking "HOW? when these carbs. are made so well". He He He. Oh well you get what you pay for.(says the man who opted to pay more for the better carb) So here I am broke like my new carb. no way to replace it and my only mode of transportation is down. Well time for some redneck engineering! So I went and found an old set of handlebars hacked off a piece and broke out the JB Weld. made a couple slits in the tube and clamped her in place. I will post pics once the weld cures and sets. I'll let y'all know how she runs then too. Crazy part of all this I was just about to respond to all the negative comments about how BAD these carbs are cause mine was running like a champ. Well I'll post some pics tomorrow hopefully.

Oh if by some chance someone has a spare NT carb or maybe a Speed carb you can sell or part with lemme know please. Thanks.

Happy Easter Everybody!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Oh if by some chance someone has a spare NT carb or maybe a Speed carb you can sell or part with lemme know please. Thanks.

Happy Easter Everybody!


wait who said that?


hit me up. it's an NT carb that i don't have any use for, never used it
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sick as the proverbial dog tonight. But I figured doing more work on the old Higgins would make me feel better. Shortened my clutch cable and re-crimped the ferrule. Now it doesn't bind when I squeeze the lever. Drilled the clutch-lever bracket for a brake light switch. I installed a steel post momentary switch that I got from Radio Shack. (GAD they have a lot less DIY stuff nowadays than I remember. Thank heaven they still have the etching stuff, I can still make my own circuit boards.) Gonna have a real nice brake light - good 'n bright. And, I figure, if it's wired to the clutch it won't matter if I use the coaster brake, the front drum, or both. So long as I use the clutch I'll be lighting the brake light.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Man sorry to here about the sick part buddy. Been enjoying the progress reports on your build. I like where you have been going with it. Looking forward to the finished product! You have came up with some great incites and concepts. I like how the head light came out. Get better soon got some riding to do!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


wait who said that?


hit me up. it's an NT carb that i don't have any use for, never used it

I don't have any other motor kits than this one. As I have sold my last three builds. The CNS carb is the only one that came with this kit. Like I said you get what you pay for. If you have a carb you could do without, please PM me with price and we can work out payment and shipping.

Thank you.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i did nothing tday but crused around a little in my neighborhood. opened up the box from sbp with my expansion pipe in it looked at it and did some very breif mock up on my cruiser but it aint going on there i gonna save it for my gt lts build i found a frame today and gonna start getting peices for it one by one gonna have to save for the jack shaft shift kit and a motor kit. other then that it was my b-day today so i didnt do much just relaxed
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Oh if by some chance someone has a spare NT carb or maybe a Speed carb you can sell or part with lemme know please. Thanks.

Happy Easter Everybody!

Dag I have a couple CNS1 and 2 Carb bodies I could let you have one if you want to pay the shipping on it...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dag I have a couple CNS1 and 2 Carb bodies I could let you have one if you want to pay the shipping on it...

Awesome Mark. Thats what I love about here and you guys. Always some one wanting to help out. Just really cool.

(aging hippie voice in my head is making fun of me so you don't have to, snork)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Awesome Mark. Thats what I love about here and you guys. Always some one wanting to help out. Just really cool.

(aging hippie voice in my head is making fun of me so you don't have to, snork)

Dan I have been helped by this forum and many of its members so when there is a chance to give something back if I can I will... I will illuminate that it will be a carb body and not a complete carb that Dag will have to transfer parts and pieces but workable. All I need to know is if it a CNSv1 or CNSv2 carb that he currently has.

SNORKING @ aging Hippie who isnt all that much older than myself...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Man sorry to here about the sick part buddy. Been enjoying the progress reports on your build. I like where you have been going with it. Looking forward to the finished product! You have came up with some great incites and concepts. I like how the head light came out. Get better soon got some riding to do!

I really do want to get riding soon, but I still have that fuel tank to worry about. I want to give my business to Fundreamer but I have no idea at all what kind of shape he's in. He mentioned surgery and that's all I know. I don't want to dump this in his lap if he's not up to it. If he is, though, I feel I owe it to him. I do want a tank on the old girl before the end of May though, if possible, and I don't want to give the job to somebody else without asking Fundreamer if it's okay.

But most importantly, I don't want the tank due to go on the Tempus to be the first tank I've ever made. I intend to learn sometime. But I want Tempus to be another looker, like her predecessor. And I'm pretty sure the first fuel tank I make will have plenty of bugs.