what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Look here. It was pretty easy to make. Not much larger than the foam air filter.

GH these motors same or not are wicked aren't they?
I don't ride everyday anymore so I tend to forget how fun this bike is! Still learning a few things to go quicker here and there.
ppl don't know wat there missing out on:)
From picts I have seen of the clutches and what not. Thinking these motors are remarkably close. I have not got the chance to try one as I got's 4 M's! Gonna sit on them until I ever need'em..

Yeah ppl don't know wut there missing out on!!(p)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well had a little fun today. someone left a couple gallons of racing fuel against the fence the other day in a 5 gallon can, I work for the city and we get people abandoning all sorts of stuff. I saw the can and thought "now What" to my surprise it was not a can full of old animal fat or something like it. It was real Race Gas, Whooo Hoooo I filled my happy time bike and it is happy. I love the smell of this stuff, I cant tell if it runs any better but its free gas. It did say not to leave it in the machine, I think it is making the hose to the carb hard, but I don't remember if this one was hard already. THis is my favorite bike and I'm using synthetic oil also, does not smell. I think this is going to be a good year for MB's its warming up good. Have fun, Dave
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Static - Try this, if I leave my bike for too long it fills the crankcase with gas and the only thing that works aside from turning the bike upside down, I ride with the throttle wide open with NO choke. It takes a few feet but then it fires and runs fat for a few minutes, for that start you never need the choke. The float stop on the stock carb has a lot to be desired. My fuel stop is shot and just feeds fuel all the time, so I get this problem all the time, Good luck, and remember have fun. Dave

Today (well, yesterday) my bike wouldn't start. I think it might have to do with my adjustment I made to the float arms the
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

made a bit of a discovery with the maxtorque clutch.

i had that issue of it shuddering like crazy when it would start engaging. so i pulled it apart, took three of the shoes and drilled a hole in them to lighten them up and put them back in.

clutch felt noticibly smoother when engaging, still shudders, but i was able to hit the gas a bit harder.

the theory was to lighten three out of the six, so that all six don't put the same pressure, i.e. 3 start to engage, followed by three more.

tomorrow i'm going to take the spring from the cvt which is a little shorter than the max torque spring, and put it in. hopefully it will be a little stronger than the maxtorque spring and allow a higher stall speed.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I did some more wiring on my bike today. Ran the brake light wires and added switches to the electrical box, re-routed the kill switch wires on the engine.
I also spent considerable time looking up information on the free scooter I got last night.
A 1987 Honda Aero 50. It looks just like this one

only very weather beaten.
It does not run and has no air cleaner assembly.
For the price, I am not complaining!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Static - Try this, if I leave my bike for too long it fills the crankcase with gas and the only thing that works aside from turning the bike upside down, I ride with the throttle wide open with NO choke. It takes a few feet but then it fires and runs fat for a few minutes, for that start you never need the choke. The float stop on the stock carb has a lot to be desired. My fuel stop is shot and just feeds fuel all the time, so I get this problem all the time, Good luck, and remember have fun. Dave

Today (well, yesterday) my bike wouldn't start. I think it might have to do with my adjustment I made to the float arms the

That's the thing, I hadn't left it long, it had been running just the day before. I tried no throttle, half, WOT, and all three with choke, and she just wouldn't start. I made sure the choke lever hadn't come loose, and that the spark plug wire was on tight, and then I had to go to work. I'll try it again in the morning, and go from there.

Edit, btw, I rode up and down my street for a good five straight minutes trying all throttle and choke combinations, then checking the lever and giving up to make it to work on time.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Skarrd, can you post a pic of where you drilled the hole in the shoes?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'd really like to see you post a report on that honda aero50 when you get it running, Gearnut... never been on one.
Wonder how they compare to our MABs.
Probably plush, with less usable power???? I dunno...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took the bike out for a quick ride even though it was about to rain. It started to rain but I kept riding anyway. Should have worn my goggles!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today (well, yesterday) my bike wouldn't start. I think it might have to do with my adjustment I made to the float arms the other day, except that it was running fine two days prior to not starting(two days after I made the adjustment). :(
Really need to get this fixed as my shift kit and x chamber are due in the mail today... but alas, I have work the next few days and might not be able to really get any time with it til Tuesday, or maybe Monday evening.

I'm also looking into a rechargabe battery for getting a (proper) light system. Thinking some LED strips for tail lights or amber turn signals (whether they vary intensity or not) and maybe some ambient lights on the body, and a good head light that can throw light 100 feet down the road.

Got it fixed... sorta. I had also taken my white wire powered light off. For some reason, this was keeping the spark from firing. I "fixed it" by connecting the white wire to the black (ground) wire. It then ran... for a time. I then had to disconnect the white wire again as it wouldn't run with the wire shorted out like that, but runs now. ...although it feels like it's lost power and it won't idle unless I've got the throttle opened at least, oh, 1/8th or more. Adjusting the idle screw doesn't help at all.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode mine out in the country, to go see some relatives. I had mapped out a route on google to stay off the main roadways, but 2 miles in, it turned into 4x4 trail. hahahha. I tried to ride it, but it turned into overgrown jeep road for the county maintenance trucks, so I gave up and took the paved road. I had a good time.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If that engine ran at all with the white wire grounded to the frame (black wire), you have a bad ground. My kill switch runs the white wire to a water bottle screw in the frame, and it cuts out 100% as soon as I touch the kill switch.

If you are talking about a grubee/happytime, you will need a handlebar switch for the light system. Mine runs, even at idle, with the lights on, but is hard or impossible to start with the lights on. I had to run a pretty narrow gap on the plug, to compensate for the lights. I am using a 6-12v automotive/maglite type bulb on the front "bullet" light, and a 12v LED tractor trailer side marker light for the rear. The LED helps keep from blowing bulbs.

There is a 12v "generator" for happytimes, that goes in the magneto case and runs its own wires for your lights. If you run that to a battery first, you will need a regulator (11.5 or up to 13.5 volts), to keep from cooking your battery.

If you want to keep it simple, find a mud flap from a diesel truck, one that fell off at the docks or something, cut a wheel out of it about 8" across, with a center hole to fit your hub (front or rear wherever you want). ziptie it to the spokes through some small holes , leaving a 2" track at the edge. Then use a 12v tire dynamo, clamped to the bike where it will run against that rubber donut.Then, you don't wear out the dyno, don't wear out the tire, and it shouldn't be affected by mud or rain.

Got it fixed... sorta. I had also taken my white wire powered light off. For some reason, this was keeping the spark from firing. I "fixed it" by connecting the white wire to the black (ground) wire. It then ran... for a time. I then had to disconnect the white wire again as it wouldn't run with the wire shorted out like that, but runs now. ...although it feels like it's lost power and it won't idle unless I've got the throttle opened at least, oh, 1/8th or more. Adjusting the idle screw doesn't help at all.

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

HC, really like the idea of a seperate rubber part attached to the spokes that a generator rubs on to turn rather than a side wall of a tire. If the gen goes to the surface of the tire as some do then I suppose it does not matter that much, but the side wall is thinner and don't want a blow out at a great speed!

Thanks for that tip!

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

mounted motor and exhaust on occ , removed baffle on sgt. scruffy,a lil loud but i feel like it has a lil more get up and go. luv the looks i get churning through the fields at 15-20 mph.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Still fabbing and forming pieces of my new tank together. I think this job will be easier with a bigger torch, or maybe MAPP. If I use MAPP though, I'll have to dial it down so I don't burn through the aluminum.
It's a good thing that aluminum kick-plates for doors are a little more than 1/16 inch thick. It makes for just the right stiffness, yet still very workable. I just wasn't able to find a piece of basic sheet aluminum both big enough and thick enough. Then I remembered kick plates. But getting it up to temp, and keeping it there, when it comes time to apply the Alumiweld could be a pain. Looks like I'll find out soon enough.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finished up the wiring.
I need to take pics of the bike for it's thread.
All the little changes have made a big change in appearance.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yep, bigger torch. Just what I needed. Alumaweld works great as long as you become skilled at removing the rapidly-forming oxide layer. And now I have a propane torch if I ever need to solder pipes.
This new aluminum tank is going to be one of my slower projects. I don't like rushing things I've never done before. But I think it'll be a good thing to take my time with this, and kinda plan as I go.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Made a monumental run across to the opposite end of town to check on fertilizer prices for my sprouts, and look for more seed.
Slow going... 19mph cruise speed thru the radar sign on the Old Kings Highway.
Crazy traffic!
People must have decided the recession was over cuz they were out in the stores buyin' all kinds of stuff!
And gutter-ridin' ME was an impediment to traffic.
Got honked at three different times. and NOT happy, glad to see you honks.
I better stay off the main street when it's super busy.
Auto parts house is going to get in a roll of Helix fuel line so I can cut off a piece, and the mower shop wants $20 for a 10ft length of #41 chain... Tyco brand... I'll do it if I can get 2 from it. Gotta measure my chain run. a 20 is hard for me to come by, these days...
Very nice WX here today in Kalifornia.
I hear them folks in DFW are getting hammered. Hope they come out ok.